On GameSpot: Wii Fit tells 10-year-old she's fat

The IT Strategic Plan Step-By-Step

Cost Control - Risk Mgmt.,
Resources Mgmt.,
Strategic Planning
Forrester Research Inc.,
Information Technology,
Forrester Research

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Overview: It's April and you are four months into your organization's fiscal year. You know that within six months you'll need to have your operating plan for the upcoming year in fairly solid shape. You also know that creating an operating plan without a longer-range strategic view is like driving a car looking only at the stripes in the road immediately in front of you. But developing or updating your IT strategic plan, avoiding thrashing, and creating a plan that drives action requires that you have a roadmap and a schedule.

(Is this item miscategorized? Does it need more tags? Let us know.)

Format: PDF | Size: 154KB | Date: Apr 2007 | Pages: 9


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