Spell-checking and thesaurus

HoTMetaL PRO provides an HTML-aware spell-checker and thesaurus.

Using the spell checker

The Check Spelling... command in the Edit menu allows you to spell-check all or part of the text of your document, using one or more dictionaries.

When you choose Check Spelling... or click on the SPELICON toolbar button, HoTMetaL PRO spell-checks your document, starting at the insertion point and continuing through the document, wrapping around to the top when the end of the document has been reached. If a word is found that has no entry in any of the dictionaries, a dialog box appears: the word is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box next to the label Misspelled Word and is also highlighted in the document window.


The list in the dialog box will present a number of possible substitutions: this list includes words whose spelling or pronunciation is close to the unrecognized word. The words are listed in decreasing order of probability that they are the correct substitution.

Correcting a misspelled word

If one of the words in the list is the correct substitute for the misspelled word, you can click on that word. The word you chose is then put in the text entry box labeled Replace with. You can also type replacement text of your choice in the text entry box directly. This text entry box initially contains the unrecognized word. When the text entry box contains the desired substitution, click on the [Replace] button to make the correction to the document and continue spell-checking.

Leaving a word as-is

If the unrecognized word is a word that you consider spelled correctly (perhaps it is a jargon word, a proprietary name, etc.) then you have several options.

HoTMetaL PRO informs you when no more misspelled words are found.

Restricting spell checking

You can restrict spell checking to a selection in your document. This must be done in two parts. First, define the restricted search area:

This causes the restricted search area to be defined. Even if you later highlight some other part of the document, HoTMetaL PRO will still know where the restricted area is. This process does not actually enable restricted spell checking. To do this, you must then:

If it is turned on, restricted spell checking is enabled.

Choosing the spell checking `language'

HoTMetaL PRO can check for American English or British English spelling. The lexicon for each `language' is contained in a system dictionary that is shipped with HoTMetaL PRO. System dictionaries cannot be edited.

The default is American English. To switch to British English, you must open the file hmpro3rc in the HoTMetaL PRO directory with a text editor (e.g., vi). Find the line:


Change it to:


Save the file.

You must also go to the Spell Checking section of the Options dialog and change the supplementary dictionary and user dictionary to their British counterparts:

Normally there should be no reason to move the system dictionaries, but if you have to, you must indicate the new System Dictionary Path in the Spell Checking section of the Options dialog.

User dictionaries

You can create a personal user dictionary to which you can add your own list of words that do not appear in the system dictionary. This way you avoid having the spell checker stop at the same words over and over.

You can select a default user dictionary in the Spell Checking section of the Options dialog box. You can also choose the default dictionary file extension in this dialog box. You can load a different dictionary during a HoTMetaL PRO session, but only one user dictionary can be loaded at a time.

The default user dictionary is the file user3u.dct, located in the lib/spell directory in the HoTMetaL PRO directory: this file is always loaded when you launch HoTMetaL PRO.

Creating or loading a dictionary

To create a new user dictionary or load an existing user dictionary:

Editing a user dictionary

User dictionaries are binary files and cannot be modified with a text editor. To edit a user dictionary:

HoTMetaL PRO brings up the Edit Dictionary dialog box. This dialog contains a list of words in the current user dictionary.

To add a word to the dictionary:

To delete a word from the dictionary:

You may prefer to add words to the user dictionary during a spell checking session.

Changes to the user dictionary will be saved automatically when you quit HoTMetaL PRO, save the current file, or switch dictionaries.

Supplementary dictionaries

You can specify as many as 24 supplementary dictionaries, which are generally lexicons of specialized terminology for a specific field such as medicine or law. The difference between supplementary dictionaries and the user dictionary is that supplementary dictionaries cannot be modified during a spell checking session unless you load one explicitly using Edit Dictionary.... Supplementary dictionaries are created and developed using Edit Dictionary..., just like user dictionaries.

You can enter the names of supplementary dictionaries that you want to use in the Spell Checking section of the Options dialog box.

You then have to restart HoTMetaL PRO for this setting to take effect.

HoTMetaL PRO is shipped with a default supplementary dictionary, hmpro3u.dct, which contains a list of Internet-related terms.

Using the thesaurus

HoTMetaL PRO lets you look up words in an on-line thesaurus.

The document must contain a selected word when you choose the command. The selection will be displayed at the top of the Thesaurus dialog box; if the selection is a word in the thesaurus, then the number of meanings for that word that the thesaurus contains will be indicated, and the first meaning displayed. The buttons [Next Meaning] and [Previous Meaning] can be used to display the different meanings. If the thesaurus does not contain the selected word, the dialog box will give a message indicating this.

The dialog box contains a menu that is used to display lists of words that are somehow related to the selected word (with the meaning you have chosen).

The choices are:

If you want to replace the current selection with a word from one of these lists, click on the word from the list and then click on the [ Replace] button. Alternately, you can type a word directly into the text entry box labeled Replace with and then click on the [Replace] button. Any word that you select from one of the lists is immediately inserted in this text entry box.

If you wish to invoke the thesaurus with a new word from the document, highlight the desired word and click on the [Get Word] button.

The thesaurus is not editable.