October 7, 2008...4:02 pm

(Plastic = Small Penis) + (Debt = Financial Crisis) = DOOM has a new album so soon! and doesn’t Department of Eagles sound like Grizzly Bear ate Brian Wilson!?

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A lot is happening and I’m all riled up.  Ingredients in plastic linked to small penis size (good thing LaCinta uses a Klean Kanteen and not that Nalgene crap), never ending financial turmoil has me thinking about not wearing a brand new pair of AA underwear everyday, and I still can’t wait for (MF) DOOM’s new album later this month, and Department of Eagles gets Best New Music‘d, and while they sound good and delightful and all that, I’m pretty sure what happened was that Grizzly Bear ate Brian Wilson and then Daniel Rossen (of Grizzly Bear) met an eagle and flew away to a studio and recorded a slightly more beach-poppy version of Grizzly Bear.  Think about it…

Department of Eagles “No One Does It Like You”

Watch them perform on Pitchfork.tv – I haven’t yet, but I probably will…  You know what though, I almost prefer using Pitchfork.tv as a background music playing device… kind of like an elevator, but with indie-rock.  Watching videos is a real time commitment, and in the 4 minutes it takes to watch one video I could have visited like 10 different websites, photoshoped a picture, got a fresh cup of coffee, sent an email, read a news article, taught my gato high fives, and still have heard the song… welcome to generation blog.

Listening to Now: Department of Eagles In Ear Park (2008).

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