Washington, George, 1732-1799. The writings of George Washington from the original manuscript sources
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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    United States, March 27, 1793.

    Sir: In consequence of your Letter to me of the 25 inst: stating the opinion of the Secry. of State, the Secry. of the Treasury and yourself, on the subject of a Suit instituted against Mr. Bingham; and suggesting the propriety of giving instructions to the Attorney for the United States in the Massachusetts District to appear in behalf of Mr. Bingham, provided that Mr. Bingham will execute certain engagements as mentioned in your letter aforesaid, I do hereby direct you to take such steps in this Affair as may be proper, and for the interest of the United States to pursue. 91

[Note:From the "Letter Book" copy in the Washington Papers . ]