Washington, George, 1732-1799. The writings of George Washington from the original manuscript sources
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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    Mount Vernon, September 22, 1799.

    Dear Sir: Your letter of the 16th. instt. has been received, informing me of the death of my brother.28

[Note:Charles Washington. ]

    The death of near relations always produces awful and affecting emotions, under whatsoever circumstances it may happen. That of my brother's has been so long expected, and his latter days so uncomfortable to himself, must have prepared all around him for the stroke; though painful in the effect.

    I was the first, and am now the last, of my fathers Children by the second marriage who remain. when I shall be called upon to follow them, is known only to the giver of life. When the summons comes I shall endeavour to obey it with a good grace.

    Mrs. Washington has been, and still is, very much indisposed, but unites with me in best wishes for you, Mrs. Ball and family. With great esteem, &c. 29

[Note:From the Ball Deposit in the Library of Congress. ]