

Bustin' makes me feel good

This week, the New Venue shows you what would happen if the Ghostbusters were just a couple slackers who looked nothing like Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, or Ernie Hudson.

David Sadler
Brandon Crisp
Mark Argenti

Editing & Effects by
Rob Cleaton

Music by
The Beastie Boys

Still from "Bustin'..." (not to scale)

David Sadler built the actors' Proton Packs with a meticulous eye for detail, so much so that Dan Aykroyd, upon seeing one, mistook the model for an original prop. According to Cleaton, "This movie is the result of me saying to Dave, 'Hey, video some footage of you shooting something that isn't a ghost--'" The digital flick will be featured on their new Ghostbusters Fan site.

Shot on S-VHS and edited on a Media100 XR system. Effects added in After Effects with Cinelook to correct colors and smooth grain from S-VHS format. Scaled down to 316x160 15 frames per second and compressed using the Sorenson codec. Audio sampling rate was converted to 11 khz in Sound Edit 16.

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