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Top 10 Kristen Wiig moments on SNL - VIDEOS

Ever since her Saturday Night Live debut in 2005, Kristen Wiig has been stealing scenes and startling viewers with her strange, high-energy characters and performances. Despite the fact that the last few seasons have been generally mediocre, she is one of the strongest players in the cast, alongside the likes of Bill Hader and... My favorites are just Wiig and Hader, actually. Never mind. My point is, it didn't take long for Wiig to win over the audience with performances like these.

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Fringe: Power Hungry

Fringe: Power Hungry
(S01E05) "I'm sure it had something to do with commies. It always did back then." - Walter

You know what? I don't even care if the stories are believable or not. I'm totally on-board with Fringe. I'm mesmerized by the storyline and characters, especially Walter, whether he's drinking Jean's milk out of a lab container or laughing gleefully as pigeons are released with GPS tracking devices. He's my favorite TV character at the moment. I'm even liking Peter and Olivia these days.

Continue reading Fringe: Power Hungry

The Shield: Bitches Brew

Michael Chiklis
(S07E07) "Ehh... another Mexican donkey show and Aceveda had me playing the reluctant virgin." - Vic

Even though this whole season is really "the beginning of the end," I think it's safe to say that this episode was the true turning point. Yeah, Vic and Ronnie tried to kill Shane but now he's going to retaliate. Bad move. You'd think that by now, Shane would have learned his lesson. Why stick around and add fuel to the fire? He's got Rezian's 100K. Take Mara and the kids and jet - for good. If the little plan he's setting up goes south, then he'll be running anyway. Say what you will - I still think he's stupid. Even Vic understands what it means to quit while you're ahead... well, sometimes. Not in this episode.

Continue reading The Shield: Bitches Brew

House: Birthmarks

Greg House eulogizes his father on the most recent episode of House

(S05E04) "Bubbles" -- Thirteen

"Is that your new stripper name?" -- House

And so, one chapter of Dr. Gregory House's life ends and another one begins...again. Together, these life-changing events may lead to a kinder, gentler diagnostician who will befriend his colleagues, treat others on the staff with respect, and prevent him from making constant lewd remarks to Cuddy.

Bwah-hahahahahahahahaha! Oh, I slay me! Kinder and gentler? Bwah-hahahahahahaha!

Continue reading House: Birthmarks

The TV characters you can (or can't) trust with your money

Trust your money with Scrooge McDuckBoy, what a mess! Unless you live out in a tar shack in the middle of Montana (writing your manifesto, obviously) you know that the United States, nay, the world, is facing one of the worst economic crises in this modern time. Stocks are plummeting, financial institutions are folding, credit is tighter than Miley Cyrus' chastity belt. People are pulling out their money left and right, trying to find a safe place to invest until all of the craziness dies down.

That, of course, is where we come in. Sure, first and foremost we are a website that features information on television. But, we also have access to some of the greatest financial gurus that were ever created by television writers. To assist you in the right investment choices, we have compiled a list of those we feel you could trust to invest your remaining funds in a wise manner. Also listed, as a public service, are those who you shouldn't consider giving a penny to during the harshest economic times.

So, before your 401(k) loses another percentage point, here are your choices.

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Daily Show's Jones and Bee to star in CBS sitcom - VIDEO

Jones and BeeTime for a bit of news about our favorite real couple in fake news! Daily Show correspondents Jason Jones and Samantha Bee have signed on to co-write and co-star in a CBS comedy. Jones will star as a celebrity chef and Bee will play one of the two ladies that run his most likely Rachael Ray-esque empire. Some semblance of hilarity will ensue, hopefully.

Doing a sitcom be a departure from what TDS fans are used to seeing from these two. I can only vaguely remember Bee's one or two, super-brief sitcom guest spots and and the only non-TDS thing I remember Jones doing was that weird crafting battle show on Style. No, I did not dream that; there was definitely a show called Craft Corner Deathmatch. It was extreme as it sounds, with a lot of intense hot glue and bric-a-brac.

Continue reading Daily Show's Jones and Bee to star in CBS sitcom - VIDEO

Gossip Girl: New Haven Can Wait

Gossip Girl(S02E06) "It isn't a game." - Blair to Serena

Game or not, the war between Blair and Serena intensified to a point that both ladies got in a huge hair-pulling fight (see picture on the right). We have seen Blair and Serena say and do really nasty things over the past year but this week, they tapped into their evilest and nastiest of lines and actions (especially Blair when bringing up the "Serena killed someone" bit) in order to end up on top. If both ladies were somewhat at the top of their game, then why was I so bored when watching "New Haven Can Wait"?

Continue reading Gossip Girl: New Haven Can Wait

The Amazing Race: Did You Push My Sports Bra Off the Ledge?

Fighting on tonight's The Amazing Race

(S13E03) "I know she pushed my sports bra off the ledge!" - Christy about Starr

While the sports bra debacle wasn't the only drama on tonight's episode of The Amazing Race, it played a role one and off throughout the show. And, I'm sure we haven't heard the last of it. while the animosity within the teams seemed to dwindle some this week, the animosity between a few of the teams is amping up. That's a good thing as far as I'm concerned. I find racers who constantly bicker with their partners really annoying. But when teams are contentious with other teams, it gives them more of a spirit of competition. Read on for my review!

Continue reading The Amazing Race: Did You Push My Sports Bra Off the Ledge?

Brought To You By ... - VIDEOS

DirecTVLet's talk (again) about commercials we hate.

Or maybe I should say commercials I hate, though I think you'll agree with me on some of these. They run the gamut from silly to ineffective, from dumb to just plain jaw-dropping. Let's start with jaw-dropping.

1. DirecTV's Poltergeist ad. This is...creepy and tasteless. Do the makers of this ad really not know that young Poltergeist star Heather O'Rourke died at a really young age? Even if they didn't (I'm kidding, of course they did), the star of the ad, Craig T. Nelson, is aware of it. So why use footage of her in the ad? It's just bizarre to me. Then again I'm not a DirecTV exec. They must know that what they're doing by using footage of a deceased child star (and a stand-in) to sell satellite TV service.

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You don't mess with The Colbert, Oliver Stone - VIDEO

Oliver Stone on The Colbert ReportLast night, Oliver Stone went on The Colbert Report to plug his new movie W, which examines the life and presidency of George W. Bush. Stone isn't exactly known as one of the most ardent supporters of the Republican Party, and I bet everyone expected Stephen Colbert to ratchet up his O'Reilly-esque character in order to "nail" Stone, as Colbert likes to say.

But, either on his on or in cahoots with the producers, Stone decided to go in the other direction. "I really started to like him, and I think he's a great man," Stone said. "He is on his way to being a great president." His entire interview consisted of deadpan praises of Bush and his handling of everything in his administration. He also suggested that we suspend the election (a la McCain suspending his campaign) so Bush can stay in power and deal with the failing economy. He even said "I love Fox News."

I bet Stone thought that he could throw Colbert for a loop. But that just means he doesn't know Colbert very well. The man's a master of improvisation, and he just rolled with it, as you can see in the video clip after the jump.

Continue reading You don't mess with The Colbert, Oliver Stone - VIDEO

Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update Thursday (October 9, 2008) - VIDEOS

Amy and Seth
Well, that was a little strange... and maybe a little unnecessary. All right, it was definitely unnecessary. I wasn't quite sure how they were going to work out these Thursday election specials, because even though they called it "Weekend Update Thursday", I didn't believe they were just going to show a twenty-some minute long "Weekend Update" segment. As it turned out, the special consisted of one cold open and the rest was "Weekend Update." This is where I got super-confused. Half of these jokes had absolutely nothing to do with the election, leaving me to wonder if there is anyone out there that could not have waited until Saturday night to hear the relevant jokes. I don't think anyone's going to forget the election or the economic crisis any time soon, let alone by Saturday.

Continue reading Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update Thursday (October 9, 2008) - VIDEOS

Grey's Anatomy: Here Comes the Flood

(L-R): Sandra Oh, Ellen Pompeo, and Katherine Heigl(S05E03) "Yeah yeah - the hair. It's one of the many things that makes me happy." - Meredith

This wasn't the best episode of Grey's Anatomy, but I think it got back to a lot of the core reasons that made this show good in the first place. The focus has finally returned to Meredith and Derek, which was sorely lacking last season. This show just doesn't make sense to me when the tension between those two is ignored or pushed aside for one of the bajillion other relationships going on.

Beyond that, there was plenty of humor - another thing that had been lacking. So I'm feeling good about where this season is going to take us and as I said - it starts with Mer and Der.

Continue reading Grey's Anatomy: Here Comes the Flood

Kath & Kim: Pilot (series premiere)

(S01E01) We're friends here, aren't we? So, I can be honest with you. I mean, some of you have been utterly, brutally honest with me to the point I cry into my pillow at nights. The least you can let me do is allow some truthiness spill over to you. Okay? Okay.

I went in blind to the premiere of Kath & Kim. Not blind in the sense that I didn't know who the stars were. My late 20s and early 30s were spent watching Molly Shannon on Saturday Night Live and I had knowledge of Selma Blair's work over the last few years. What I'm talking about is that I knew nothing about this NBC comedy or the Australian hit it was based on. The upside to this was that I was coming into the show like any other viewer. The downside was that I was coming into the show like any other viewer.

I probably should have come in a little more knowledgeable.

Continue reading Kath & Kim: Pilot (series premiere)

The Office: Business Ethics

Oh, I get it, it's ironic because he's NOT the world's best boss!(S05E02) Before we start tonight's review, I'd like to take a moment to worship at the Sling Media altar. Yet again, the makers of the Slingbox have made it possible for me to review The Office in a timely fashion despite the fact that I'm currently doing a week of shows in Las Vegas (where The Office airs three hours later than I'm used to and, for marketing purposes, has magician Lance Burton digitally inserted into every scene). If you're a traveler and a TV watcher and you haven't bought a Slingbox yet, you're missing out.

Part of me worried about the ethics of opening with what amounts to be a commercial for Slingbox (and also for my fabulous Las Vegas comedy show at the Tropicana: tickets still available for the weekend!) Then I realized that by doing so, I actually provided a pretty good segue into the theme of tonight's episode. So let's get to it...

Continue reading The Office: Business Ethics

Survivor: It Was Like Christmas Morning

Ace with his not as bald dome on Gabon
(S17E04) "We were like legless chickens racing against sleek weasels." - Ace

Just when I think that Survivor doesn't have any new tricks up their sleeves, they surprise me. After so many seasons, it's probably hard to think of new and different things. That's why we see so many locks and puzzles. There were no locks, no bagels, no puzzles in tonight's episode. But it also wasn't quite what the promos were hinting at, either. "Blond against blond against blond," they hyped. One would think we were in for mud wrestling or ... read on past the jump for my review of tonight's show!

Continue reading Survivor: It Was Like Christmas Morning

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