Open Mind

Bjorn Lomborg: How did you get those numbers?

October 14, 2008 · 24 Comments

Some of you might wonder why I make so many posts about the impact of noise on trend analysis, and how it can not only lead to mistaken conclusions about temperature trends, it can be abused by those who wish deliberately to mislead readers. The reason is that this is still a common tactic by denialists to confuse and confound the public.


Categories: Global Warming

Support Your Local Global Climate Blog

October 14, 2008 · 3 Comments

More than once it’s been suggested that I should provide a link for those who wish to make a donation, to support the continuation of this blog. Each time I’ve responded that I’m not doing it for money or recognition, but to increase understanding of climate science (and other things too).

That’s still true. But it turns out that the blog consumes a significant amount of time. It would help if those readers who are willing, can make a donation.

So there’s a new widget in the sidebar. Those who wish to donate need only click the “Donate” button to be redirected to a PayPal site where all donations will be gratefully accepted. Note: it’ll say “Peaseblossom’s Closet” and that the donation is to “Mistletoe” — that’s the right place.

Nobody should feel any obligation; only those who genuinely want to should do so. Any amount is OK (if you want to donate a million dollars, far be it from me to stop you), a buck or two is probably a good suggestion.

Thanks in advance to all those who decide to contribute to the fund.

Categories: Global Warming