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10 products for taking your network to the next level

Embotics' V-Commander 2.0 and VKernel's Capacity Analyzer, Chargeback and Modeler appliances make the best-of-their-kind products list for easing virtualization management complexity.



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    Squirrels, raccoons and rats, Oh, my. by Paul McNamara

    Any IT pro watching on TV -- or make that trying to watch -- Sunday's football game in Buffalo between the Bills and Chargers missed a good chunk of the action, yet also had another chance to see the havoc than can be played when a problem of some sort pulls the plug on the electricity....


    Lunar spacecraft compete for $2 million NASA prize by Michael Cooney

    Nine rocket-powered vehicles will compete for NASA's $2 million, 2008 Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge, Oct. 24-25.The goal is to accelerate development of commercial Lunar Landers capable of bringing payloads or humans back and forth between lunar orbit and the lunar surface. NASA of...

  • GIBBSBLOG by Mark Gibbs

    Just testing out a new-ish service that provide a very sophisticated editor as a service that allows you to edit your blog.... 2