What They're Saying
about the Advocates

Libertarian leaders are talking about the Advocates
Libertarian activists are talking about the Advocates
What they're saying about specific Advocates programs
     about the World's Smallest Political Quiz
     about the "Art of Libertarian Persuasion" seminars
     about the Advocates Web site
     about the Advocates Libertarianism.com
     about Operation Political Homeless (OPH)
     about The Liberator Online
     about Lights of Liberty Awards
     about The Libertarian Communicator

From libertarian leaders and others:

"...The Advocates [has made] invaluable contributions to the freedom cause. For almost twenty years, the Advocates has worked tirelessly to help libertarians better communicate the ideas of liberty. I continue to be impressed by the Advocates' work." -- U.S. Congressman Ron Paul (April 2004)

"One of America's leading libertarian educational groups." -- The Sunday Times of London, Great Britain (October 24, 2004)

"The Advocates fills a gap left by the think tanks and political organizations." -- Joseph Bast, Heartland Institute

"An outstanding resource for information and books about libertarianism." -- Professor James W. Moore, Campbellsville University (Kentucky)

"The Advocates' teaching materials and instruction aids are the best I've seen in the movement." -- Mike Holmes, Republican Liberty Caucus

"The Advocates have been responsible for almost all the libertarian outreach tools you can find: from wallet-sized copies of the famous [World's Smallest Political Quiz] Nolan chart, to instructional audio tapes on communication skills and political activism, to the ubiquitous libertarian event in a kit: the Operation Politically Homeless booths that you've seen at parades, festivals, and other events." -- Henry Hazlitt Foundation (July 24, 2001)

"The Advocates...provides you with the tools and methods to win people to the side of liberty." -- Bill Way's Freedom Technology

"I am honored to have been involved with the Advocates from its beginnings and to have seen it grow. Today, the Advocates leads the way in thinking, methods, and materials for communicating libertarianism to a world that most definitely needs it. Every libertarian activist has benefitted from, and owes a debt of gratitude to, the Advocates." -- David Bergland, 1984 Libertarian Party presidential candidate & author, Libertarianism In One Lesson

"The most frustrating thing about being a libertarian is dealing with the incredible number of people out there who don't know what libertarianism means. [The Advocates] provide the fastest and easiest way to find out in the World's Smallest Political Quiz. This is an organization that focuses almost entirely on educating people about libertarianism." -- OSU College Libertarians (Oregon State University)

"These folks do so much work for the cause. God love ya!" -- Michigan State University Libertarians 

"The Advocates for Self-Government develops tools used to promote a free society." -- The Liberty Coalition at the University of Virginia

"If you have been interested in politics on the Internet for a while, you have probably seen the World's Smallest Political Quiz, from the Advocates for Self-Government. If you don't know who the Advocates are, you should take a look at their web site: they are the most important libertarian activist group in the United States. They are the ones on the forefront and they have the tools you need." -- Francois Tremblay, Suite101.com (March 1, 2005)

"One of the best libertarian-education foundations." -- Sacramento Libertarian Party (California)

"I consider the Advocates for Self-Government a critical cog in the structure of production of liberty." -- Economist Mark Thornton, PhD, senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute; author, The Economics of Prohibition

"Great source of outreach materials." -- GrassrootsLiberty.org

"Helping libertarians to communicate the freedom message more effectively." -- Outright Libertarians

"[The] Advocates for Self-Government is the granddaddy of Libertarian education and outreach organizations... Their World's Smallest Political Quiz has become the de facto standard for gauging political opinions in the 21st Century." -- Libertarian Party of Massachusetts

"The Advocates… is tilling the soil, sowing the seeds that other organizations in the libertarian movement are reaping the benefits from." -- David Nolan, Libertarian Party co-founder, Nolan Chart creator

"[The] Advocates for Self-Government [is] bringing about a freer world by discovering new libertarians, changing the political map, and helping libertarians become powerful and persuasive communicators." -- The Whole Ed Catalog

"The Advocates for Self-Government is the libertarian organization to talk to when you want to learn about communication." -- Mary Ruwart, author, Healing Our World

"Before... I thought all one needed to do to convert new people to our philosophy was to profess it. I now see that this just isn't so. We need salesmanship, the ability to tailor the message to the listener's background, and determination that this is well worth doing. These are the excellences of the Advocates." -- Walter Block, author, Defending the Undefendable

"Great source for libertarian communications tools." -- Libertarian Party of North Carolina

"One of the major libertarian organizations in the country." -- FirearmsAndLiberty.com

“The Advocates is the touchstone of libertarian communication, the fountainhead of persuasive libertarianism.” -- Michael Cloud, Thomas Paine Award winner; author, Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion

"The Advocates are for real. Libertarians who want to get real should put into action what the Advocates teach." -- Russell Means, American Indian activist; actor (Last of the Mohicans); author, Where White Men Fear to Tread

"For decades, libertarians have had the best ideas -- and the worst marketing. The Advocates, as no other group, is providing this missing link -- an effective way to get new people to embrace our ideas." -- Alejandro Chafuen, Atlas Foundation

"The Advocates... is your best source of tools to better communicate libertarian moral and political concepts." -- Liberty Issues Online

“Every time I see the Advocates’ material, I am more impressed than before.”-- Leon Louw, Nobel Prize nominee; author, Beyond Apartheid

“The Advocates are pioneering in a vitally important field -- how to present libertarian ideas so that non-libertarians can listen to them and hear them." -- Joan Kennedy Taylor, author, Reclaiming the Mainstream: Individualist Feminism Reconsidered

"A great resource for lovers of liberty." -- Libertarian Party of Brevard County (Florida)

"This independent organization is a great producer of libertarian material: pamphlets, audio and video tapes, wearables and more." -- Robert Giedt, San Mateo Libertarian (California), September 1997

"The Advocates is one of liberty's strongest networks." -- Karl Hess, writer and libertarian leader (1923-1994)

"We must learn to defend all our personal resources with reason, clarity and the kind of effective persuasion that wins friends, rather than alienating them. For this, no group is more helpful than the Advocates." -- Tonie Nathan, 1972 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential candidate and first woman to ever receive an Electoral College vote

“The Advocates can teach libertarians how to teach the world." -- Hill Cox, former Leader, Libertarian Party of Canada

"I applaud your efforts, and wish them the greatest success."-- Henry Hazlitt, author, Economics In One Lesson

"The source for tips, products and coaching on communicating with non-libertarians." -- Libertarian Party of Washington State

"[The] Advocates for Self-Government has numerous excellent tapes on improving communication skills and presenting libertarian ideas in an effective, nonconfrontational manner." -- Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research

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From libertarian activists:

"Thank you Advocates, for consistently providing your readers messages of freedom, liberty and a hope for a better future!" -- Bob Wamsley, Atlanta, Georgia

"Thank you to everyone at the Advocates for all the hard work you people do to insure liberty and, therefore happiness, for everyone. I get too easily discouraged sometimes, but with strong and positive people like Dr. Ruwart and Michael Cloud, I am inspired to not give up hope. I hope one day I will become as strong and moral as the people at the Advocates." -- J.D., Redding, California

"The work you are doing for liberty is beyond belief. Thank you for using your expert abilities to further the freedom of people everywhere." -- Rev. Michael Mitchell, Alaska

"Thank you for doggedly, relentlessly, doing the nuts-and-bolts hard work to promote liberty." -- Dr. Richard Kerr, M.D., Vice President, Public Relations, Libertarian Party of West Virginia

"Keep up all of your invaluable and impressive work!" -- James Z. Bedford, Alameda, California

"The great training in communication and persuasion skills by the Advocates for Self-Government gave me the confidence to propose the libertarian options in thoughtful, ethical, bold, compassionate, and effective ways." -- Steve Sculte, Ohio

"Dear Advocates, you all are GREAT! My name is Krzysztof (Christopher) Sobolewski. I'm 23 years old, and I'm a libertarian. I study economics. I use the nickname Critto, and you may call me in such way if you wish. I'm a libertarian NURTURED (grown up) on your Quiz, on The Liberator Online, on 'Short Answers for Tough Questions' (Mary Ruwart) and on many more! I LOVE your organization!! Just imagine how many libertarian ideas I came across reading The Liberator Online! Just imagine how I've acknowledged myself that I am a libertarian, after taking the Quiz! You are the best org to come across with Ideas of liberty, you are the best in education! Keep up your spirits! And I love the World's Smallest Political Quiz, for it is cute, small, and VERY useful! Now I promote it among Polish libertarians (yes, there are some) and among non-libertarians in Poland, too. Happiness and successes in your activity for liberty!" -- Krzysztof (Christopher) "Critto" Sobolewski, Poland

"Great site, newsletters, etc. My indoctrination into Libertarianism would have taken quite a bit longer if I hadn't found ya'll." -- Rick Theiner, North Carolina

"As an old soldier in the libertarian 'battle,' I am delighted to see the new blood, new energy, and new smarts coming from the Advocates. It doesn't look like a battle any more. It looks like a joyous campaign. Keep up the fantastic work you are doing." -- Lyn Tinsley, Illinois

"Great products, great people; you guys are the best!" -- Lewis Napper, Mississippi

"All the best to you and your terrific staff. You people are spending that precious commodity we're always out of --time. We're proud to support your efforts." -- Jim & Dava Carson, Keller, Texas

"Thank you for your constant inspiration." -- Broughton Burnet, Summerfield, North Carolina

"Firstly, let me just say 'thank you' to everyone at The Advocates. The work you do and the things you have taught me are SO valuable, that it is almost an injustice to say 'priceless.' The Michael Cloud CD set and the Communications Power Pack are breathtaking, and I'm well on my way to being a reformed lapel-grabber. And Dr. Ruwart's kind and thoughtful insights into liberty are always a joy to read and hear." -- Ken Crissey, Plano, Texas

"You are doing great work in advancing the cause of libertarianism. I especially like the 'Ask Dr. Ruwart' part of this webpage. Keep it up and long live libertarianism!" -- Mike George, North Carolina

"I've been a supporter of the Advocates for some time now. Just wanted to let you know that I think you're doing a great job. Keep up the good work." -- David Chaskin, North Hollywood, California

"I can hardly express my joy and gratitude for your literature and the audio cassette. Be assured it is put to good use." -- Piotr P., Poland

"I like the way the Advocates teaches people how to communicate libertarian ideas without sounding nutty or angry. The Advocates material really helps in presenting a case for libertarianism that isn't adversarial and controversial, and that doesn't insult somebody's intelligence or opinions. Instead, it leads people to think about issues for themselves and to start reflecting on the issues." -- Sean Costello, Ohio

"The Advocates are the most important libertarian organization. Without changing the substance of our message, we are able to communicate our ideas to all Americans." -- Bill Ferry, Ohio

Contents copyrighted © The Advocates for Self-Government,, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational organization. Donations tax-deductible in U.S. All rights reserved.