The 009 Nastiest Bond Villian Deaths

Nov. 6 5:54 PM by OMGLists_Team

It's been said that the James Bond movies are only as strong as their villains. Considering that some of the goriest deaths in the series come from the main villain executing his own henchmen (whether it's via piranha, sharks, compression chambers and the like), the head villains seem to get off easy. Sometimes, however, 007 gives them exactly what they deserve. Here are the nine grisliest ways that Bond's main antagonists have met their demise.

9- The World is Not Enough (1999)

Bond (Pierce Brosnan) mixes it up with terrorist-anarchist Renard (Robert Carlyle) in a nuclear submarine. As Renard prepares to move the last rod into position that will launch a nuclear missile, Bond re-routes the pressure so the rod is forcefully expelled, thus impaling the villain.

The 5 Most Memorable Crying Moments of the 2008 Election

Nov. 5 6:45 PM by DaveRudden

Barack Obama's victory this week was as moving as it was monumental. But it wasn't the only time tears were shed during the election season. Here's five moments that almost brought us to tears, too.

5- Biden's Emotional Debate Moment

Teary Time: 0:07-0:13

The Moment:

In the only Vice-Presidential debate this year, Vice-President-elect Joe Biden was asked about his biggest weakness. In his answer, he addressed criticism that he lacks focus on family issues by recalling the death of his wife and the injury of his children, choking up as be brought up past memories.

Will it Make You Cry?

Probably, though it'll soon turn to rage as Sarah Palin uses Biden's grief as a segue to how much of a maverick John McCain is. Much like how Biden is seen as a man's man despite a proclivity for starting up the waterworks, we'll give a pass anybody who shed a tear watching that clip.

7 TV School Elections with Important Lessons

Nov. 4 12:38 PM by DaveRudden

After the mistakes of 2000 and 2004, we're hoping the US can come through with a controversy-free election this year. These seven sitcoms feature school elections that provided some important lessons.

7- Saved By The Bell

The Election:

In "The Election," class clown Zack Morris decides to run against his good friend and Bayside's biggest braniac, Jesse Spano. Why? Because he heard that the winner gets a field trip to Washington D.C--why a teenager in a beach-filled Southern California.would want to go to the political epicenter of the US is beyond me. When rumors spread that the trip is canceled, Zack tries to lose the election. When he wins and the rumors prove false, he concedes to Jesse, the better person for the job.

The Lesson:

If you're running for political office, don't do it for the promise of a field trip. Make sure it's a done deal.

7 Memorable Off-Screen Deaths

Oct. 30 4:51 PM by BradySullivan

The death scene is a time honored tradition of movies and tv. Where else can a thespian push their skills to the limit (or what we might call overact) and make one last push to prove that they deserve an award of some kind for their wonderfully emotional death scene? However, some times important characters never get their shot at having their death captured on film, instead just having it mentioned in passing by other characters. Here are 7 of the most memorable.

7- Bill McNeal, NewsRadio

When Phil Hartman's crazy wife robbed the world of a comedy genius by killing him, it left a gigantic hole in his TV show NewsRadio. It was an ensemble cast, so they could go on without him, but it was still a devastating loss, as he often provided the funniest lines of any given episode. Luckily the show was littered to references to Bill's mortal enemies and his probable death, so at least it didn't come completely out of nowhere. Still, the first episode of the fifth season where it is revealed Bill has died of a heart attack was an emotional one, paying far more tribute to the actor than the actual character. Then of course they had to go and screw that all up by adding Jon Lovitz to the cast to fill in the empty hole. A thousand Jon Lovitzes couldn't make up one Phil Hartman. Figuratively of course. Jon Lovitz is actually much fatter.

The 8 Most Insane Accusations of the 2008 Presidential Election

Oct. 29 4:23 PM by ChendaNgak

There are two ways an election can be covered by the media. The first way is by examining the stances of the candidates on essential issues. The other way is to jump on every single crazy allegation made by a moron with an Internet connection (though sometimes, the candidates propagate them, too). We'd one day like to see one done the first way, but in the meantime, here is our list of the 8 Most Insane Accusations of the 2008 Presidential Election.

8- "Joe" the "Plumber"

Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher may not sport a crack, but he must be smoking crack. He famously tried to smack down Barack Obama by claiming that Obama was a socialist who would tax him higher for buying a successful business, which profited over 250k/year, thus spreading the wealth. Obama fended off the accusation and ended up with a clear opportunity to explain, in depth, his tax plan.

But, Joe's problems were just beginning because it was all a lie. Joe Plumber must be the first person in the world to brag about working with feces. Turns out, the guy was not a plumber, was not going to make 250k/year, and didn't even pay income taxes last year. In the end, the free press did Obama wonders because it showcased his on-the-spot knowledge of the taxes and finances and backfired on Joe Plumber--who is now campaigning for John McCain

6 Awesome Characters With Names Like Barack

Oct. 24 2:14 PM by DaveRudden

With everyone (ignorant) harping on the problems with Barack Hussein Obama's middle and last names, we thought we'd point out how awesome his first name is by noting the 6 best fictional characters that (almost) share his name.

6- Brak from ''Space Ghost''

How they're similar:

They both have to work with well-meaning do-gooders who sometimes say the wrong thing.

How they're different:

Unlike Brak, Barack usually speaks clearly. Usually.

The 7 Suckiest Halloween Treats

Oct. 23 4:22 PM by Aaron_Koehn

With Halloween coming soon, we thought we'd do the candy-givers of the world a favor and highlight the worst treats ever foisted upon costumed children. Whether you want to avoid having a lawn coated in egg yolks and 1-ply toilet paper, or earn the ire of every kid in your neighborhood, take note of these 7 sucky treats.


Only the cheapest misers pass out pennies come Halloween, and while that may seem counterintuitive, take a look at the price of candy bags. If that tightwad fills his "treat bowl" with 200 pennies he's essentially only spending 2 bucks on trick-or-treaters. The typical bag of candy costs around $3.00, and nobody buys just one bag of candy. So by giving out those tiny pieces of brass, which were probably salvaged from his couch cushions seconds before the doorbell rang, this cheapskate is saving himself upwards of $4.00. He also probably drives a 1990 Toyota Camry, has been twice divorced, and considers warm water a luxury. If you ever come across the penny-pincher while trick-or-treating, kindly refuse his stingy offering, and tell him that he needs the money worse then you do. Then set a bag of poo on fire on the hood of his Camry.

6 Unforgettable Campaign Characters Who Weren't Candidates

Oct. 22 5:18 PM by KateMcNally

Presidential candidates meet and hear of a lot of people during their time spent stumping and speaking. While most of those folks are instantly forgotten, some people manage to get their 15 minutes of fame by being highlighted by the campaigns. The following are a few individuals who featured prominently in presidential campaigns.

6- Joe 6-Pack

He's your average Joe. Your next door neighbor. The guy standing next to you in the beer aisle trying to decide between Natty Light and Hamms. The classic alcoholic American in all of us--and evidently Sarah Palin's best friend. This guy isn't known for his rock-hard abs or impressive exercise regimen, he's known for gettin' wasted and killin' things. Because in Sarah Palin's eyes, only the white, drunk hunters in this country who live in small towns and say "nuculer" are true Americans. So kick back in that Lay-Z Boy, pull the tab off a couple of cold ones and watch some hockey.

8 Inauspicious Early Roles for Famous Actors

Oct. 17 2:20 PM by BradySullivan

Celebrities do not rise overnight. Well at least not real ones. The girls from the Hills and the now infamous Joe the Plumber may have gotten famous extremely quickly for apparently no reason, but most actual celebrities have to work tirelessly over years to get where they are now. That is why some of today's best actors have filmographies filled with some less than stellar film choices. The best, of course, are the ones who acted in projects that have no resemblance to anything they do today. Here are 8 of the best.

8- Laurence Fishburne- "Pee Wee's Playhouse"

These days Laurence is known primarily for offering horrible actors a blue or red pill, but back before he was the too cool for school Morpheus he appeared on Pee Wee's Playhouse as the, well, somewhat less cool Cowboy Curtis. With long black curls flowing from his oversized cowboy hat and an "only in the 80's" pastel splattered cowboy outfit, as Cowboy Curtis Laurence Fishburne managed to make the cowboy from the Village People look like John Wayne and Clint Eastwood rolled up into one. And the crowd he hung out with sure was different. I don't remember Chairy or Jambi the Genie ever dodging bullets in slow motion.

The 10 Greatest Floating Heads of All Time

Oct. 10 7:36 PM by DaveRudden

For something that's probably scientifically impossible, works of fiction sure seem to make the living disembodied head commonplace. The following ten heads have floated to the top of our hearts.

10- The Wizard from The Wizard of Oz

While the Wizard's status as a floating head can be disputed, what with it being a camera trick carried out by a bodied fat dude behind a curtain, the Wizard's place in movie history can be disputed. By showing the disparity in fear produced by a floating head and a normal guy, future scribes learned a valuable lesson. Floating heads are scary.