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Northern Territory Marine Weather

Darwin Harbour

Seas: Up to 1.0m Swell: n/a
Forecast: . N/NW winds 5/10 kts, increasing to 10/15 kts during the day before easing to 5/10 kts in the evening.
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Wyndham to Daly river

Seas: Up to 1.0m Swell: n/a
Forecast: W/NW winds 10 kts. Inshore afternoon seabreezes 10/15 kts.
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Daly river to Cape Don

Seas: Up to 1.0m Swell: n/a
Forecast: NE/NW winds 10 kts. Inshore afternoon seabreezes 10/15 kts.
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Cape Don to Cape Wessel

Seas: Up to 1.5m Swell: n/a
Forecast: E/NE winds 10/15 kts. Inshore afternoon seabreezes 10/15 kts.
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Northwest Gulf

Seas: Up to 1.5m Swell: n/a
Forecast: E/NE winds 10/15 kts. Inshore afternoon seabreezes 10/15 kts.
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Southwest Gulf

Seas: Up to 1.0m Swell: n/a
Forecast: N/NE winds 10/15 kts. Inshore afternoon seabreezes 10/15 kts.
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Coastal Wind Reports

Station Time Winds Gusts
kt kt
Borroloola 08:30 CST wind
WNW 7 10
Darwin Ap 09:00 CST wind
NNE 7 10
McArthur River 08:30 CST wind
NNW 5 7
Nhulunbuy 09:01 CST wind
ENE 8 11
© The Weather Co. 2008 Information supplied by The Weather Co. based on data from the Bureau of Meteorology

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