
Sandee Hallum-Torres

Introduction | Task |Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion | Teacher Notes



 Bothered by curfew? Can't find a place to skateboard?

Frustrated with censorship?

Who's controlling your life?

Know your rights! Get involved! Decisions are made by adults every day that affect your life and your future. Today you have been given the opportunity to take an active role in changing your world. Rock the vote!

The National Youth Commission has been established to solicit the viewpoints of today's young people. The commission in conjunction with MTV has formed a partnership to produce a series of television ads directed to young people. The theme of the broadcasts will be "Meeting Today's Needs With Yesterday's Words." The purpose is to let young adults know that America's Bill of Rights affects their lives everyday. You have been selected by the commission to participate in the creation of MTV's first ads in the series.

Please read your mail.

The Task

You have been selected by the National Youth Commission-MTV Alliance to be a member of their television ad production crew. You and your team will: