Conversations with God

I'm sorry? Come again?

Wednesday October 8, 2008

Categories: News of the Day, Politics

Does it matter whether a person who could become President of the United States can put two sentences together in a way that makes sense? Apparently, it does not. At least not to 4 out of 10 people.

A poll taken after the Palin/Biden debate last week showed that 4 out of 10 respondents felt that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was qualified to become president. (Some 77% of respondents in the same poll said that Joe Biden was qualified - but that's another matter.)

I bring this up because I listened carefully to what Sarah Palin said in her debate with Joe Biden.

For instance...Ms. Palin was asked about the role of the vice-president in our government. You will recall that our current vice-president, Dick Cheney, says that his office does not belong to the Executive Branch of government, and thus us not affected by the same rules of record-keeping and disclosure as the White House.

The governor appeared to take pains not to criticize the sitting vice-president, which must have made it just a bit difficult to answer the question. She said that she found in the Constitution the authority to increase the role of "the vice president if that vice president so chose to exert it in working with the Senate."

I'm sorry? Excuse me?

In other words, the authority to establish the role of the vice-president lies with the vice-president, and not in the Constitution? Hmmm...

At another point Ms. Palin repeatedly complained about government regulations getting in the way of the private sector -- then 30 second later declared that the government's financial bailout plan "has to include that massive oversight that Americans are expecting and deserve." Hmmm...

I'm sorry? Excuse me? Wouldn't that be, uh... government regulation of the private sector....?

Speaking even more directly about the Wall St. fiasco Ms. Palin declared:

"One thing that Americans do at this time, also, though, is let's commit ourselves just everyday American people, Joe Six Pack, hockey moms across the nation, I think we need to band together and say 'Never Again.' Never will we be exploited and taken advantage of again by those managing our money and loaning us these dollars."

I'm sorry? Excuse me?

When the debate moderator asked the candidates under what circumstances they would bring nuclear weapons into play in world events, Gov. Palin replied: "Nuclear weaponry, of course, would be the be-all, end-all of just too many people in too many parts of our planet. So those dangerous regimes, again, cannot be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons, period."

I'm sorry? Excuse me?

We weren't talking about other countries, Governor. You were asked under what circumstance you would have this country bring nuclear weapons into play. Oh, gosh, forget it...(wink)

Is this person ready to be president of the United States?

You betcha.

I am left wondering (or "wonderin'", as our g-droppin' VP candidate would say) who are these four people out of ten who see this kind of reasonin' as somethin' we wanna see in the White House? Is this what the hockey moms and Joe Six Packs think is needed in the highest office in the land? Have we not had enough bumblin' in there already?


Meanwhile, the McCain/Obama second debate last night really well, I thought. Both candidates spoke fluently and intelligently, and many viewers called it a "draw." And onward we go. The final debate in eight days. And just four more weeks until this whole contest is over. I'm really looking forward to that.

Have a nice day.

October 9, 2008 8:33 AM

Thank you very much Michelle. It relieves.

speaks from the heart
October 9, 2008 8:51 AM

Whitecloud -
Do you not remember Geraldine F? Palin is not 'the first.'

Michelle -
I understand your anger. But the sitting Prez did not CAUSE this. Did he help - um, no. But cause? Let's go back to the Gipper and on up - which includes 8 years of Bill/Hill who did little to stem the S&L; mess - and then it was back to business as usual.

Deregulation is NOT a recent thing. And lest we forget - Congress and Senate have more power than the President. Things happened in 2000 - that would NOT be the current Prez.

Please don't take this as support the current President - but I also do not blame 'just him' for all of this.

Just like, as I said above, I cannot expect the next 'one' to be able to get us out of it. Heck, the same idjits who sat there and really did have a hand in 'causing this' are still sitting ON THE HILL.

October 9, 2008 12:25 PM

wally... thanks for the mad as hell link. LOL

October 10, 2008 9:28 AM

Dear Speaks from the Heart,

The sitting Prez did not cause all of it, but I dare say his party caused the majority of it, and one thing is for sure--the sitting Prez did not help any by outsourcing numerous jobs to other countries while doing little to stave off inflation here, giving tax credits to the extreme wealthy while simultaneously subjugating the poor, and all the while spending billions of dollars to invade Afganistan and launch a war on Iraq killing thousands upon thousands and draining our economic system of funds that could be better spent trying to find other, cleaner types of energy sources, or simply funding education, or feeding the poor, or . . .anything but killing people and amassing more arms and body bags. And, let’s not forget what lies the sitting Prez told to the American people to justify going to war in the first place. Let’s not forget the fear-based tactics he used to pray upon Americans when he claimed to be searching out known weapons of mass destruction, which have yet to be found. And, we can’t forget the voting scandal without which he would never have been in office in the first place.

As for Bill/Hill, let’s do go back. It was under Bill/Hill’s administration, that our country experienced a balanced budget with a surplus in revenue far greater than anything we have seen since the Great Depression; it was then that the housing market was booming; it was then that employment was rising; it was then that we had far more friends in foreign countries; it was then that we actually spent money on the environment and attempted to find alternative energy sources. And, as for the S&L; crisis which you seem to suggest is soley Bill’s creation, one might easily place the finger of blame back to the republican party since it was the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982, for one, that deregulated the Savings and Loan industry that turned out to be a major contributing factor leading to the Savings and Loan crisis of the 80s.

Yes. You’re right. Deregulation is not a new thing. We all know that it has long been favored and touted by the Republicans as a viable and major policy for many decades now. The above mentioned bill, whose full title was "An Act to revitalize the housing industry by strengthening the financial stability of home mortgage lending institutions and ensuring the availability of home mortgage loans," was a Reagan Administration initiative.

Yes, indeed. The current Prez has certainly laid a huge mess on the lap of the next administration. You are right, it is going to take more than one person to get us out of the current crisis, but given that the Republicans have taken us so far in the wrong direction for so long now, I can’t see more of the same as being the answer. I am certain placing my bet on Obama as the one who will lead our nation and the world out of this crisis.

Love and Peace to All,


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