Conversations with God

What God Wants - Part 5

Saturday October 4, 2008

Categories: Books, God, Life and the New Spirituality, What God wants

As you look at your life and as you look at the world around you, do you think you are seeing a reflection of What God Wants? If not, what do you think that God does want? I have an...

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Filed Under: Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch, What God Wants


Though God, our greatest friend, lovingly guides us in every moment, God expects nothing in return. Yet, the more we open our heart to spirit, the greater our desire to give to God the one gift that we, and only we, can offer—our love.

Indeed, as Indian saint Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi noted, offering God anything other than our love is like showing a candle to the sun.

Just as a parent treasures every expression of affection from a beloved child, so too is God touched by your every expression of loving devotion. What is devotion? It is the unceasing practice of acknowledging God’s presence, with the ultimate goal of living your life as one long prayer.

Phil Bolsta
Author of "Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything" (

So God wants nothing from any man or woman. So why were we created by God? For what purpose are we here on earth at this time, and place?
If God wants nothing from us we might as well have never been created, or are you saying that God did not Create us? In the bible it states:IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH. So why would he do this, if not for man and women to live there.
God wants everything from us, not nothing. He wants us to give up, and give all to him. He wants us not to trust ourselves, but to trust only him in all things. He wants us to surrender all we are, and all we have to him, and trust him alone for our life. Trusting, and believing in him to take care of us in all things is true freedom, true fulfillment, true life,and true Love. GOD IS LOVE, and he wants us to love him, and only him. Humans cannot love one another without God, for GOd is love. Human love without God in us, is false, and flawed.
Perfect love only comes by believing, and receiving a perfect God, but there is only one thing we must be. We must be made perfect as God is Perfect. The only way is to ask god to forgive us of our wrong doings, and believe he can make us perfect in Christ Jesus.
Man or women cannot be made perfect,and cannot enjoy eternal life with out this perfection. We were made in the beginning Perfect, God gave Man a choice, and he chose to turn away from this perfection. This separted us from God, but not God's love. God wants us to be with him. WE can choose not too, and live separted from him forever, or choose life forever with him. We are born in sin, but we can choose to turn from it, or embrace it. God does not want us to be same as we are born, he wants us to change to what he wants us to be. Gods wants us. Do you want God?
God wants humans to love Him, to worship Him, to adore Him, to surrender to Him, to be grateful to Him, and to pay Him homage.
Why would anyone ask why? Because he LOVES US,and he WANTS US to LOVE HIM enough to give up all we are, Because he does care where we end up.
WE cannot be with him forever unless we are willing to Love him no matter what. LIFE IS SHORT, LOVE HIM OR LEAVE HIM THIS IS WhaT HE WANTS. You can't do both, and leaving him means forever death of your soul. Loving him means everlasting life for your soul, with him.
Choose this day whom you will serve, as for me, and my house we will serve God.

Well, Bob
Then you are talking about a very small and needy God. A child God, an ego driven god. I believe God to be much greater than that. God gives us the gifts freely without any form of payment back. God is my best friend, not one I must fear. And at the end of my days here on this earth I will tell her all my adventures with joy and merryment. This is the God that I love and cherish, as my best friend because you can tell your best friend anything and they still love you no matter what. Not some kind of looming parent/judge.
Blessing to all

I think this topic makes for a very interesting discussion. Thanks Neale.

Nevertheless, the approach to the topic in this blog seems to go along the line that God is a separate being from us. What if we view this topic from the perspective that we are the human expressions of the divine energy that we call God?

Perhaps we can restate the question of "What God wants" into "What WE want"?

Editor, Cosmic Lighthouse Metaphysics Magazine

I think that one problem with the notion that God wants nothing is that having thought deeply about this it has forced me to seriously revise my concept of divinity to the point where I'm now actually leaning more towards atheistic/humanistic beliefs. I've been so used to thinking of divinity as a person with "needs" that coming to agreement that God needs nothing is tantermount to saying there is no God, or at the very least that divinity is impersonal. I understand the whole god as everything concept yet to me it seems something of an add on at this point.

That's the greatest article ever, Neale! I really enjoyed reading it! And I'm looking forward for all new ones! Now to my thoughts about this…

For the world it's really frightening idea that God doesn't want anything. Cause everything what we know now about God, everything would just collapse. All the system. But in the end everyone would be free, out of their golden cages. Do you know the song "White bird" from "It's a beautiful day"? It's a great song!

I just came to see myself here...I wanted to be understood. God wants to be understood. Exactly what you wrote in your article:

I needed to be understood, I wanted to be adored, I wanted to be heard...and that cause me fear of not getting it! And because of that I rarely was in that state. Because fear was driving me off that, I have to say, natural state. That causes me not to be right here, right now. To live in expectations. Every time, when I knew what I was, I drove myself exactly into that state! Into some future, that doesn’t exist and is made of fear not getting what I want!

Why? Because non-understanding of classmates and teachers through years in school hurt me. Now I am here that I could understand God. I want to understand why is he like this. I want to understand, what happened to this earth.

And this post from Bob: "God wants everything from us, not nothing. He wants us to give up, and give all to him. He wants us not to trust ourselves, but to trust only him in all things. He wants us to surrender all we are, and all we have to him, and trust him alone for our life. Trusting, and believing in him to take care of us in all things is true freedom, true fulfillment, true life, and true Love. GOD IS LOVE, and he wants us to love him, and only him. Humans cannot love one another without God, for GOd is love. Human love without God in us, is false, and flawed."

It just drew out a lot of compassion.

Bob, if this is what God wants from us, we will do exactly the opposite! We will think, that "being sinners" is our natural state! That we never were and never will be like it! We will maybe drive ourselves into that state and then go back to what we think is our natural state. It cannot go that way!

God doesn't want anything from us, believe me.

Sorry, but I had to write about it...

Love and compassion,

Phil, there is nothing for me to add. You expressed what is in my heart. Thank you.


Think about this... You ask:

"So God wants nothing from any man or woman. So why were we created by God? For what purpose are we here on earth at this time, and place? "

Just for self realizing at his/her own image and likeness, to become -realize- what we are: individuations of Divinity...

Why do you have children? (if you have)

For worshipping you, adore you, and love you, and please you...? Or for another totally different reason?: For they be what they want to be at the higher level possible...?

Of course, you, as human, have expectations: that they love you too, perhaps take care of you when you're old, etc. But is that the real reason to give them birth?

So, if you as a parent, can know that you want nothing from your offspring, could you believe that God does, and will punish you if you don't?

And if you want something from your sons, do you think that this 'separated God' would have your own needs? Your very same expectations...?

If you think that, is that you believe in a lesser God, not the Almighty All in All God that requires nothing at all...

Even Paul wrote about that: "the god in which I believe requires nothing, but he's the source of all things..."

So, the idea that god wants nothing is not new at all, but Separation Theology has managed very well to hide it, or/and supprese it, or twist it.

Making us children of a lesser, needy, greedy god...

And with what consequences!!!


Thank you, Deb. I would like to add that while I was reading Neale's post, I was thinking, "Wow, this is great. I love this stuff. And I am so glad that Neale is here in our midst, serving as the spiritual messenger of our generation."

I guess it's not surprising that Neale is a lightning rod for criticism. You utter the word God in public and people are going to attack you no matter what you have to say about the subject.

Today's post is vintage Neale. In my view, his argument is eminently logical. That's what I love about the spiritual worldview. It is all quite logical. It makes perfect sense to me.

There are many who would laugh at that contention. Yet I consider my views on how the universe works far more logical than theirs. In fact, I fail to see the logic in traditional religious worldviews at all. And those are typically the people who consider themselves rational and logical.

Oh, well, such is the spice of life. In the end, it's all quite amusing! Carry on, Neale. You rock!

Phil Bolsta
Author of "Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything" (

Think of it this way. You are a parent, what do you want from your children? Or is it what do you want FOR your children? Do you want (require) them to be dependant upon you? Or do you want them to be independent of you and be able to stand on their own two feet fully capable of providing for themselves and their own family?

Do you want (require) them to worship you? Do you want (require) them to call or visit every Sunday? Or do you appreciate when they do call or visit? Are you thrilled that they want to share their lives and family with you?

Do you want (require) them to give up all of what they are and with every word, thought and deed think of how it will serve you, as their parent, and for each and every one of their accomplishments give homage and credit to you? Or are you thrilled when they do, of their own choice, acknowledge your sacrifices for them and give thanks for all you taught them throughout their formative years.

But then, the above is all separation thinking. It still shows God (the parent) as sitting in St, Louis, Mo. when Bill (his son) is in Butte, Mt.

Or think of it this way… You have started your own business and when your son grows old enough he enters into the business with you. What do you want from him? That he does all the hard work so you can sit in the office and reap the rewards of all his hard work? Or did you work your ass off so you could share the work, side by side, enjoying each others company while producing a needed service to your community?

But this is separation thinking again. Are you working together side by side or are you actually holding the tool together as one, ‘be’ing the job of creating a thriving prosperous concern? Each turn of the tool a mutual simultaneous action that is shared in the most intimate way possible?

The way some people on this blog and others that I have known talk about their God of demands, requirements, judgments and punishments reminds me of that show with Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. Tuttle of American Chopper. Paul Jr. making the motorcycles and Paul Sr. sitting in his office just waiting to find a mistake of Jr’s so they can start one of their famous fights; yelling, screaming, doors slamming, cars driven into each other, pieces flying through the air.

Not the kind of relationship that I want with my God.

But, if it is true that God is energy, pure intelligence, having created all that is for the purpose of knowing His/Her/Its Self through experiencing, then what could God want except the shared, mutual, simultaneous experience of that creation in each moment, each thought, each action, every event, of every possibility that occurs throughout that creation? Therefore, since God is EveryThing and EveryOne that exists and nothing is outside of God, then Gods wants nothing, except the experience of everything.

The first thing that came to my mind was total freedom....a chance to explore all the possibilities this physical/spiritual world has to offer. All the doors of opportunity are open. Maybe its because I never did follow anyone else's doctrines. I was never biased to them - I did learn about them which is different, and it is very educational. You develope a respect for other's beliefs - but mainly a respect for others, period.

Even before I got to the end of Neale's lesson - another thought came to my mind, that we are not co-dependents. How unhealthy is that?...
Asking God for whatever we want....and not realizing that it is within each of us to produce, just as He has. We are responsible for our own choices to make ourselves happy. It is really so simple. And yet we make it so darn hard. At least a lot do. But I know thoughts are changing in this area - there is so much more awareness now than when I was a kid.....we are smarter - we just don't follow the "piper" anymore.

I may get some flack on this but I believe our soul is born inherently "good"...what befalls us through our genes or environment are the lessons that we deal with, but still, more often than not - there are possibilities yet undiscovered that enlighten us on our journey - and that's all I have to say about that.

have a beautiful Saturday - the Sun is shining here!!!!

I LOVE, Love, love this blog entry today. I loved it when I first read it in "What God Wants." How unburdening, refreshing and freeing! Imagine, a truly UNCONDITIONAL God practicing unconditional LOVE.

Sign me up--or beam me up--I'm really, really liking this idea!

oh, and another thing has come to mind - as I was in my beautiful garden, just now....

Don't you see that God is feeling, doing, experiencing all that is happening to us ALL, let me stress that - TO US ALL - in this very moment?
ALL at ONE time - everywhere........its mind boggling!!!!!


I dont' know why this keeps flowing, but I'm going with the flow here...
yes, I have had a near death expereince at age 7 or so...the details are not necessary - except that it came on from Anaphylactic Shock - a terrible reaction to Pennicillan....

But the main thing is that during this experience - I was stopped from folding into that beautiful Loving Light and shown words. Not any written form I could my child's mind - I knew it was something important and I wanted to copy it down....there were 10 words in a soon as I put hand (I thought I had a pen in my hand) to my other hand to draw it....I was back in my body....(and totally healed from hives, fever, lack of breath and the symptoms for which I was originally taking the medicine) miracle...

It has taken me along time to figure out what the words were, I know them now - but the main thing is - I KNOW, that circle would have kept going, more words would have appeared....maybe this life is just to work with what I was know a "bucket list"....LOL

I am enjoying every bit of it....this journey of Love, here - because it exists there too...


Can I tell you a story? If not, just skip over. (seems to be a slow day on the blog, its Saturday - people are busy)

This is a true story, and a bit of an analogy for this topic. I love nature and animals, always have which has led me to be a good observer.. I have always had a dog in my life (I'm allergic to cats too).
For each decade I have had a different "personality" as companion. They were all mutts, except for Tessa now. She is a full bred from one of those particular breed rescue agencies. She is a hunter, maybe given up because she would not respond to her master.
Her manners are good, no problem there. But she does lack re-call response. Will not listen, once she is off leash or out of the yard to "come".
She is 9 now, and I have found that even animals understand language and feel & understand emotions after a certain age. They comprehend. Maybe some flack on that, but I don't think so.
Two years ago, after having her for 3 - she got out of the yard, in February, a cold month here along the lake - snow and ice, but at least a Saturday like today with the Sun shining and folks out shoveling.
When I realized she was gone, my heart was pounding and heavy. What could of happened to her? Why did she go away?...Silly critter/fur baby, we have given her all this love. What could have possessed her? To go off on her own and be subject to what may hurt her?....My husband and I took off in different directions and all the neighbors helped too. Bring her home if you find her please.
I know she went 3 miles away at one point. And after hours, two women spotted her out in the lake, swimming in ice flows chasing ducks...her PASSION. They think she made it to safe land, but were not heart sank again. I could not do anything more at this point and just went home to wait.
As I was pulling into the drive - there in front of me - was Tessa - dragging herself back home, with cuts and bruises and mud and ice all tangled in her fur...
Oh what joy I felt to see "child"/fur baby - see what you got for going away from me? What have you learned with your passion, your desire for more - I can not know your lessons, but I feel your love to come back here in the knowledge that I am always here for you, you know this place now - I comfort your whinning from the aches and pains of your journey. You are in my arms - I now TRUST that you will always find me.

Just a story, but a true one.

So looking at the world I think God already has it all to experience: Poverty, gluttony, peace, war, living, dying, birth, death, joy, grief, pain, no pain, living/life in all shapes and form, ages and under all sorts of conditions possible, that is what God at this time is experiencing. Through our eyes.
What came to my mind was that: all of that would stop if existence on this planet would cease due to whatever. Would God want that? Did God ever want it? For you bible people - obviously there were always survivors to later write the story...and for some faiths it is entirely plausible that other worlds exist elsewhere.
If that was what God wanted -even by default due to our not wanting to maintain this planet, life etc. all ways of knowing in this realm would no longer be available either. Would it matter to the universe? Who knows? But it would matter to me as well as my offspring.
Then comes to mind that at this point God cannot know what is new. Meaning a new, different way of life, if possible.
This might be a good time to point out that the way we previously handled things have worked for us, but in a lot of ways haven't in the long run.
Maybe wars have provided survival for some nations over others, but also depleted valuable supplies...that being one example of many. Everytime the pendulum swings too far one way, it must go the other way too. (After too big of a war there simply aren't enough left to fight - voila, peace...)
So, what does God want if God does not want it all to end? Survive?

Does God really need this particular place to experience everything? At this time? Does God have other places? We don't know, do we?
Next I wonder how what is going on here in this place and time reflects on creation? Does it look good? Actually Neale already asked that question, didn't mean to repeat. Frankly in the interest of even surviving as humans we probably need to correct the course. Not very smart to deplete everything, is it?

Cynthia, where are you? Here in the Nothwest the weather is wild: sun/rain/wind all at once...just gorgeous.

Barbara, I'm in the midwest, dear, along Lake Michigan. We have been to the Northwest, loved it - especially Portland, a good friend of ours lived there and told us of the wonderful places to visit all up and down the coast. There are many photos of me hugging ancient monolithic trees!!!!

ahhhh "____"

Thank you for the beautiful poem - this is why God gave us the nature of animals and all of nature. If closely observed, all things are revealed and a commonalty exists.


To a God who wants nothing from me, I am free to give everything.

I love this quote. Pretty much says it all, don't you think?

Heaven asks nothing. It is hell that makes extravagant demands for sacrifice.
A Course in Miracles

Phil Bolsta
Author of "Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything" (

Rose Kennedy once said when asked how she was able to go on after all the tragedy she had experienced in her life. "I have always believed that no matter what, God wants us to be happy. Birds sing after a storm, why shouldn't we?"

A happiest Sunday with Love to all!

AHHHH! What a relief. God wants nothing. Talk about stress free. Do you think that this is what we are evolving to-wanting nothing? I say yes, the entire world would change over-night. I say yes, yes to prefering to believe that I can attain "want" of nothing. Just preferences. What joy.

Yes Phil! It's amazing how when you know something, it appears so obvious.

NEALE thank you for inviting us to think.While trying to believe in the faith i was brought up in i could never understand why the ALL POWERFUL GOD could want or need me to be or do something to get his approval.i was a little kid crying in my bed because i thought i was going to hell for my thoughts.WOW!I must say that the new idea i have of God is refreshing and sometimes scary for i have an awmazing ability to remember my old theology.let me just say that God is my friend and i have the keys to the kingdom.we are all one GOD BLESS

Wish Neale would also have been invited as a participant to the synod going on in Rome!

Someday an open door to the New Sprituality will be possible i believe.

Blessings to the World!

God doesn't need any "thing" because God made everything out of His own self. But, if I read CWG books correctly, God does need to experience Himself through our individual experiences. Otherwise God is not, right?

Dear AM,
please read this article and tell me if the dialogue with the catholic church is possible.

If I say to you: "I am the true, you are defective", is any conversation possible???



Dear classmates- I'll digress for a minute and thank you for beautiful messages and thoughts. I feel in the past few days that I have learnt something very important, and your outpouring of thinking and love about my family situation has been very ...I don't even know how to say it. I have had the flu the past few days and have had lots of time to think about what you all have to say, and have re-read Teacher's article many many times over. Thank you.

Back to the discussion. What if God does want something- for us to just be happy? I can live with a God who doesn't 'want' anything, but it would be nice to think that He would like us to be happy.

Who or what is "God"?

We often project upon "God". But what is God?

One thing we can say is God is not confined to my limited view, to my linear-sequential mode of experience. So, how does God experience? (Does God experience?)

To approach these questions, we have to deal with our own biases; we have to lay aside the ideas and beliefs about God, and by extension approach this with a necessary humility. The noise floor of our attachments and projections effectively obscures the face of God. That face is hidden, but Present.

What does God need?

Nothing, is the correct answer. Why? Because God, if God, is complete in itself. Hence it has no wants or needs. It is. (Notice my use of the impersonal "it". There is a need on our part to avoid projection and hence I have dropped using personal pronouns when speaking about God. When the limited self, the "i" that is the personal ego has shed all the illusions, that is when "IT IS" finally becomes "I AM", but not before then.)

One view from Sufi traditions is that we are like dirty mirrors which must be continuously worked upon so that nothing of the mirror is present, only the reflection. Being empty of my attachments, having had all of that which is false scraped away, the Master reflects through me. Completely empty, were such a thing possible, and there is only God. We are the prodigal, the existent who must return via negation to the non-existent. Another Sufi bit of wisdom, "Die before you die." Approaching emptiness is easier now than all at once as death comes quickly upon me. Learn to die to the false self each day, and the surest path to that is love of God. The deep longing for realised union inside is the best sextant, the surest guide. That longing eclipses every other, and it is not satisfied. This is the abrasive that applied to us cleans the mirror allowing us to die to all the illusions that the false self surrounds the emptiness in.

Hi Diana,

God is not ambivalent, God cares about everything. God doesn't 'need', God knows.

God Loves.

I love the tone of this discussion today. Thank you all. SheerLuck - the God in me is smiling because the god in you gets it! You express yourself so well.

I have some what ifs.

It is not likely that we have the only inhabited planet in the universe.

What if the god of the creation story was actually about off world beings who came here to mine for gold? (Gen. 2:11-12) If these beings came here from another planet they would have had advanced technology.

What if they created humans ,as we are now, by mixing their own DNA with the indigenous species to create workers? (Gen. 1:26) We are beginning to learn about genetic modification now.
These advanced beings could be seen as gods and would want control of humans and would want to be worshiped and obeyed.
What if these humans overpopulated and could not be contolled so the creator gods destroyed most of them with a flood.(Gen.6:5)

This would make a distorted theology based on a distorted creation story.

So maybe God wants nothing from us but is just watching all of us play our games and giving help when we ask for help.

I bet -
God wants us to be 100% honest - totally transparant - all the time.

And of course - we are not - [certainly I am not].

If this is what God wants - she is taking us down a path there.
We are on her path - and we do not see yet where the path will ultimately lead us to. So in the meantime - all of us - CWG'rs
Christians, Muslims, Jews - all of us - are having faith that we
we believe and what we have been taught is what is down this path.

It's pretty clear to me - that no matter God's path is - it's
going to involve something to shake us to our core - that we
cannot understand yet.

For example - Let's imagine that after Barack Obama releases
the 15,000 Al Queda terrorists that Bush has placed in
prison cells all over the world [from Guantanamo to Iraq] -
that 100 of them sync up with the Iranian gov't to coordinate
100 suicide missions all on the same day.

Killing 10,000 people.

That event will not even begin to change anyone's thought process -
as it relates to honesty and transparancy.

But surely, the world will take action to re-capture all
the prisoners that Obama released.

So - you see people - for now, we pretty much just make
things up - that we deem to be "important" in fact our
whole presidential campaign [according to Obama supporters]
involves the most important election ever held on this planet -
and if we elect the "wrong" person - the world will keep
on having problems.

Until 9-11-2001 - the USA pretty much was immune to the problems
on Earth from 1974 to 2001.

We decided in 1974 to allow the Khmer Rouge to slaughter
and starve millions of Hmong people - because the American liberals
just wanted to go back to being "immune" to problems.


So - what I'm saying is that there have always been - and there
will always be "PROBLEMS" - and in America - right now we are
going to decide the next election - based on which problems we want
to fix.

Obama thinks most Americans need "HOPE" and need the government'to intervene and solve most of our day-to-day conerns.

McCain think most Americans don't need "HOPE" - and would prefer
that the governemnt stop trying to solve every problem we face
as a nation and as individual citizens.

It will be an election to see who is right.

Which group of Americans will prevail ?

The polls always show [as they did in 2000 and 2004 with Gore and Kerry]
- Americans think they want their governemnt to resolve our
daily problems - but when the Americans step into the voting
booth - it usually is about 50/50.

God wants honesty and transparancy - and it's not coming
Especially with either one of the candidates in this election.

Obama has done the best fake-out / with his new approach - of
lying that he will cut taxes for 95% of the Country.
And that big falsehood - might cost him the Red States - who
don't easily fall for such nonsense.

But McCain too has a problem.
He's considered a Bush light - and the media won't report
what he said on the floor of the US Senate when introduced
senate Bill 190 in May of 2006 - in which he laid out
point-by-point that Fannie and Freddie are placing
this nation into risk of a fiscal meltdown.

The media will tell us that Obama "wrote a letter"
But does anyone notice that "the letter" is not released ?

The reason is because Obama didn't warn of the crisis
in terms of Gov't risk - he wrote the letter in terms of
impending credit restrictions on the "poor".


So - honesty and transparancy.

We are all one in this area - none of us are really honest yet.

Brian, I didn't get past, "when Barack Obama releases..."

You are in my thoughts and prayers today.


Neale I just DONT understand: How can u support Obama more than Ron Paul?

Because in my opinion Ron Paul politics are so much closer to what works for benefit of all. And he supported same values already in 1988 so hes definately not fishing for votes.

Thanks for praying Deb - much appreciated.
You assume I'm saying that Obama's idea's are wrong.
They are what they are - and we get to decide Nov. 4th
Barack said the prisoners are being detained illegally -
and they are being mistreated.

Obama has no choice - but to release the Al_Queda terrorists
- because the US Military will never participate in any court
proceedings or legal disclosure of the intelligence that lead
us to capture known terrorists.

Thanks so much !!

Wow, God doesn't want anything from us and we don't need him. When I think this it allows a letting go, a peace comes, when you need, you hold on hard and that takes energy, lots of it. Letting go of the need brings peace and from that, you can just love, just love God, just love life, if we let go of need even in life, we can then just love life. Letting go.
Thankyou Neale and your great team. This has been just lovely I realized the power of letting go.
Have a great day, it's fantastic to be alive.

Linda Beattie

The most difficult things I've been through in my life have been the most valuable--there's no question about that. I guess I'm just thinking about this question from the view that it is always my choice to blunder in the first place. It is always my choice to either go to God when I need help, or forget and try to go it alone.

Every time I ignore my conscience, I suffer, yes. And in the throes of it, I can rant and rave about how hard it is. Later, looking back, I'm grateful and realize I wouldn't change a thing if I could go back in time. The lessons learned are always so worth it! (That reminds me of 'The Pearl' in the book, The Profit.)

If I look at it the way I'm thinking you are Martin, I'd have to agree with you.

But are you saying God is angrily demanding retribution for our sins? That our suffering is a demanded act of penance? If so, we are miles apart on who God is.

Thanks Brian. Next time I'll plunge ahead and finish reading the post. I guess I'm just so over all the political emails from my Republican family members who are lighting holy candles for me as we speak.


You talk about conservatives-republicans think that government has not to intervene in daily problems...

You're 'right'

According to latest news, govenrment only has to intervene just when there are major problems caused by not-regular people: the wealthiest ones...!

700.000$ of people money to solve the bankruptcy of banks, and major business, is not intervention...

It's just robbery...? Or what?

But, oh! that happened to Merryll Lynch, Lehman Brothers, and other giants...!

What happened with the 'laws of market', so supported by conservatives?

He, he...

'No intervention'...

Excuse me:

A little mistake:

The bill is: 700.000.000.000 $

A little difference......

The Facts About Kids and Guns

Each year, there are 34,000 gun-related deaths in the U.S. How many of those dead are children, and has that number increased in the last few years? Here are the facts.

Safety expert Gavin de Becker found out while researching his books, The Gift of Fear and Protecting the Gift, that:

* Every day, about 75 American children are shot. Most recover — 15 do not.

* The majority of fatal accidents involving a firearm occur in the home.

* Gunshot wounds are the single most common cause of death for women in the home, accounting for nearly half of all homicides and 42 percent of suicides.

* An adolescent is twice as likely to commit suicide if a gun is kept in the home.

* More teenage boys in America die from gunfire than from car accidents.

* Gunshot wounds are now the leading cause of death for teenage boys in America (white, African-American, urban, and suburban).

Researchers at have collected the following statistics on kids and guns:

* Twenty-nine percent of high-school boys have at least one firearm; most are intended for hunting and sporting purposes.
Six percent say they carry a gun outside the home.
The National Institute of Justice, 1998

* From 1980 to 1997, gun killings by young people age 18 to 24 increased from about 5,000 to more than 7,500.
During the same period, gun killings by people 25 and older fell by almost half, to about 5,000.
The U.S. Department of Justice

* There are about 60 million handguns in the United States.
About 2 to 3 million new and used handguns are sold each year.
U.S. Senate Statistics

* Nearly 500 children and teenagers each year are killed in gun-related accidents.
About 1,500 commit suicide.
Nearly 7,000 violent crimes are committed each year by juveniles using guns they found in their own homes.
Senator Herb Kohl, sponsor of the safety-lock measure.

* Every day in 1994, 16 children age 19 and under were killed with guns, and 64 were wounded in this country.
National Center for Health and Statistics, 1996

Please tell me why you need a gun.

Hello to those concerned about the 700 billion.

two things.

1- We have given 20 times that in farm subsidies since 1980.
[and all because Republicans and Democrats both fear losing
votes from rural farm country]

2- Fannie and Freddie created the housing bubble.
They are run by Democrats - and it was the easing of
credit regulations [at the request of democrats] that caused it.
And in fact in 2006 had a chance to fix it - but killed
Senate Bill 190 -
In May of 2006 John McCain introduced Senate Bill 190 and said this
on the floor os the US Senate-

Mr. President, this week Fannie Mae's regulator reported that the company's quarterly reports of profit growth over the past few years were "illusions deliberately and systematically created" by the company's senior management, which resulted in a $10.6 billion accounting scandal.

The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight's report goes on to say that Fannie Mae employees deliberately and intentionally manipulated financial reports to hit earnings targets in order to trigger bonuses for senior executives. In the case of Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae's former chief executive officer, OFHEO's report shows that over half of Mr. Raines' compensation for the 6 years through 2003 was directly tied to meeting earnings targets. The report of financial misconduct at Fannie Mae echoes the deeply troubling $5 billion profit restatement at Freddie Mac.

The OFHEO report also states that Fannie Mae used its political power to lobby Congress in an effort to interfere with the regulator's examination of the company's accounting problems. This report comes some weeks after Freddie Mac paid a record $3.8 million fine in a settlement with the Federal Election Commission and restated lobbying disclosure reports from 2004 to 2005. These are entities that have demonstrated over and over again that they are deeply in need of reform.

For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--known as Government-sponsored entities or GSEs--and the sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market. OFHEO's report this week does nothing to ease these concerns. In fact, the report does quite the contrary. OFHEO's report solidifies my view that the GSEs need to be reformed without delay.
Quick Info
S. 190 [109th]: Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005
Last Action: Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.
Status: Dead - due to not enough Democrats taking action.

I join as a cosponsor of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, S. 190, to underscore my support for quick passage of GSE regulatory reform legislation. If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.

I urge my colleagues to support swift action on this GSE reform legislation.

re Pipo

If Neale who was raised Catholic can open up his heart to Oneness,
why not the whole Vatican someday ?

All religions are based on Love and miracles happen.
Let's be faithful and hope!


Yep - 43,000 Americans will be killed in car accidents in 2007.
[based on averages]

So - why don't we make a law that we can only drive 25MPH ?
That would save about 42,000 of those lives -
Or why don't we sue the Automakers like we do drug companies
- for producing such a deadly product.

Why didn't idiot John Edwards sue Ford - instead of all
the doctors he sued ? [btw/ Your great liberal savior
not only was a lying cheater - but he sued doctors - blaming
them for causing birth defects like cerebral palsy - which we
now know - was almost certainly nor caused by what John Edwards
said it was}

GO - GO YOU SHEEP AND vote for OBAMA - those of us who build
things and do things will take care of you.

As much as Obama takes away from the real men and the
real builders of this great nation - we will adjust and
keep on doing - while you all sit back and cry for hope.

Back to Martins point on cars -
When Merck was sued for Celebrex [which to this day -
most Arthritis sufferers would die for] - it was because
of 8 death's.

The lawyers were all your god ole boy - John Edwards
Democrats - and you all got fooled !!

You big dummied all thought you were stickin it
to the evil drug companies - didn't you ??

Well the one person you stuck it to - was my
6 year old neighbor child with Arthristis ....
First you Dem's wanted to abort her - and now you
want her to sit in pain - so you CAN STICK TO THE



A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says,

"Why the long face?"

You're comparing the use of guns to the use of cars?

Unfortunately, people who choose to hurt others exist. If we did not have guns, these people would have the knowledge that they could band together and do bad things. With guns, they can always suspect that we may be waiting for them with a little surprise.

Our freedom, that we so rightly value in this country, was determined by the fact that as Colonists, we rose up over the tyranny and oppression. How? With God on our side, for we were fighting for righteousness, with guns.

In real life (as it is on this earth, currently), few understand why we are really here and that our purpose is to be peaceful and joyful through experiencing love of ourselves, others, our lives and God's beautiful creations. Until the day arrives that we can all live in peace, we must protect our rights to experience it by defending ourselves from others who would choose to take it from us. That is why we need guns!!

If someone around the world ask why so many people in USA is 'crazy', here we have a couple of nice answers...

Good job...!

Wow, AM...we are opening, aren't we*


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