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Hand In Hand

[1960, Movie]

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Two seven-year-old children, the Jewish Parry and the Catholic Needs, become friends. Their parents object and try to keep the two apart, but the children resist the bigotry and manage to maintain their close bond. Each attends the religious services observed by the other, and each is frightened by the strange rituals witnessed. This intelligent, sympathetic children's film makes a gentle plea for tolerance and love.
Year: 1960
Rated NR

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Loretta Parry: Rachel Mathias
Philip Needs: Michael O'Malley
John Gregson: Father Timothy
Sybil Thorndike: Lady Caroline
Finlay Currie: Mr. Pritchard
Derek Sydney: Rabbi Benjamin


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  • Ask FlickChick: Why can't I get the 1994 Fantastic Four and more... | Ask FlickChick | 5/29/2008
    Ask FlickChick: Why you can't find the 1994 version of Fantastic Four, and more movie questions answered!Question: I know there's a Roger Corman version of the Fantastic Four floating out there. Do you know if it ever is going to be released on DVD? – JohnFlickChick: Legitimate DVD? Don't hold your breath – there are various versions of exactly why the low-budget, 1994 version of The Fantastic Four, executive produced by Roger Corman and Bernd Eichinger and directed by Canadian TV specialist Oley Sassone, isn't available. But it boils down to movie rights to the source material, which Eichinger has apparently had for years. Movie rights to material based on existing sources aren't acquired in perpetuity: If you buy the right to make a movie from a book, an play, or whatever, you have a certain period of time within which to do it. If you don't the rights revert to the original rights holder, usually the original author but sometimes an estate or a corporate entity. It's... read more

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