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Let's Talk about the Rain, 12a
Agnès Jaoui’s comedy of manners takes on issues of class, race and loyalty, but in such a charming, offhand way that one hardly notices them being raised. The writer-director also stars, as a Parisian feminist academic attempting to break into politics. Nationwide

Pride and Glory, 15
The brutal slaying of four NYPD officers lights the touchpaper to a plot involving a whole police family in this bad-apple-cop drama. Edward Norton stars. Nationwide

Of Time and the City, 12a
Liverpool, the city of vanished splendours and tragic departures, has never had a more poignant tribute than the director’s impressionistic docu-memoir, an inspired compound of poetry, aphorism and music using extraordinary images from the Fifties and Sixties. Limited release

Hunger, 15
Michael Fassbender stars as Bobby Sands in this account of the “dirty protest” in the Maze prison in 1981. It takes docu-realism to a level that’s hard to watch, and to stomach. Nationwide

Gomorrah, 15
This full-throated adaptation of Roberto Saviano’s book makes a courageous break from the traditions of the genre by revealing just how unglamorous life under the Mafia can be. Nationwide