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DNA tests match feet washed ashore

From Saturday's Globe and Mail

Foot discovered on the B.C. coastline last month belongs to same woman as another foot discovered last May ...Read the full article

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  1. Chilled One from Canada writes: Quick!! Quick!!! A story about crime, post a comment before the G&M; shuts it down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Ford Thompson from Venezuela writes: "separated naturally from the body"...because it's natural for a foot to separate itself? What about the rest of it :p
  3. Kim Morton from Canada writes: Stay tuned for part two of this riveting CBC docudrama.
  4. Dick Garneau from Canada writes: It's good to see they are still working the cases.
  5. Will Smith from Vancouver, writes: Naturally separating. ie. Without signs of trauma. (As not cut, hacked, chewed off etc)

    As for as the rest of it - most likely decay and predation by sealife.
  6. J A from Ottawa, Canada writes: Even if the foot had separated from the angle joint naturally, it does not necessarily mean that there was no trauma involved. The leg could have been cut off and then disposed into the water, and the foot could still separate "naturally".
  7. Steve Church from Canada writes: The idea that this is a naturally occurring process of disarticulation begs the question of why this hasn't shown up on hundreds of shorelines around the world - there's lots of sea disappearances worldwide. It's specific to the area, and the victims are wearing running shoes - not boots or shoes. Try weighting down bodies and when decomposition occurs the shoes come loose. Maybe the shoes were left on to keep the bodies down longer.

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