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It wasn't the same for tailgate partiers

From Monday's Globe and Mail

'They don't know how to tailgate up here in Canada,' Bills fan says. 'Maybe we'll set the trend.' ...Read the full article

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  1. Popeye Dillon from North Vancouver, Canada writes: One of the pleasures of going to a Bill's game or a concert was the pregame/concert party. Torontonians were and are simply to uptight to enjoy themselves.
  2. Andy J. from Aurora, Canada writes: I was at the VIP tailgate, but it's different when it's -20 with the windchill factor. It was SO expletive COLD, and it sure put a damper on the event. People came in, got their 2 free drinks, sampled the oysters, sushi and Bison ribs, and went to the stadium where it was warm, and great free food everywhere. If it was warmer, I would have stuck around some more.
  3. Chester Rockwell from Canada writes: These Toronto-Buffalo comparisons are becoming idiotic. In case people still don't get it, Toronto is not Buffalo. Frankly, I don't understand what exactly people expected. There is, physically, a lack of space to even have a tailgate party around the Skydome. The G&M; might as well start running articles on how the Alouette's tailgate party compares to the tail gate party at a Seahawks game and start drawing ludicrous conclusions on each city based off of that.

    If Toronto were a small, working class industrial city (like Buffallo or Green Bay) were tickets cost ~40$, maybe there would be tailgate parties. Hell, maybe if they just played these games in a suburb (Downsview anybody?) there would be a tailgate party. As it is though, most of these seats are corporate or otherwise directed at a high price crowd that would prefer sushi to sitting in a pickup truck grilling ribs. That isn't necessarily a bad thing (as teams wont go bankrupt), but I don't know what genius expected some kind of midwestern-working-class-powow on Front St. You won't see tailgate parties outside of large, urban stadiums. Not GM Place, not the Staples Center, nowhere.

    I might as well go on about how stuck up Vancouver is for not having a how down for each Canucks game.
  4. Adrien Muise from Yarmouth, Canada writes: You see tailgate parties outside of every NFL stadium, some better then others but they are there. I don't think this means the Toronto Bills (too soon?) won't have them, it just means the fan base wasn’t ready for one today. I bet their were many fans that simply didn't know this type of thing went on before a game.
  5. maggie's farmboy from Canada writes: Wow,

    Toronto doesn't know how to party? Shocking.
  6. Chester Rockwell from Canada writes: And just to preempt the rolling tide of comment to the affect that anybody who defends anything about Toronto is; a.)socialist b.)elitist c.)american d.)anti-american e.)banker f.)all of the above. I don't care at all about football, the NFL or CFL, or any possible Toronto/Buffalo relocation. This has just been over-reported and over-hyped from every angle though. It is stupid. The actual opinion of most Torontonians is that most of us don't care.

    Anybody who builds up these 5 games as heralding a new era of sports in Toronto is just lying through their teeth. Most of us could care less at being given the "privilege" of watching a b-list NFL franchise from a ghost town loose for the next 5 years. I don't understand how many loosing franchise Toronto can support.

    By the same token, the metrics being used to judge success are absurd. Toronto not breaking out into rolling riots of bbq-ing things in foil and sitting in the back of our F150s drinking "brew" does not mean a Toronto franchise would be less profitable then a Buffalo one. At the end of the day, profitability of the franchise will be the one and only item potential owners will look at when determining the Bill's future. I don't care if Toronto passes this test, what I do care about is people assuming that stupid things like whether or not Toronto is "stuck up" will determine anything. Buffalo may not be "stuck up," but it also can't support it's own NFL team or keep it's population from halving over 50years.
  7. Pamphleteer . from Canada writes: Yee-haw! Break out the OV and get some Toby Keith pumping out of the Silverado...

  8. Carl Burton from Nanaimo , B.C., Canada writes: Now maybe the money-bag twits that are pulling for a N.F.L. team in Toronto will realize you don't play football in Canada in December and January . They should put their money into a second N.H.L. team that might axtually win some games.
  9. Twitchy Libertarian from Calgary, Canada writes: Tailgating is not new to Canada. Maybe to Toronto, but not Canada.

    There is a large contingent of dedicated tailgaters at McMahon Stadium for each and every Stampeders games. And I am sure it is not the only place in the country where it happens.

    Perhaps some research G&M;?

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