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MIMS Dermatology Conferences

MIMS Dermatology presents an annual conference exploring the key issues for dermatologists working in primary care.

The conference offers practical advice and expertise in diagnosis and management of dermatological problems and blends clinical sessions, case studies, interactive sessions and hands-on workshops.

For the latest Haymarket Business Media conferences visit HaymarketEvents.com.

Contacts at MIMS Dermatology Conferences
Customer Services
Jade Smith, Customer Services co-ordinator
Email | Tel +44 (0) 208 267 4011

MIMS Dermatology Conferences

Women’s Health In Primary Care
March 24, 2009, London

MIMS Women’s Health conference looks at the latest updates in clinical conditions presenting in primary care including contraception and family planning, osteoporosis, menopause and infertility.

Senior primary and secondary care speakers will also discuss new cancer findings, hormone replacement therapies and urinary incontinence management.

There will also be a workshop on Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccines and the current UK vaccination programme.

Contacts at Women’s Health in Primary Care
Customer Services
Jade Smith, Customer Services Co-ordinator
Email | Tel +44 (0) 20 8267 4011