| Zoning guide to using the Marine Park | Zoning Maps | Commercial fishing | Shipping | Information of interest to Planners and Managers | History of the most recent zoning program | Zoning Publications | Research in the Great Barrier Reef | About Zoning |

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Downloadable maps

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Download the GBRMPA Zoning Coordinates.

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Acrobat PDF (1.4Mb)

Statutory Zoning documents

The legal instruments that define the new zoning can be downloaded here.


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The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is a multiple-use area. Zoning helps to manage and protect the values of the Marine Park that users enjoy. Zoning Plans define what activities can occur in which locations, both to protect the marine environment and to separate potentially conflicting activities. Revised zoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park was introduced in 2004 as part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s Representative Areas Program.

Zoning was developed following extensive research and the most comprehensive community consultation process undertaken on an Australian environmental issue. The current Zoning Plan was introduced in 2004 and helps secure a better future for 344 000km2 of natural wonderland. It supports vital social and economic benefits including tourism and recreation, commercial activities and fishing.