The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses... This little our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...seizes...our executive officers...legislative bodies...schools...
courts...newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”
N.Y. Mayor, John Hylan

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Important North American Union Quotations… Understand How Close We Are to Losing Our Sovereignty, Our Constitution, and Any Freedom We’re Currently Hanging Onto.

Read also:

North American Union Quotations
"A powerful think tank chaired by former Sen. Sam Nunn and guided by trustees including Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Harold Brown, William Cohen and Henry Kissinger, is in the final stages of preparing a report to the White House and U.S. Congress on the benefits of integrating the U.S., Mexico and Canada into one political, economic and security bloc."
- North American Union to be Presented to Congress

North American Union Quotations
"The really insidious part of this is that Bush never was up front about his desire to sacrifice the constitution or have wide-open transparent borders."
- King Bush, Immigration and the North American Union

North American Union Quotations
"… on August 20 2007, the most powerful president in the world will be arriving in Montebello, Quebec for a two-day conference. President George W. Bush will be meeting with Stephen Harper and their Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderon. So far,
the silence from the Canadian and American media has been deafening… The purpose
of the upcoming conference is to ratify the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North
America, which was initiated by Bush, Martin and Fox in 2005 in Waco, Texas. Essentially,
this so-called ‘partnership’ will result in what the politicians refer to as ‘continental integration’-newspeak for a North American Union- and basically a harmonization of 100’s of regulations, policies and laws"

- North American Union

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North American Union Quotations
"The extensive working group activity being implemented right now by the government of Mexico, Canada, and the United States is consistent with the blueprint laid out in the May 2005 report of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), titled “Building a North American Community.” The Task Force’s central recommendation is the establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter."
- The North American Union

North American Union Quotations
"Some call it ‘regionalization’, population of which will come to be known as the “North Americanists”. Some call it North American Union, NAU for short, or the benign sounding North American Community. Few call the coming end of the sovereignty of three nations globalization, but rarely what it really is, the persistent encroachment of One World Government."
- Welcome to the No-Man’s Land of the North Americanist

North American Union Quotations
"The SPP was not created by a treaty between the nations involved, nor was Congress involved in any way. Instead, the SPP is an unholy alliance of foreign consortiums and officials from several governments. One principal player is a Spanish construction company, which plans to build the highway and operate it as a toll road. But donít be fooled: the superhighway proposal is not the result of free market demand, but rather an extension of government-managed trade schemes like NAFTA that benefit politically-connected interests."
- Texas Straight Talk: The NAFTA Superhighway

North American Union Quotations
"The recommendations centre around, first, creating an integrated North American Military and Law Enforcement Security apparatus that would transcend national boundaries and building a common North American security perimeter."
- Atlantica: Starting a North American Union

North American Union Quotations
"A reasonable grace period should be established at border crossings, during which time people lacking documents are educated about their options and allowed to pass."
- SPP of North America

North American Union Quotations
"The following list of roads and bridges leased to or owned by foreign companies was originally posted on and mysteriously titled, “Highways Glance,” which has no apparent meaning to the content other than the word ‘Highways’–luckily I actually clicked on it despite the undescriptive headline. Unfortunately, corporate mass media has now turned to this type of strange misleading titles and ‘headlining’ to conceal what otherwise might be an actual real-world significancant story."
- American Roads and Bridges Being Sold to Foreign Companies

North American Union Quotations
"No major media reported on the conference–not The Globe and Mail, not the National Post, not the Toronto Star, no one. Yet the topic of the conference, deep integration or the formation of a “North American Community” aka the North American Union, will profoundly affect everything in our lives from our health and security to the currency we use (soon to be the “Amero”) to our very national identity."
- Secret Meeting

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