Tottel, Richard . "Songes and Sonettes written by the ryght honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other"
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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I neuer sawe my Ladye

   Complaint that his ladie after she knew of his loue kept her face alway hidden from him.

1.13.1: I Neuer sawe my Ladye laye apart
1.13.2: Her cornet blacke, in colde nor yet in heate,
1.13.3: Sith first she knew my griefe was growen so great,


1.13.4: Which other fansies driueth from my hart
1.13.5: That to my selfe I do the thought reserue,
1.13.6: The which vnwares did wounde my wofull brest:
1.13.7: But on her face mine eyes mought neuer rest,
1.13.8: Yet, sins she knew I did her loue and serue
1.13.9: Her golden tresses cladde alway with blacke,
1.13.10: Her smilyng lokes that hid thus euermore,
1.13.11: And that restraines whiche I desire so sore.
1.13.12: So dothe this cornet gouerne me alacke:
1.13.13: In somer, sunne: in winters breath, a frost:
1.13.14: Wherby the light of her faire lokes I lost.