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Home > College Board Tests > AP: About > Exam Choice Guidelines

Exam Choice Guidelines

The AP Program does not require you to take an AP course before taking an AP Exam. You may repeat an exam in a subsequent year. In such cases, both grades will be reported unless you request that one be withheld or cancelled.

Exam Combinations

If you want to take two exams scheduled for the same time, you must take an alternate form of one of the exams during the late-testing period. Your school's AP Coordinator will arrange the details for you.

You may take as many AP Exams as you want, in any combination, with the following qualification: You may not take both Calculus AB and Calculus BC in one year.

All exams must be ordered and paid for separately.

Studio Art Exceptions

You may submit more than one Studio Art portfolio; however, there must be no duplication of works or slides among the portfolios, and portfolios cannot be combined. For example, if you want to submit a portfolio for both Drawing and 2-D Design, you will need to submit two separate portfolios and pay two separate fees.