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Wednesday December 24, 2008


The way Ian Greenberg sees it, there will be opportunity in this economic crisis.Any company hoping to take advantage of the situation, though, needs to be ready to move, because when things start happening, they will happen fast.  From Print Edition, 24/12/08

Turn off the tube and contemplate the plight of others

Well, thank you for your holiday greetings and messages of condolence about my cat, Suki.There are times when writing these epistles from the TV Cranny feels mildly dangerous. Occasional waves of abuse come back. And I'm obliged to wonder if the cluster of decent people is so tiny that it is dwarfed by the mass of grumbling, hostile Canadians. And then there's the brazenness. A man wrote to me this year and, in arguing with my skepticism about the hoity-toity anger over changes to CBC Radio, called me an Irish pig. I wrote to him and suggested that if he wanted his note published as a Letter To The Editor, he'd have to provide his full name, address and phone number. This he duly did. Utterly oblivious to shame, he was.  From Print Edition, 24/12/08


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