Asia Pacific | 12/18/08
Kang Xueji, a lifelong peasant, relies on remittances for half her income. Still, she’s glad to be rid of collective farms and sirens calling her to work.
Asia Pacific | 12/18/08
Sidestepping 'patriotic' churches, Zhang Mingxuan actively promotes his faith – and pays the price in arrests and jailings.
Asia Pacific | 12/18/08
Chinese intellectuals like Prof. Hu Xingdou relish their widening freedom to publish their opinions. But many topics remain taboo, and offenders are still subject to "reeducation through labor."
Asia Pacific | 12/18/08
A six-part series by Peter Ford, staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
Asia Pacific | 12/18/08
A villager from western China, Qi Xuewu headed east in search of a better life, joining 140 million ambitious migrant workers.
Asia Pacific | 12/18/08
Its economy has broken records, and the country is a global player – but the financial crisis could threaten stability.
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