PS3 Games

PS3 » Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed

Players, assuming the role the assassin Altair, who has the power to shape events during this pivotal moment in the era of the Crusades. More About Assassin's Creed.

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  • Currently 3.2/5 Stars.
out of 15 reviews
  • Category: Action
  • ESRB Rating: Mature
  • Date Released: November 2007

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  • Currently 1.0/5 Stars.

deadly good

Reviewed by junky12345 on August 01, 2008  |  report this review

You'll take on a number of assassination missions throughout the game. You will also be tasked with freeing innocent citizens, obtaining information, and completing errands and favors for NPCs that will facilitate your quest. The world of Assassin's Creed is primarily based in the 12th century Middle East, during the Third Crusade. It's an expansive world that will take you through many ancient and beautiful cities. Upon entering any new region, it's important to first climb the tallest building marked by an eagle flying over head in order to synchronize your map and GPS system. Once this is done, you'll be able to easily locate points of interest throughout the level. Secondly, before an assassination can be made, you must obtain information by eaves-dropping from a nearby bench, direct interrogation, pick-pocketing unsuspecting marks, and doing favors for informants. Finally, once you have acquired the requisite information you can proceed to the assassin bureau leader to complete your deadly mission.

Altair is a stealthy character who blends into a crowd easily. He does so by keeping a low-profile. This is the default action set for his movements. If the situation dictates a more direct approach, switching into high-profile mode will allow you to sprint, grab, and attack. This is achieved by activating the right trigger. Selecting weapons is a breeze via the quick inventory that is mapped to the D-pad. The four face buttons control your head, weapon hand, empty hand, and legs. Specific actions are mapped to each button, and they vary depending on whether you're in low or high-profile mode. Running up the face of buildings, fighting enemies, and even riding horses is a joy due to the excellent control scheme. The left trigger simply targets enemies and also, while in the midst of battle, you can enter a defensive position, ready to block oncoming attacks. All in all, the controls are very good without a particularly steep learning curve.

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easier gameplay

Hint by morganfreeman on May 31, 2008  |  report this hint

to finish assassin's creed faster and easier every time you go to a new town complete all the side missions first like all the view point:to open the map faster and save all the citizens: to get all the viligantes and the scholars. then do the real missions and when you get to the assassination make sure to run past the guards and head for the target after you do your work and its time for the escape run to the nearest viligantes and then the nearest hiding place. if this doesn't work go to the nearest small rooftop with only one entrance and throw every guard off at the highest point tyen head for the bureau

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