Hauntings Of Mystery Manor

Developer: Cindy Pondillo

Category: Adventure

Release Dates

N Amer -

Official Game Website


You arrive at your ancestral home which you haven't been back to for 15 years. Each room holds a spirit that has their own story that they will tell you. You must help free them from their misery, which is how the house holds them there. You do that by un-murdering them or bringing them something they want or desire. It is quite atmospheric. Hauntingly beautiful, as I refer to it, but not falling into the "horror" genre.

Hardware Requirements

Pentium or Higher Processor (500 Mhz system minimum) 32 Mb RAM Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 or XP, with DirectX 5 or Above Supports all DirectX-Compatible Sound and Video Cards

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