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Questions and Answers on any aspect of .NET.

C# to PHP C_shape_newbie (0 comments)
SingleCall server activation objects retain state across calls? jings (4)
Running .Net 2.0 exe in Framework 3.5 FemaleIndianProgrammer (4)
Remoting performance degradation when returning custom datasets Alex (3)
MS Unit Testing in VB.NET - ExpectedException HardCode (4)
Would a string become a value type if it was a member of a struc jings (5)
XML XSD Solution Bharath K Chinatala (0)
"Cute bug(s)" in Visual Studio Wes Groleau (3)
Remoting 101 I forgot my password (2)
Windows Application from a network share FemaleIndianProgrammer (6)
Is Threads Created From a Thread are Chained or Indpendent ? Manjunath (1)
O/R mappers that can update the database schema automatically? Max (3)
Go to Vs Recursion in C# newbie (11)
Apache Tapestry Creator to Speak on Clojure, Tapestry 5 Sahil Mohtisham (1)
Can we call window form from class? newbie (5)
Looking for a virtual serial port control / driver... *myName (8)
How should a web developer to learn best practices for WinForms? Julie Sheffield (16)
Implement "Help" for windows Mobile smart phone 5.0 codetwist (1)
Very fundamental .NET supportability question Skorj (12)
Diagnostic tools for IIS & .Net? noob (7)
Databases Annon (8)
Web Service responses and IIS ws newbie (3)
Application_Error and Server 2008 Michael Linnane (0)
Free Math Samuel M. (1)
Confused about .Net frameworks?? Annon (5)
WCF & JSON: IIS is not finding javascript resource Hopes to learn something new (3)
Intelligently collection the user's time zone Ido Ophir (4)
Q: Opinionated, effective, well-designed C# Web Framework? John Jensen (25)
what .net version to upgrade to? Patrick From An IBank (3)
Video Editing Library Anon (2)
Factory Method and Abstract Factory Sathyaish Chakravarthy (7)
Apply schema to app.config Lucky Lisp (2)
Date Sorcery Jason (5)
C#: Shortcutting behavior Karl Perry (3)
Strange things on VISTA and COM+ server (.NET C#): solved! Roberto B. (2)
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