Men for & with Others

The Graduate at Graduation

To guide every facet of curriculum development at St. Xavier, the faculty has produced this summary statement of the characteristics that the graduate will have acquired during his time at the school. Every course and every activity must work together toward fashioning a graduate with these characteristics.

Open to Growth
The ideal St. Xavier student at the time of graduation has matured emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially, and religiously to a level that reflects some intentional responsibility for his own growth and actions (as opposed to a passive, drifting, laissez-faire attitude about growth.)  The graduate is at least beginning to reach out in his development, seeking opportunities to broaden his mind, academic skills, imagination, feelings, religious awareness, and social consciousness.

 Intellectually Competent
By graduation the St. Xavier High School student should exhibit a mastery of those academic requirements for advanced forms of education.  While these requirements are broken down into departmental subject-matter areas, the student will have developed many intellectual skills and understandings which cut across and go beyond the academic requirements for college entrance.

By graduation the St. Xavier High School student should have a basic knowledge of the major doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church.  The graduate also will have examined his own religious feelings and beliefs with a view to choosing a fundamental orientation toward God and establishing a relation ship with a religious tradition and/or community.  What is said here, respectful of conscience and religious background of the individual, applies to the Catholic and non-Catholic graduate of St. Xavier High School.

By the time of graduation, the St. Xavier High School student is well on the way to establishing his own identity.  The graduate is also on the threshold of being able to move beyond self-interest or self-centeredness in significant relation ships with others.  In other words, he is beginning to be able to risk some deeper levels of relationship in which one can disclose self and accept the mystery of another person and cherish the person.  Nonetheless, the graduate's attempts at loving, while clearly beyond childhood, may not yet reflect the confidence and freedom of a mature person.

Committed to Justice
The St. Xavier High School student at graduation has achieved considerable knowledge of the man needs of local and wider communities and is preparing for the day when he will take a place in these communities as a competent, concerned and responsible member.  The graduate has begun to acquire the skills and motivation necessary to live as a man for others.

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