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Children with special education needs:

The Government will establish a special needs education support system including the provision of appropriate learning materials and a barrier-free environment within school compounds used by children who are blind, deaf, mentally handicapped and physically handicapped to meet the needs of the physically challenged child.

The Government will enact appropriate building regulations that ensure that the designs of new schools take account of the special education needs children and promote an integrated system whereby children with mild disabilities are taught in regular schools

The Government will also establish/strengthen institutions for children with severe and profound disabilities.

Provisions will be made to meet the educational needs of children in need of care and protection – in particular children of the displaced and returnees; street children; child labourers, militarized children; children of coastal fishing communities and children from urban and rural economically disadvantaged communities – through the development of a multi-pronged approach to education provision which, along with education, will include financial support, counseling, shelter, food, clothing, recreation and medical care.

Early Childhood Development (ECD)


The objectives of ECD are to:
Promote the holistic cognitive, emotional, social and psycho-motor growth and development of the young child. ECD will aim to foster the holistic development of children in an environment in which children feel secure, are stimulated and have opportunities to play, explore and develop.

The ECD curriculum will provide for cognitive stimulation and inculcation of psychomotor skills. It will also foster the development of early affective skills using culturally appropriate learning activities.

Emphasis will also be put on good hygiene and sanitation practices, proper feeding, adequate nutrition, immunization and growth monitoring as well as on the enhancement of existing positive cultural child-rearing practices.

Somali language will be the medium of instruction.

The Puntland State government intends to initiate and strengthen the ECD system. To do this, it will:

  • Promote the growth of a home based ECD programme to reach parents and care givers in their homes as well as in the ECD centers for 0-5 year old children.
  • Support children and care givers, particularly mothers, so that children under their care are well nourished and healthy.
  • Provide integrated care, support and nurturing that meet the psycho-social, health and educational needs of children through activities that encourage play, exploratory behavior, early cognitive growth and manipulation of objects.

  • Encourage communities to play active roles in the development of local structures for the better care of young children, including the training of parents and other caregivers on how to provide opportunities for their children in developing life skills such as feeding themselves, washing, dressing and problem solving.
  • Encourage communities to set up ECD centers in urban and rural locations including nomadic areas.
  • Support the development of a multi-sectoral approach with regard to the provision of ECD that involves the MOE, health workers, local authorities, development partners and the private sector.
  • Infuse major elements of ECD into the Koranic education curriculum for children in this age bracket.
  • Ensure the development of appropriate linkages between ECD and primary school education.
Education System
Primary Education
Secondary Education
Higher Education
Vocational Education
Non Formal Education
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