Hashem Matir Asurim - Hashem Frees the Imprisoned - Harav Yitzchak Gin...
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Hashem Matir Asurim - Hashem Frees the Imprisoned - Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh - 16:28 - Jan 22, 2008

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Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh teaches a new nigun at the Yud Shevat farbrengen 5768 (2008). The nigun is sung to the words of Psalms 146: "G-d f...all » Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh teaches a new nigun at the Yud Shevat farbrengen 5768 (2008). The nigun is sung to the words of Psalms 146: "G-d frees the imprisoned; G-d gives sight to the blind; G-d straightens the misshapen; G-d loves the righteous." The words in Hebrew are: "Hashem matir asurim; Hashem pokei'ach ivrim; Hashem zokef kefufim; Hashem ohev tzadikim." Visit www.inner.org for more of Harav Gisnburgh's teachings.«

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