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Clever heron uses bread as bait (best enjoyed muted)

CrimsonSun99 4 points 5 hours ago[-]

Anyone else read that as:

Clever heroin user uses bread as bait

White House Responds to DEA Raids, Vows to End Policy

CrimsonSun99 5 points 1 day ago[-]

Hey, he's doing something about it. That's an improvement.

The Next American Revolution: Main Street vs. Wall Street | Now that American taxpayers are bailing out many of the elites of their society, the parallels to pre-Revolution France begin to appear

CrimsonSun99 -3 points 1 day ago[-]

cable can be free, and most people already have tv's

The Next American Revolution: Main Street vs. Wall Street | Now that American taxpayers are bailing out many of the elites of their society, the parallels to pre-Revolution France begin to appear

CrimsonSun99 -4 points 1 day ago[-]

Wouldnt that just mean more people watching tv?

Red light cameras issue 45,000 tickets in a town with a population of 38,500

CrimsonSun99 3 points 1 day ago* [-]

Isn't #2 really the answer for #3?

The more I read about bank bailouts the more I feel I'm a victim of the biggest con ever.

CrimsonSun99 4 points 2 days ago[-]

[citation needed]

This is what it's come to. Teenagers singing "Winter Wonderland" being censored off YouTube.

CrimsonSun99 14 points 2 days ago* [-]

Boycotting the censorship would have encouraged China to change, and remind people it is wrong.

Ya, Google will be the one to change China. Yep.

Michael Phelps: You did nothing wrong, and are being demonized only for the sake of a failed drug war. You are still an inspiration to me, and proof that potheads can accomplish great things.

CrimsonSun99 0 points 4 days ago[-]

I'm sure you can fit it all on the front and still get the idea across.

Michael Phelps: You did nothing wrong, and are being demonized only for the sake of a failed drug war. You are still an inspiration to me, and proof that potheads can accomplish great things.

CrimsonSun99 0 points 4 days ago[-]

All I see is "smoking weed... leads to bigger things"

Even if I had the money, I wouldn't buy it because no one would fucking get it.

The economy needs it now more than ever - Legalize it and TAX IT!

CrimsonSun99 2 points 4 days ago[-]

But is it something that every taxpayer should be paying for? No. It is not a need, but a want.

Dear Reddit: How can we smoke undetected?

CrimsonSun99 3 points 4 days ago[-]

Use a dube tube

We call these "spoofers"

Either yours isn't built good enough, or you need to work on your technique of smoking without any smoke escaping (ensuring the bowl is completely out, and all smoke is clear from the chamber).

Also, smoking better weed will make you smoke less... So less to filter from the air. I find the extra cost worth it.

Phelps says bong photo 'authentic'

CrimsonSun99 3 points 4 days ago[-]

Hi, this is Michael Phelps.

The economy needs it now more than ever - Legalize it and TAX IT!

CrimsonSun99 5 points 5 days ago[-]

I'd definitely call marijuana a luxury item, so no problem on taxing it, correct?

Obama Hints at New Mortgage Relief

CrimsonSun99 -2 points 5 days ago[-]

You know, this is exactly what will help alot of people right now. Including myself.

Maybe *This* Is How The War On Marijuana Ends : An Illinois jury has found a man innocent in a marijuana case that would have sent him to prison

CrimsonSun99 5 points 5 days ago* [-]

I cannot believe how you can compare homicide to a man growing a plant and selling it to people.

In previous generations we called this farming.

Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Mac 'n Cheese Expert. Special heartwarming moment at the end.

CrimsonSun99 -3 points 5 days ago[-]

Maybe *This* Is How The War On Marijuana Ends : An Illinois jury has found a man innocent in a marijuana case that would have sent him to prison

CrimsonSun99 5 points 5 days ago* [-]

Does it really matter who supplies the marijuana? Or any drug for that matter?

Drugs are not going away, they will never go away. There will always be a supply, and always will be a demand.

I hope the guy was selling it because that helps push the prices down for everyone else.

David Letterman apologizes for censoring comic Bill Hicks in 1993

CrimsonSun99 -5 points 6 days ago[-]

Uhh because they had nothing better to air?

...and I am to Blame?

CrimsonSun99 0 points 6 days ago[-]

5 internets to whoever photoshops this on there

Are you smoking pot as you read this? Who's blazing RIGHT NOW?

CrimsonSun99 4 points 6 days ago[-]

man, you're just like me.

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