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A service of the National Library of Medicine.

You and Your Doctor

Preparing for a Doctor's Visit

Did you know that doctors base up to 80% of their diagnoses on what patients tell them about their symptoms, history, and lifestyle? Just imagine—80% of your diagnosis is based on what YOU say! Preparing for a trip to the doctor not only helps you to get your thoughts in order, but also helps you better understand what your doctor is talking about. How many times have you left the doctor's office and THEN remembered all those questions you wanted to ask? Why not walk into your next visit with those questions right in the palm of your hand? It's well worth the time and effort. Get started right here!

Your Role in Taking Charge of Your Health
Dr. Marie Savard, internationally known internist, is dedicated to helping patients take control of their health. Get started right here with these tools from Dr. Savard!

Questions to Ask Your Doctor for Women
Use this handy list of key questions, organized by condition to get the most out of your next trip to the doctor and take charge of your health.

Use this Guide to Make the Most of Your Annual Doctor's Visit
Use this brochure to make your next trip to the doctor more productive. Suggestions include questions and medication forms to help prepare for your visit, tips to follow during your visit, and what to do after you leave.
Doctor Visit's Brochure View PDF [240k, 12 pages]

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