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The competition has begun! Make your responses now! Details about the competition are in the video below and the blog before this one. Also I added a "Competition" tab to this website where there are more details about the competition.

This is the video you will be responding to:

(Very Important!) Make a response and post it to this video on youtube to join the competition! To watch people's reponses to this video just click on the "Competition" tab above! you'll be able to see my video and the responses side by side! I seriously can't wait to see all your entries, Be creative and have fun with it :)


Posted: 01.12.09 | Comments: 43

Hey guys, so I hope you saw the end of the last video where I mention the competition that I'm hosting on my website. While I was snowboarding in Reno, I created a video for this site, describing how the competition is going to work. The competition hasn't started yet, so I have not uploaded the video where I'm talking into a phone yet. I am still working on adding the cool double-player feature to this website where videos can be played together at the same time side-by-side. The double player on the website should look something like this:

It'll be great, and you'll be able to see everyones creative entries. So be prepared to make a video! i'll let you know more details about it soon! I'm looking forward to watching each and every entry that you guys make, the competition should start in the coming week around Jan. 8th so keep checking back!


Posted: 01.02.09 | Comments: 66
Hot videos
Challenge Video
Submitted by: KevJumba
Duration: 1 month