Starcraft Videos

Today Blizzard has released the second part of the StarCraft 2 saga. It covers the story from the Brood War up until the start of StarCraft 2. This includes everything from the evacuation of Aiur due to the Zerg invasion, through Zeratul's disappearance and reappearance during the cutscene in the single player demonstration video.

Check out the story, screens and videos that accompany it here at the official StarCraft 2 site.


I came across a nearly 10 minute video definitely worth watching if you are a huge fan of the original StarCrafts. This video honors an E-sports player known as MYM.Testie who stood out above the rest with a 62-0 record in 2v2 play. He put the competitve E-sport play of non-korean StarCraft players on the map.

There is undoubtably hundreds of hours of video footage to sift through for this video and MYM.Snotty (the video's creater) has chosen to put the best clips of Testie playing as Terran into this one outstanding highlight reel.

To read more about MYM.Testie and to watch this incredible video click here.


Yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of the release of StarCraft. We all know what happened in the years to come, StarCraft would become one of, if not THE greatest RTS of all time. It certainly is the most widely played RTS professionally and with all the news that Blizzard has been releasing about StarCraft 2, SC1 has seen an even larger resurgence.

IGN's Jason Ocampo sat down with Blizzard veterans, Chris Sigaty, Samwise Didier and Frank Pearce to ask them what it's been like to watch the maturation of the game and what this milestone means to the people at Blizzard.

Check out the interview here.

Jim Raynor, simply put, was the man in the original StarCraft's. He was the central hero for the Terran campaign and will reprise that role in StarCraft II. His luck hasn't changed much since the first two games, he's still the underdog barely clinging to existence.

Rather than attempt to write a detailed bio of Jim Raynor for you, Blizzard has already done us the pleasure of providing one for all you die hard fans.

Jim Raynor

Jim Raynor was a Confederate marshal on Mar Sara at the time of the first zerg incursions on that world. Despite bravely fighting the alien aggressors and saving many lives, he was arrested by Confederacy forces on the pretext of destroying Confederate property at Backwater Station. When he was subsequently liberated by Arcturus Mengsk's Sons of Korhal, an anti-Confederate revolutionary group, Raynor chose to fight alongside them...

I realize there are some players who could care less about a game's story as long as it has solid game play that is fun and the replay value is good. But I would say most gamers do care about the story in a game since it's the story that pulls all of the other aspects together and really captivates you. Games have steadily been evolving into a great medium for storytelling and I think StarCraft II is going to pick up right where the originals left off, with great storytelling.

The RTS genre in general lacks games with intense and captivating stories and that is one of the contributing factors of why the genre has been at a stand still in recent years. It hasn't been evolving like the FPS and RPG genres. In '95, StarCraft was one of the premiere RTS games that propelled the genre forward and made it so popular, in the 10 years since then the genre has grinded to a halt only until recently with the release of games like Supreme Commander, and World in Conflict.

StarCraft II will build upon the success of said games, and through its incredibly balanced game play and awesome story, will revive a dieing genre; something I think we all can be excited about.

Without further ado, Blizzard's version of the story up to this point...