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Quindecim Poll

Current Question

How do you think the financial crisis will affect Goucher?

Hover over pie piece for its description or view the legend below.

I foresee major shifts in Goucher's operations. 50%
I am completely unsure. 28%
I think the school is fairly secure and not much will change. 22%

This Quindecim poll is not scientific and reflects the opinions of only those Internet users who have chosen to participate. The results cannot be assumed to represent the opinions of Internet users in general, nor the public as a whole.

  1 - 15 of 48
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All Questions
How do you think the financial crisis will affect Goucher?
What do you think of the 16 arrests (including three Goucher students) in Charles Village after the election?
How do you think the DVA situation is being handled?
What do you think of the Deckers' $3.7 million gift going mostly towards athletics?
Do you feel the housing crunch could have been avoided?
How do you feel about the campus housing situation?
Do you think the assault on Saturday morning should affect the plans for future GIGs?
How do you feel about the $1,814 tuition increase?
Who do you think will win the U.S. presidency in November?
Do you think that Goucher should hunt deer over winter break?
Have you seen more incidents of vandalism this year than in years past?
Do you think Goucher made the right decision in removing two students from housing who admitted to distributing marijuana?
Do you think the administration should have notified the campus about the "hate incident?"
Do you believe The Quindecim should promote student efforts?
Are you satisfied with the progress SGA has made so far this academic year?
  1 - 15 of 48
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How do you think the financial crisis will affect Goucher?
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