America's Next Top Picket Line

by Potes July 24, 2006 11:00 PM
America's Next Top Model

Djb: That's good. We should put her in touch with my cats. I think there's definitely an organizing unit between them.

Potes: Well, one subject that we haven't broached yet is Miss Tyra Banks. What's going on with her? Has she had any reaction to this?

Djb: We, as part of the initial letter writing, also delivered a letter from the twelve of us that was also signed and delivered to Tyra. And we have not yet gotten any response to that. And we're very curious to hear what she thinks. So we are appealing to her, and to her agent, and to her union organization to see where she stands on all of this. Because, while this really is an issue between the CW and us, I would love to hear what Tyra thinks of it.

Potes: I read in one of the articles that someone had a sign that said something like, "Tyra is union, why aren't we?" So she is actually a union member?

Djb: Yes, she is a member of AFTRA, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. And also because of her film career, I would imagine that she's also in the SAG.

Potes: Oh, her film career. Well on that note...Dan, this has been really great. Is there anything else that we didn't cover or that you'd like to say to wrap up?

Djb: Yeah, as I said, this just has nothing to do with anybody personally, and it is entirely an issue between us and the network. And it's just something we're hoping to get hammered out, and it's just a few simple requests. And I could be back at my desk tomorrow morning, which would be the happiest thing that ever happened to me.

Potes: Well everyone here in TWoP-land is rooting for you, I know, and will be following the story. We'll post updates in the forums.

Djb: Thanks Potes! And we're looking forward to successfully getting the whole show on the air.

Potes: I know! What will this mean for Cycle 7?

Djb: We're going to cross that bridge when the time comes.

Potes: Does Cycle 7 look like it's going to be a good one?

Djb: I will just say that I do believe the show just keeps getting better and better.

Potes: It does, I agree with you there. Well thanks, Dan, for taking time out of your picketing to talk to me and everyone at TWoP.

Djb: It was my pleasure! Thanks, Potes.



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