This chart is intended to show how long a US release in graphic novel format a series will take while providing how many volumes it took in Japan (in a comparable size/page format). The US volume counts should not be considered the end-all be-all information on it, as things always change.

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+: Title is still running in Japan so no final volume count available.
*: Title is still being translated/worked on for US release.
-: Title which has been cancelled in the US or stopped to change over to a different format.
USC: US Volume Count
OC: Original Publisher Volume Count
OR: Orientation
Orientation: rl - Reads Right to Left (Unflipped for Manga)
Orientation: lr - Reads Left to Right (Flipped/Other for Manga)
Origin (original language):
JP=Japanese (manga)
KR=Korean (manhwa)
CH=Chinese (manhua)