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IRI slams '300' show in Thiland
04:53:43 È.Ù
The Islamic Republic of Iran's embassy in Bangkok issued a statement on Friday to lambast screening of movie 300 which humiliates glorious Iranian civilization.

The statement said that the Iranian people have been angered by the movie produced by the Warner Brothers studio titled "300" purportedly about an epic battle fought between the Persian and Greek armies in 480 BC, but which is full of deliberate distorti ons and derogatory depictions of ancient Persia.

It is about the war between the Greek king Leonidas heading an army of 300 spartans and the Persian emperor Xerxes commanding an army of one million.

It portraits Iranians as monsters rising from the heart of darkness to destroy the Greek civilization.

Nowadays this notorious and insulting movie is being screened in some of the cinema halls in Thailand and requires special attention of the farsighted Thai people and the esteemed artlovers.

"We are sure the wise and respectful people of the kingdom already found out the message of the movie which actually is in line with the current concerted efforts by certain western interest circles to systematically demonize the Iranian nation," it said .

The movie's slavish imitation of the anti-Iran discourses by those circles is inextricably tied up with its voice-over metaphoric thrust, reflecting a subtle propaganda that feels no obligation to respecting the sensibilities of the Iranian people.

While recognizing that this is not a docudrama and its content is largely fictionalized, that it is a 'fantasy' version of a historical past, nonetheless it seems judicious to investigate why the film fails to convey a bare minimum truth about Iranian hi story and indulges in inventing perverse, demonic images of Persians?!

The movie is so overly racist, so over flowing with vicious stereotype of Persians, as a dangerous, bestial force fatally threatening the civilized free world, that conveys an implicit acquiescence to the contemporary discourses of hatred espousing a 'cl ash of civilizations'.

Although it may fit within the demands of the hegemonic policies, in today's globalized context this movie is bound to incite righteous rage by millions of people who can see through its peculiar, biased representation of a historical past the excesses o f a hate ideology over form.

The movie openly is distorting the history of the oldest civilization on the earth and it shows the producers chasing a hidden agenda.

"We feel that this movie not only has done a poor job painting the reality of the past, but also it has humiliated the Iranian culture and the reality of what Iran represented at that era," it said.

Iranian history records celebration of life, light and love. Iranian civilization from the beginning up to now respects all religions and beliefs. Furthermore, the very first human rights ideas were born in Iran at this very same era and the proof to this is at the United Nation's building today.


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