Review - Flower (Playstation Network)

FlowerFlower is a single petal, dancing in the wind, tickling the tops of the grass or soaring high above the fields, before collating into a dense cloud of vibrancy, fluttering across dreamlike landscapes.

Thatgamecompany’s second release turns the micro-organic creatures of flOw into a snakelike queue of rainbow petals, and swaps the vast Nothingness of the ocean into a number of fields, each bristling with fresh grass and beset by a soft wind.

Flower’s charm is almost ethereal and its play is refreshingly relaxing, relegating all control to the controller’s ability to detect motion, tilts and banks. Players are tasked, with no time limit or strict structure, to glide their train of petals over eager buds, instantly causing the flower to bloom and a single petal to join the line as a memento.


What Flower lacks in length or replay-ability, it makes up for in the strength of the experience; the howling wind and the looming soundtrack, the swaying grass and the endless serpent of petals.

Flower presents a message rather than a strict storyline, a visual poem constructed of noisy urban stanzas and orchestral rural verses. Its message isn’t necessarily coherent, but it has powerful themes, and elegantly introduces a longing for crisp spring mornings and careless summer days. null

Yet another champion of downloadable games’ ability to offer short but memorable experiences, Flower is powerful yet subtle; an outstanding achievement of music, visuals and movement.

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One Comment

  1. Posted February 16, 2009 at 10:48 am | Permalink

    Amazing, an absolutely incredibly breathtaking experience that nobody should miss out on!

    Flower truly encompasses the pinnacle of creativity, exploration and immersion. An awe-inspiring, magical title that brings out beautifully vibrant, realistic visuals and audio of the Playstation 3 to another level!

    Amazing, truly amazing! Everyone needs to try this!
    There is nothing quite like it on any system thus far!

    Thank you thatgamecompany, thank you Sony! :)

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