About the Hotwire Affiliate Program

Become a member -- it's free and easy. Enjoy the following benefits:

  • Earn 3%* commission for hotel and rental car bookings.
  • Earn 2%* commission for discount air and package bookings.
  • Earn $2 for every regularly priced airline ticket.
  • Earn these fees for all bookings made within 30 days of your referral.
  • Gain direct access to a dedicated support team.
  • Receive monthly payments if you earn at least $10 per month.

There are more than 20,000 members in Hotwire's affiliate program. Our best performers receive special offers for increased commission and some are able to earn more than $20,000 per month!

Top hotels, airlines and other brand-name travel companies use Hotwire to reduce their unsold inventory... at specially negotiated prices. Smart travelers use Hotwire to find incredible deals on hotels, flights, cars, cruises and vacation packages.

Start making money today... sign up now!

Affiliates must accept the terms of our Affiliate Agreement prior to joining the program.

*On total amount of booking, not including applicable tax recovery fees.

J.D Power and Associates
"Highest Customer Satisfaction
Independent Travel Web Sites"
2006 - 2008