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Whedonesque - a community weblog about Joss Whedon
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February 17

Whedonverse comic book chart positions for January. Buffy #21 comes in at no 10 and Angel: After The Fall #16 takes 47th place. So pretty much the same as usual.
Dollhouse made it to #1 on iTunes. TV By The Numbers has a pic of it.
Joss Whedon to receive Bradbury Award from SFWA. It's an "award for excellence in screenwriting, as presented by Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America" and will be presented at their Nebula Awards weekend in April.
Variety on Dollhouse ratings. Dollhouse off to "credible start" on a "fair" Friday.
The Friday TV Landscape. A look at the strategies broadcast networks have in store for Fridays. Dollhouse gets a mention. More...

February 16

(SPOILER) New Fox Friday Trailer. Featuring some new bits from "The Target". And they call Dollhouse "the new hit".
Largely positive review of "Dollhouse" from Keith Topping. Keith Topping, author of the Slayer and Hollywood Vampire guides to The Buffyverse has seen Dollhouse and rather liked it. More...
The Guardian muses on Dollhouse reactions in the blogosphere. Shoutouts to Whedonesque and Dollverse. More...
Eliza Dushku soberly assesses new role in Dollhouse. This article has made me see Eliza in a whole new light. ETA: *Buddha* Pizza? Really?
Geek 16: Joss vs Jonathan Coulton, Stan Lee vs. Felicia Day. A March-Madness style showdown for geeks where the current round of voting pits Joss vs Jonathan Coulton and Stan Lee vs Felicia Day. More...
(SPOILER) Bitch Magazine Loves Wonder Woman. Feminist film critic reviews the new animated flick and finds it to her liking. More...
Have a Little Faith in Dollhouse. Nathan Alderman of responds to Tom Shales' "venomous" review of Dollhouse. Spoilers if you haven't seen Ghost.

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