2008-11-03 17:48:28



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Making the Video

2008-05-02 18:44:10

Dear Friends,
I am sorry it has taken me so long to write, but I feel kindo silly posting without anything too interesting to say. I've also been stalling to talk about some big Scrubs news, however I've just been informed that I'm not allowed to talk about anything related to Scrubs and it's current fate. What I can tell you is that we are currently shooting 18 episodes for the 8th season. I am not allowed to discuss where one might watch them. (More news to come.)

But I can tell you that the coolest episode we've ever done is going to air on May 8th at 8:30(E/P). I directed it and it's a GIANT homage to "The Princess Bride". Dr. Cox has to make up a fairy tale for his son and he does so using everything that happened in the hospital that day. It's by far the most epic (and expensive) episode we've ever done. (Monsters, potions, evil wizards, giants, hunchbacks, gnomes – like "World of Warcraft", but Scrubs…)
I'll be posting an exclusive clip on this site in a few days.

What I really want to talk about is the next music video I'm directing and I need your help. I came up with this idea to make a music video by cutting together clips of people from all over the world singing the song and shooting the video themselves as though it were their own song. I've been talking about doing something collaborative with all of you since I first started writing on here. Well I finally figured out how.
I am a giant fan of the artist, Jay Clifford. (Formally of the band "Jump Little Children".) Jay has a new album coming out and you and I are gonna make the video together. I set up a website that explains everything: you can download the song and lyrics there, upload your own video and then I'm gonna edit the best submissions together into one preposterously cool video made by hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of people. I made a video that explains everything and it's posted on the site. So here it is:


Please go check it out; I think it could be really unique and cool and I'd like everyone who reads this to be a part of it.
There's lots more to come; I promise not to stay away so long again. And I'll keep you posted on how the submissions are coming in.

Today was the most beautiful day ever in Los Angeles, I hope wherever you are on Earth this finds you smiling.

Peace and love,

P.S. Some of you have mentioned several bands that have done similar things. Trust me, I am quite aware of those videos. I think what will make this video uniquely unique is that there is no central theme to it. Every individual submission will be an entire video unto itself and from there I will assemble the final product. (Or it will be horrible- who knows. But let's try. It sounds fun...)

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9/26/07 A beautiful Wednesday to be Alive.

2007-09-26 17:53:34

Hi friends,

Sorry I have been gone for so long. There has been so much going on and I can procrastinate better than anyone in the world. We could probably hold a procrastination contest, but we’d never actually get around to planning it. We are currently shooting episode 6 of the final season of Scrubs. I directed episode 5, and I’ll be directing 3 more this season. Bill Lawrence (the show’s creator) is directing 4 himself, so between the 2 of us, we’re directing almost half the whole season. I think you will like this last year; there are a bunch of surprises. Look for the return of almost everyone who’s had a small part on the show. Including my favorite: Hooch. (Who is actually crazy…)

I think it will be really sad when the show is over, but it will probably be time for us all to move on and start the next chapter of our lives. The show has been the most fun job I can ever imagine having; going to work everyday and acting like a nerdy goofball with all your friends is a pretty ideal gig for me. Plus now we have an arcade with classic games like “Paperboy” and “SpyHunter” just in case the job wasn’t sweet enough.

I posted a youtube video on my page of an episode from Germany. It’s pretty funny to watch. I think the same guy does the voice for me and Turk. Scrubs is VERY popular in Germany. Us and Hasselhoff; who’d have guessed it. It’s kind of funny, but as well as the show is doing in syndication in this country, it seems to have really caught on internationally. I’m told we are popular in Israel as well; which makes me (and my parents) very happy.

Many of you have been leaving many kind words about “The Last Kiss” since it has been playing non-stop on HBO. I just wanted to say that that means a lot to me, because it was a movie I really believed in and I’m glad it’s getting a second life on cable. It’s not an easy movie for a lot of people to see, but I think it’s really truthful and honest. And I like that. So thank you.

Movies: I loved “310 to Yuma”. I’m not a giant western fan, but I thought the acting and directing in this movie was pretty flawless. I strongly recommend it. I also saw the documentary “King of Kong” which is incredibly well done. It has one of the best cinematic villains (narrative or documentary) that I’ve seen in a long time.

Singers that are super cool and no one knows about them and who’s music you should buy now so you can brag to your friends that you found them first:

Jay Clifford
William Fitzsimmons
Ingrid Michaelson

All 3 are pretty much all I listen to in my car right now. Also Cary Brothers (one person, not 2 brothers) is touring right now. Check out his myspace for dates; he is amazing.

That’s all for now,
Thanks for all your kind words,
Be kind, rewind,
Be nice,
Let it mellow (only if yellow),
Don’t cut lines,
Don’t do lines,
Peace and love,

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Hi there.

2007-06-25 12:01:25


A blog for you.

Yes, I am the voice of Wendy’s. I’m actually dressed as Wendy as I type this.

I am not leaving Scrubs! (People are still asking me this all the time.) We begin shooting the final 18 episodes this August. The finality of this season has nothing to do with me. The folks at NBC have decided this is our last one.

“Knocked Up” = hilarious. The scene with the bouncer (the dude from the Office) is one of the funniest pieces of dialogue I’ve ever heard.

“The Sarah Silverman Show” = hilarious. I’ve been watching them all on itunes. She is one of a kind. (And so cute!)

If you are in NYC, go see the new production of “Romeo and Juliet” in Central Park. The performances are really good and the set is AMAZING! Unfortunately, the production I saw got rained out just as Juliet drank the potion, but I think I can guess how it ends: she wakes up just as Romeo arrives at the tomb and they live happily ever after. Man I love romantic comedies! (The actor who plays Juliet’s father is particularly stunning. He has a relatively small role, and the audience applauded him at the end of his big scene.)

Roscoe is chewing on a “bully stick” which is a treat you buy in a pet shop. Someone recently told me that it is actually a Bull’s penis. If that is true,  then man my dog loves bull penis!

I’m not sure when or why the tabloid angle on me was decided that I am a cad. I would have much rather it had been that I am secretly a dentist or that I love soup. I am in fact, merely doing what every other single 32 year old man in NYC is doing this summer. I am dating. If you must read that stuff, please don’t digest it as fact. It is probably one of the only real shitty things one has to get used to when living in the public eye, but I suppose one of the benefits of this blog is that you can hear it directly from me. I haven’t had a vacation in 6 years and so I decided to take June and July off. I am having the best summer of my life! I am so happy here!
I’m hanging out with my New York friends, my Jersey boys, my family and loving every single second of it. And yes; I am dating. When we shoot Scrubs I spend every waking hour of my life in an abandoned and haunted hospital. All I can date there are ghosts and they tend to be horrible snugglers. So anyway, blah, blah, blah. Don’t believe the hype.

I love it here. I love NYC. I love the people, the arts, I love meeting strangers on the street and talking about the most random things in the world, I love parades where people dress up as mermaids and I really love peach/pomegranate iced tea. I see quite clearly that the east coast is a slightly better fit for me.

That is all for now. I am going to buy a bike.

Peace and love. And as always, thank you for all the many kind things you write to me. You are the best fans a fellow could ever ask for.

Me (zb)

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The Ex

2007-05-11 11:51:23

Dear Friends (Ricky's),

The time has come. Please go see "The Ex" this weekend. I promise you will laugh. It is silly and goofy (like me.) It is by no means anything deep, but if you wanna laugh at some good old fashioned broad comedy; it won't let u down.

Also, for those of you looking for the blooper reel, here is the link:


If you laugh at the blooper reel; you will LOVE the movie.

I'm still working on the blog- I've been a little busy; but it's on its way.

Thank you ALL so much for your kind words and support. You're the best fans a fellow could ask for...


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Mending Wall

2007-04-26 19:33:51

Is it bad that I like to bop my head to Avril Lavigne’s song “Gilfriend”?  I think it might be really embarrassing, so I’m just telling you guys. I like her; she’s cool.

What’s up?

So yes, I don’t know why they made me so tan on the poster for “The Ex”. When I first saw it I thought it might be the South American poster, since we all looked a smidgen Latin. Or… as Latin as I’m ever gonna look. I kind of look like that kid who played Ben Stiller’s supposed Hispanic son in “Meet the Fockers”. Anyway, I’m just siked that the movie’s coming out because it’s pretty darn funny and if you’re a fan of the Scrubs humor, you will laugh your arse off. Click HERE to check out the official website.

Thank you all so much for the nice things you said about my Leno appearance. It’s funny; I was really nervous for some reason. Partly because I haven’t done any talk shows in a long time, and also because I’m still not used to doing them. I’ve been doing stuff like that for 6 years now and I still get nervous. I didn’t think it went that great and then the next day I had more positive feedback from it than any other talk show I’ve ever done. From friends, family and you all. So… cool. I’m glad you liked my geeky ebay collection- that was just the tip of the iceberg; you should see my action figures… I’m kind of like a 12 year old trapped in a 32 year old’s body, but I’m okay with it.

What else? My dream-first choice- hero of mine - actor wants to do the next film I’m set to direct, “Open Hearts”, but I don’t think I’m gonna be able to direct it this summer as I had hoped since I’m due to be back at Scrubs on August 1st. That is- if we come back. NBC has yet to renew us… They have until 5/15, so cross your fingers. Now that I signed up for another year, I got all excited about doing it and then here we are on 4/26 and still no pick-up from the network. These last 4 episodes are REALLY good. So make sure to watch. Hopefully they’re not the end of the whole series, because the season ends with quite a cliffhanger and I think everyone would be pretty pissed if they never got to see the resolution.

That American Idol thing was unbelievable last night, huh? It was so profoundly upsetting. But it was so well done. I went right to my computer and made a phat donation. I don’t have Ellen money, yet, but I definitely gave. I hope those of you who could, donated something as well. It left me speechless.

I’m off to do NYC for awhile to do press for The Ex and to hang out with my friends. The premiere is 5/3 in NYC. I’m also participating in this thing AOL is doing for the musical “Spring Awakening”.  I don’t know too much about it, but I love them and their show, so I’ll do whatever they want me to do.

What else??? I had workman at my house all week fixing my fence. I kept thinking of a line from a Robert Frost poem entitled, “Mending Wall”.  It’s a great poem I’ve always remembered from high school. (See; those tax dollars for public school went to good use.) Anyway there’s a line in it where his neighbor keeps saying, “Good fences make good neighbors.” So all week as I watched these guys fix the fence that borders my yard from my neighbor’s, I’ve thought, “I wonder if he’s read that Robert Frost poem ‘Mending Wall’? And if so, I wonder if he now thinks I’m a good neighbor since I fixed the fence and neither one of us is really sure who’s fence it technically is.” Then I thought, “I think he’s a foreigner- not sure what country- couldn’t place the accent- something European. Swiss maybe- or Danish.” Then I thought about how I wished I had a danish. Then I thought, “Who knows if they even read Robert Frost poems in his homeland? They probably read their own version of easily accessible lighter-fare prose that focuses on the power of nature.” Then I thought, “I wonder what that Danish poet’s name is? And I wonder if he’s got any poems about fences?” I will have to explore this and if I come up with one I shall slip it under the new fence. I’ll be screwed if I got the country wrong. Something Nordic; he looks like a skier. And he’s handy; he chopped down his own tree. Do you happen to know which European people are stereotypically handy with a chainsaw and enjoy winter activities? I will research further and get back to you.

Shalom for now.
Peace and Love,
Be nice,

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My Very First Super Fan

2007-04-11 19:47:00


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Blog. Cog. Snog. Frog. Oh my Gog!

2007-03-30 19:55:30

A blog is what you want? A blog you shall have. First of all, what is the deal with all these myspace spammers lately. You’d think after Tom sold the company for 100 zillion dollars he’d spend a few bucks of it on trying to figure out how to stop that. Everytime I check my page there’s something like, “I love this fucking ringtone so much I wanna have sex with it all night long. I wanna impregnate this fucking ring tone. I wanna knock up this ring tone and marry it in Vegas, then have the wedding annulled the next day. That’s how fucking excited I am about this ringtone.

I must get 1000 comments a day telling me that “size matters”. Before I realized it was spam I kept looking at the picture of the person who wrote that being like, “wow. Not what I imagined coming from that person’s mouth, but ok. Size is very important to him. But alas, I should not give them any more attention as that is what they seek. If you’re one of the people who’s clicking on there to get iphones or penis enlargement pills you’re REALLY screwing it up for everybody else. I figure if the guy sells 2 bottles of penis pills a day, he can easily afford to lay back at his crib and marvel at how grand his own penis is. “No placebo’s for me. I was born like this. I’ve also been blessed with the very first iphone and I’m currently banging one of the hotter ringtones in Santa Fe.

By the by: please don’t send me anything HTML; especially in the comments section. Don’t get me wrong, I love an animated unicorn waving “Thanks For the Add” as much as the next guy, but I disabled those things because they make your page all wonky. And no one likes a wonky page.

Okay- enough myspace business. Shalom. How are you? I am good. We just wrapped the 6th season of Scrubs!!!! Fear not, when we ended there were about 9 episodes finished waiting for their chance to air. Yes I have signed up for another year. Although tales of my new “arrangement” have not been very accurate. Needless to say, I am in and it will happen as long as NBC renews us for another season; which they have yet to do. ABC which actually owns the show (through Touchstone) has said that if NBC doesn’t pick it up, they will for what would be the final season. So, I feel pretty optimistic that it will happen. All the actors and writers want it to happen. So many of you ask me if we have as much fun making the show as it looks. The answer is yes. We always say, “Okay, I don’t know if anyone else is gonna laugh at this, but we think it’s hysterical.” We find the show’s humor very funny; which is important, because there are plenty of people who have to act in things that they don’t really find funny. We are sooooo lucky in that regard. It’s amazing when I think about it, that Bill Lawrence and his team of writers have written about 135 episodes of Scrubs. That’s incredible.

“The Ex” is coming out May 11th as you can see by the shamless plugging I am doing on my page. Please do consider putting a banner on your  profile; it really warms the heart to start your day staring at a countdown clock clicking away the milliseconds of your life as you sit browsing myspace for other liberal dog-lovers who love The Clash, long walks on the beach, prefer placemats over tablecloths, consider “The Dark Crystal” to be a seminal film in their lives and live within 25 miles of downtown Omaha.

If you go to www.apple.com/trailers they have an exclusive sneak-peak clip of the movie that I feel quite confident will make you chuckle. My easy sell for the movie is this: if you laugh at “Arrested Development” and “Scrubs” and prefer your comedy a little on the dark side and always loved it when shows would crossover each other like when Mrs. Garrett left Arnold to run a girls school or when the Globetrotters ended up on both Gilligan’s Island and Scooby Doo, then this is the movie for you.

Put it this way, if you received this, we either share taste in a lot of the same things or you’re trying to sell me a ringtone. By the way, I should have mentioned; I hate ringtones. I think they are uber obnoxious. I am of the school that if you’re out of your house or your car, your phone should be on vibrate. Oh, and for the love of Yaweh, DON’T LEAVE YOUR WIRELESS EARPIECE IN YOUR EAR!!!!  Look, I am by no means a purveyor of “cool”. I am very dorky. But one thing I know for certain, is that if you’re wearing your wireless earpiece around and you are not on the phone, but merely waiting for a call- you should pull it out. When you do, you will probably be able to hear your brain telling you you look like Levar Burton. (Not in Roots, on Next Generation.) You were probably the same person who had a pacifier around your neck during that fad and something tells me there’s a “Dachshund Lover on Board” sign in your garage next to the albums that contain your extensive “Garbage Pail Kid” collection. Anyhoo… I digress. Please go see “The Ex”.

I am working hard to put together “Open Hearts” (the second film I’m going to direct) for this summer. But as I have signed on for year 7 of Scrubs, I am once again in a mad dash to pull it off in time to be back to work by the summer. Other than that, I’m not doing much. I turn 32 on April 6th. I thought I would feel older; but I don’t. It’s funny; I don’t feel much different than I did when I was 18. I can’t believe I’m 32. When I was 18, 32 sounded old. That’s like… people’s parent’s are 32. Yeah, so… Please don’t break down and send me an HTML comment on my birthday. I know it will be hard with so many options out there… Instead:

If you really feel obligated to get me something since we're friends and all:

For that one day, just be really nice to everyone you come in contact with. Like oddly nice. Like “what’s wrong with Chrissy”-nice.  If all 226,377 of you did that on April 6th… that would be a pretty cool present. With a number that high, I’m likely to reap the benefits.

Answers to questions:
Cinnamon raisin.
That sounds like it would hurt me. No thanks.
Wrinkly, like a stone mason's elbow.
I have several.
It depends; if it's itching and burning, I would see a doctor.

Remember Romper room when they would say goodbye to a few random names? They never said Zach. Stupid room.

Pace and love,
Your friend,

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Spring Awakening

2007-02-04 17:02:58

I implore anyone reading this to immediately make plans to go see the new Broadway show, "Spring Awakening". It is the most inspiring piece of art I have seen in far too long. I have yet to lead you astray thus far. You will be blown away!

It's about growing up and loneliness and puberty and sex and lust and struggling not to drowned in an ocean of other people's opinions about who you're supposed to be. It's like "Dead Poet's Society" on extacy set to music. It is quite simply a masterpiece.

call 212 239-6200 for tickets. Trust me.

that is all for now,

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The Most Awesomest Blog Ever Written:

2007-01-17 23:17:49

Hi friends.

Sorry it has been so long, but I promise this will be the best blog I’ve ever written. There’s a lot going on and many sandwiches in the rusty metal lunchbox that is my brain, so this may be a little stream of consciousness-ey, so bear with me.



Didn’t win, but I met P. Diddy, so who u calling a loser? He made eye contact with me and headed towards me and I was like “uh oh, did I anger Diddy?” My brain started spinning, “think of times you may or may not have pissed off Diddy. Quickly! What r u doing? Don’t look at Harley from “Lost” focus on Diddy!!!” Anyway, he just came over to say hi and that I made him laugh. He gave me a big smile and a cool handshake (that I kept up with – thank you Donald Faison) and could not have been a nicer guy.


The Globes are really fun because you get to talk to a lot of people on TV and in movies of whom you are a fan (think that’s the correct grammar- I’m sure many of you will let me know if its not). I am first and foremost a giant fan of film and TV. So when I go to these things I always feel like the fan who’s undercover amongst them. The best part is that you get to go up to people and tell them to their faces how much you like what they do. Like how I told Brad Pitt (name drop) how Babel was the best movie of the year (which it is). And now I assume we are best friends. I’m sure he’ll be calling me and my dog, Roscoe, any minute now wondering if we want to ride motorcycles with him.


Also by the way, Alec Baldwin is a very funny man. And 30 Rock is very funny. We are always playing back Alec’s line readings at Scrubs for each other on itunes. So if you’re gonna lose, he is a great person to lose to.


If you get a chance, check out the “Ross the intern goes to the Golden Globes” thing at itunes under Leno. I make an appearance at the end and I think it’s kinda funny.



Donald and I did Jimmy Kimmel tonight, so if your time zone hasn’t already got it, check it out. We sing a song from the musical (which airs tomorrow night) live. It is pretty darn amusing if I do say so myself.


Have you guys seen the video of the girl shitting in the Jacuzzi on Youtube? I don’t know if it’s real, but it makes me laugh everytime. Search words: girl, shitting, Jacuzzi. Another favorite is “Worst Criminal Ever” a small hidden camera saga of a guy trying to break into a liquor store. Man, that site is amazing isn’t it? I lose hours of my life there.


Last Call with Carson Daly:

I’m on Carson’s show on Friday night, so if you’re home and it looks like all of your booty calls are gonna fall through, please check me out.


“Fast Track”:

“Hey, Zach, what happened to Fast Track?” a fan of mine might ask. This is what happened to “Fast Track”: None of the stars of the movie (me, Amanda Peet, Jason Bateman) are available at all right now to promote the movie. It was supposed to come out this week, but between promoting the Scrubs musical and shooting Scrubs and sleeping and doing all my other projects, it became impossible to get out there and plug it. And you can’t release a movie without the stars of it going out and telling the world about it.


Part 2: The studio always hated the title, because the movie has nothing to do with a fast track. Nothing to do with tracks or fastness at all. So since we moved the date they seized the opportunity to change the name to “The Ex”, since it is indeed about a nightmare ex-boyfriend (Jason Bateman) who tortures a current boyfriend, me (Zach Braff). So in short:


Fast Track – (Fast Track) (The Ex) = “The Ex”

And will be coming to a theater near you Mid-March!


“Open Hearts”

Open Hearts is the next film I will direct. Just trying to figure out my 2007. The schedule keeps getting moved around (see above/below) so I’m not sure when yet. It will depend on Scrubs coming back and if I act in a movie in the spring.


Scrubs Coming Back?

Not sure yet. I would do another year if all the right pieces fall into place. For example: Bill Lawrence staying on as the creator/head writer, some scheduling tweaks, etc… We will know more in the next month. But thank you all for all the nice things you say about the show. And yes, we do have as much fun making the show as it looks.



I don’t know on this yet either. Bill Lawrence is writing and directing Fletch in the spring and he wants me to play young Fletch, but no firm plans are in place yet. He is still writing the script.


I met Donald Trump today. It was odd because I’ve never met a person while holding a bobble-head doll of them. By coincidence, someone had just given it to me. If you ever get the opportunity to meet a person while holding a bobble-head doll of them, you too will notice it is an odd feeling that is better felt than described. He was nice. I told him that I am a big fan of his show. I don’t watch tons of reality TV, but there’s something about that guy… I don’t know- he makes me laugh. And in an odd/superficial way you do learn a little about big business.


Parade Magazine:

The reporter asked me if I ever “get down”. I said, “Do you mean dance? Cause we have some new lingo these days.” She said “No, depressed.” I said, “Have you not seen Garden State?!” I spoke about all this quite openly when GS came out, but: I, like all of you, have many ups and many downs. Some ups are higher than others and some lows are lower. There’s a great Colin Hay song called, “I’m Doing Fine” where he sings:


“Sometimes I’m up…

and sometimes I’m falling down.

Lately my luck…

Has been dragging on the ground”


AMAZING song. Anyway I wrote Garden State about a time in my life when I was very depressed. I felt like I had no one! And out of that sadness I began to write. So many of you, in response to Garden State or “The Last Kiss” have write me such painful/yet beautiful stories of things you are dealing with in your life; emotions and memories that those films brought up for you in your own life. A woman today wrote me the most beautiful letter about her emotional response to “The Last Kiss” and it almost brought tears to my eyes. So I would feel dishonest if I didn’t say at some point that Garden State was very much inspired by my own experience and I have had some hard times, but I am not currently depressed. I’m actually quite the opposite. The way it was worded in the article, it implied that I am not currently happy. I walked into an interview today and the interviewer goes, “You look fine to me!” And I was like what the hell are you talking about I just got a fucking Donald Trump bobble-head doll, why would I not be giggling like there’s a feather stuck in my bottom?



The Scrubs Musical:

I am not bullshitting you when I tell you this might be the best ˝ hour of television you will see this year. I know it’s weird for me to say that, since I’m in it, but I am just one part of it. The music, the dancing, the comedy writing, the emotion and drama at the end… it’s really good. Please watch TONIGHT: Thursday, January 18th at 9pm eastern/pacific.  Call the neighbors, call your lover, put the dog on your lap, grab some chips, put the Jenga game on hold and enjoy.



Go to itunes right now and get Paolo Nutini’s live recording of “Last Request”. His album isn’t out till the end of the month, but this guy is talented. I get recommendations from all over the place these days, but this one came from my chiropractor. (My back is semi-fucked from 6 years of running into walls on Scrubs.) This is baby making music. If you conceive children while listening to this song, do not blame me. (but name them Zach- unless they are girls… then name them Jenga.)


I could eat ice-cream 3 meals a day. I think it is one of God’s greatest gifts right behind Tivo and carpool lanes.


Answers to some of your questions:


What would I name my Robot?   Dan

What do I do in my free time? Sleep. (sometimes blog)

How’s Roscoe? Currently barking at a squirrel.

Short film fest? Yes. Working on organizing.

Coming to Australia for the premiere? No. Sorry. But I love it there.

Will I marry you? Yes. Send pics.

What time do you have to be at work tomorrow? 6am

Why are you still writing? Cause I’m going for Best Blog Ever

Do you really think they’re still reading? Yes; somewhere it’s early.

And my favorite: “Zach, how are you?”

As Colin Hay sings in “I’m Doing Fine:


“I’m doing fine…

and thanks for asking.”


I wish for you all: mind peace.

I wish for our planet: Earth peace.


Be nice to each other and check out our little musical.


Peace and love,




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New Date For "Fast Track"

2007-01-10 19:57:35

Dear Friends,

Many of you have been asking me "What's the deal with 'Fast Track"? So here is an update:

The studio has pushed back the opening of the movie until March. The main reason being that neither I, nor Jason Bateman, nor Amanda Peet have any time right now to go out and promote the movie. As most of you know, you can't really release a movie unless the actors in the film go out there and tell the world about it. Well with my Scrubs schedule being as crazy as it is right now, and all the things Jason and Amanda have going on, it made sense to push the film back a little to give us more time to get out there and shamelessly promote it.  I'll have more info soon...

More other stuff soon too, sorry I'm SWAMPED!!!!

Peace and love,

p.s. new Shins album on January 23rd! I've heard it. You'll love it.

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"Fast Track" Trailer

2006-12-21 09:29:57

Happy Holidays to you all!

Thanks for being the best fans a guy could ask for.

Please check out this first look at the trailer for my new movie "Fast Track" opening on January 19th.

Peace and Love,

Uncle Zach

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Scrubs' Charlie Brown Christmas

2006-12-14 22:01:35

Dear All,


Check out this VIDEO. I promise you will like it.

more soon,

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2006-11-30 14:27:46

Dear Friends,

Sorry I have not blogged in awhile, but I have been very busy with the holidays and work.

Anyway I just wanted to let you know Scrubs is FINALLY back on the air tonight (thursday) at 9pm Eastern/Pacific on NBC. They scheduled us against Grey's Anatomy, so we know we're gonna get crushed. But if you're a fan of the show, please tune in.

Also, here is a music video that shows a sneak peak at the musical episode we shot. It highlights Turk and JD's gayest moments. I think it is quite hillarious if I do say so myself.

I'll post more soon.

peace and love,

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Shark Fin Soup

2006-10-21 22:22:30

Dear friends,

Hi. I know it has been awhile, but I have been uber busy. I lost my voice this week. I quite literally couldn’t speak; which is incredibly frustrating if you’ve ever had it happen to you. I was feeling very sorry for myself and then I saw “True Life: I’ve Got Tourettes” on MTV and I felt horrible for ever feeling shitty in my life- ever! I know it’s all relative, but man, I felt so bad for this girl. It truly made me stop and thank who’s ever in charge for not giving me Tourettes Syndrome. I like that show; it’s really well done.


So: Europe was a whirlwind. Mostly junkets and hotel rooms. But I did see the play “Wicked” while in London. Now I know I’m a musical theater geek- it’s really how I got into theater in the first place- but if you appreciate an amazing voice and you’re gonna be in London between now and December than you really have to go see Idina Menzel singing the lead role in ‘Wicked”. Sure, it’s a little hokey in parts, but all good musicals are. This woman has one of the SICKEST voices on planet Earth. She won the Tony for originating this part on Broadway and this is probably the last time you’ll ever get to see her do it. I loved London, Paris and Hamburg. I want to go back when I can really hang out.


Many of you have asked about the Scrubs premiere date. I don’t know when it’s gonna be. Anytime between November and January. They don’t really tell us anything.


There is a winner in the threadless.com “Last Kiss” t-shirt contest. It will be announced very soon on their site.


Bill Lawrence (the creator of Scrubs) has created a new show with two other writers, Neil Goldman and Garret Donovan. It’s called, “Nobody’s Watching”. Check out their website www.nobodyswatching.tv They’ve been doing some really funny webisodes.


What else? Nothing too much else to say… I’ve been working pretty non-stop on Scrubs. I’m going shark fishing with a bunch of friends on Sunday. I’ve never even really been fishing, so jumping right to sharks probably isn’t the smartest thing in the world, but I’m going on a guys boat who goes all the time. I hope we catch something huge like JAWS. I will mount it over my front door to proclaim my manhood to all who enter. That probably wouldn’t work. People would graffiti him and pull out his teeth to make necklaces. Also someone would probably cut off his top fin and attach it to a hat they could wear underwater at their friend’s pool, so their friend would think there’s a shark in the pool. But then when his friend starts screaming, he jumps up says, “relax it’s just a fin I stole off some dude’s shark above his door than I glued to this hat. I’m sorry. Let’s just both cool down with a little ‘Marco-Polo”.


So I’ll probably just let him go. I am tired. I must go spoon my dog.



Peace and also love,


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International Release Dates for "The Last Kiss"

2006-09-29 18:44:37


Sorry it took me so long to get these for you who have been asking. Here are the international release dates for "The Last Kiss".

The movie may not have done huge numbers in America, but in Lebanon it's gonna be the next "Titanic"!

I'm off to Paris, London and Hamburg: I'll try to write from the road.


Russia  28-Sep-06      

Vietnam 6-Oct-06       

Israel  12-Oct-06      

UK      20-Oct-06      

France  25-Oct-06      

Belgium 1-Nov-06       

Indonesia       6-Nov-06       

Iceland 10-Nov-06      

Austria 17-Nov-06      

Germany 17-Nov-06 

Poland  17-Nov-06      

Lebanon 23-Nov-06      

Singapore       30-Nov-06      

Latvia  8-Dec-06       

Croatia 4-Jan-07       

Serbia / Monenegro      4-Jan-07       

Slovenia        4-Jan-07       

Argentina       Jan--07

Mexico  Jan--07

Lithuania       Feb_ 07

Australia       8-Feb-07       

New Zealand     8-Mar-07       

Bulgaria        Straight To Video      

Estonia Straight to Video      

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2006-09-25 19:08:31

First of all, I cannot thank you all enough for all of the amazingly kind things you have been saying about "The Last Kiss". Your support means so much to me.

To those who didn't like it, your comments are welcome too. It is not a movie for everyone, and it is most certainly not a "crowd pleaser". It is however the kind of movie that interests me. There were people who said things like; "It's no Garden State...". Well firstly, I didn't write and direct this movie, and secondly; not every film I set out to be a part of is going to take on as much as Garden State aspired to take on. I am so grateful that movie resonated with so many people, but I hope that you will come along with me as I try many different things. The next film I have coming out in the beginning of next year, "Fast Track" is a broad physical comedy with Jason Bateman and Amanda Peet. And the next film I'm thinking about directing, "Open Hearts" is so dark it'll make "The Last Kiss" feel like "Naked Gun". I always want to be trying new things; that's the fun of being creative. I'm sure you all can relate.

The movie did not too phenominally at the box office, but no one was really expecting it too. The subject matter just doesn't have mass appeal. On the other hand, "Jackass 2" made 30 million dollars this weekend!!!! That's how much "Garden State" made during it's entire run in theaters.  Perhaps we should go back and have Blythe Danner's character get trampled by a Yak and Tom Wilkinson's character get kicked in the nuts. (I shall have to run this by Paramount when I am done here...) Stay tuned for a re-release.

But what ever the case may be, I will forever remember the experience of making "The Last Kiss" as one of the most fun and challenging things in my career.

I had no idea I had so many fans in Europe and Australia! So many of you have been writing and asking about the release there. I will have dates soon for all countries. Europe is very soon. I don't think Australia is until February 2007, but I'll find out. I'm actually headed to Europe next week to do press for the movie. I'll be in London, Paris and Hamburg. I'll try and post specific dates when I know them.

I also wanted to remind people to check out www.rehearsals.com.  They have the whole radio show we did on HD video. Remy Zero, Rachael Yamagata, Cary Brothers, Imogen Heap and Schuyler Fisk all playing live for a tiny audience. It's really cool and very few people seem to know about it, so you can be the one to clue in your friends if they are fans of the soundtrack.

Also, the t-shirt contest on www.threadless.com is winding to a close. You only have 5 more days to submit fot the winning design and a whole lot of cool prizes.

What else: 
We're rehearsing the Scrubs musical this week. We're doing an entire episode singing and dancing. It's so funny. I wish I could tell you some of the song lyrics, but I would get in far too much trouble. 

Great documentary: "Sketches of Frank Gehry"
Great song: Rob Dickinson, "My Name is Love"
Great adjective: Great
Great Wall: China

Peace and Love and 
Seriously, thank you so much for being so kind and supportive,


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"The Last Kiss"

2006-09-14 13:22:50

Dear Friends,

Alas the day has come! At midnight tonight (thursday), "The Last Kiss" officially opens. If you can, please go check it out this first weekend; it makes a huge difference as to how long the film will get to stay in theaters.

Thank you all so much for your kind words and support. It means a great deal to me.

It's been a long road and I'm very happy to finally share this movie with you. "The Last Kiss" is a very real, honest, gritty story about relationships, lust, love, betrayal, friendship and making choices.

Please let me know what you think; I'll be checking this site for comments all weekend.

I hope it moves you in the same way it moved me when I first read it.

Peace and love,


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2006-09-12 08:58:14

Hey all,
So sorry I've been gone for so long. I've never been so busy in my life! I'm pimping out "The Last Kiss" opening this weekend anywhere I can. I'll post a long blog soon, but just wanted to let you all know I'm on Conan O'Brien tonight. Tune in if you can.


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Boston, MA

2006-09-05 22:16:41

Hey all.
Just arrived in Boston after a day in Chicago pimping out "the last kiss". basically you don't leave the hotel. you move from room to room talking about the movie and answer lots of questions. the response from the press has been really great, so that at least makes it kind of fun. i am tired though. i met a Christian rock band in the airport. they were nice. one guy told me i inspired him to never get a day job. i'm not sure how i did that, and i sure hope he is a good musician otherwise he will track me down one day and yell at me for inspiring him. "I KNEW I SHOULDA STAYED IN THAT CUBICLE!!!! I'LL KILL U!!!" Well they were nice Christian boys, so i should be okay. I have to say when my bags didn't come at baggage claim i got awful nervous. i kept looking to them to see if they got theirs because i knew if they didn't get theirs, there was no way i was getting mine. they rock out to God all day long; if their bags are sitting on a tarmac somewhere, mine are in Athens. but alas, theirs came and so did mine.
The radio show was one of the coolest experiences of my life. if you missed it, you HAVE to check it out in glorious HD video on the site www.rehearsals.com on or after 9/15 when it debuts. it was spiritual. I talked to the Remy Zero guys about doing a charity rock show that i'm gonna put together this December in LA and they said yes. Yamagata is soooo cool and is gonna come to the movie's premiere in la on 9/13.
I'm off to NYC tomorrow night. Rachel and I are introducing Elton John on this "Fashion Rocks" show on thursday. Then i do the Today show and TRL with Rachel on Friday, then we have a New York screening, then I fly to Toronto for the film festival where the movie premieres on 9/10. Then back to nyc to do Regis and Conan. Then back to LA on Wednesday to do return to Scrubs. It's kind of crazy, but fun sometimes too.
On the plane I watched this amazing documentary about Enron called, "Enron: the smartest guys in the room" check it out if u get a chance; it really breaks down how evil these guys were and really explains it in laymens (or lame-man's--- don't know) terms. also saw "Inside Man" which was good and "Team America" which was pretty funny. especially the puppet sex.
tonight i think i'll watch "the talented mr. ripley" i've never seen it. okay- sorry for the tired, cabernet induced rambling. i am sleepy. don't forget to submit t-shirt ideas to www.threadless.com/loves/thelastkiss There are many very cool prizes. In addition to all that is listed on threadless, i'm gonna also throw in some Now and Laters (strawberry) and some Big League Chew. Remeber those bubble gum cigarettes where when you blew though them the sugar looked like smoke? who's idea was that?!!! i thought i was so cool exhaling my sugar all over town. That sounds like a good name for a porno. On that note: sleep well, Boston- or wherever you are.

peace and also love,

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2006-09-02 13:04:03

Dear friends,

Just a reminder that I'm taking over the Los Angeles radio station "indie 103.1" tomorrow (September 3rd) from 1pm to 6pm (pacific time). If you don't live in LA, you can pick up the live feed off of their website at:


The following artists will be playing LIVE in the studio:

Remy Zero
Imogen Heap
Rachael Yamagata
Schuyler Fisk (with special guest)
Cary Brothers

We're gonna have a silly time and talk about good music and "The Last Kiss".

Hope u tune in,


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Wearing Your Creativity on My Sleeve

2006-08-25 10:31:06

Hello out there:

A couple of "The Last Kiss" things you might be interested in:

First, we're doing this really cool t-shirt design competition with threadless.com.  Essentially, you watch the trailer for the movie and think about the movie's slogan which is "We all make choices. What's yours?" And come up with a t-shirt design. The winning design not only gets made, but the winner gets all sorts of cool prizes like an ipod and money and signed posters and most importantly: I'll wear the winning shirt on Scrubs. So check out this link for more info:


Also, the offcial "Last Kiss" website is up. Lots of cool info and downloads. Check it out at www.lastkissmovie.com.

Also, on Sunday September 3rd, I'm gonna be hosting a 6 hour radio show on indie 103.1 in Los Angeles. If you don't live in LA, you can still hear it by picking up the stream off of their website:
www.indie1031.fm  So far the following artists have confirmed to play live in the studio:

Imogen Heap
Remy Zero
Cary Brothers
Schuyler Fisk
Rachael Yamagata

and we're working on a few more. It's gonna be ridonculous. Please spread the word.

Sorry for all the shameless plugs, but I really believe in this movie and want to do everything I can to spread the word.

Thank you SO much for all your support.
Peace and love,

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Boys Wear Short Shorts

2006-08-23 15:06:51

HI. As promised, one of my shorts from film school is now up on the site. Just click on the movie camera icon to the left of this post. It's called, "Lionel On A Sun Day". Hope you enjoy.


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Fractions Speak Louder Than Nerds

2006-08-20 21:09:17

Dear All,

So much to talk about, so I'll get right to it:

The official "Last Kiss" website (www.lastkissmovie.com) has officially been launched so go check it out. The same robots who designed this site and the Garden State site did it, so keep your eyes open for lots of sneaky Easter eggs and hidden coolness. On that note, many of you have been writing me about the 3 Easter eggs on this site. It sounds like most of you have found them, so I'll have to talk to the main robot and tell him to plant more.

Also, the Cary Brothers music video I directed for the song, "Ride" is up on Yahoo as an exclusive premiere- as soon as I can I'll post it here as well. And as promised, one of my short films from film school should be up sometime early this week.

So it looks like I'm gonna be hosting a very special, "Last Kiss" radio show on indie 103.1 on Sunday 9/3. Don't worry if you're not in LA, as I learned after the fact last time you can listen to the station streaming from any computer in the world and parts of Mars on the station's website (www.indie1031.fm).  The plan is still in the works, so I can't promise it's gonna happen; but there is talk of some very special live acoustic performances by artists on the soundtrack including the grande finale: a few acoustic renditions by none other than Remy Zero.  Now if this whole thing falls apart don't be pissed of at me, but I'm doing my best to put it together.

Also on the "Last Kiss" front please continue to check out the podcast on itunes. I think there's 2 new ones every week. The robot to your left is also offering up cool banners for your site if you're interested. I told him to leave you guys alone, but he just flashed his red eyes at me at muttered something that sounded like, "Leave the banner offering to me, bitch. Mind your own business." But it could be I misunderstood him, he does have a yiddish accent.

The myspace thing is crazy; almost 20,000 friends! Not too shabby for a couple of weeks. Thank you guys again for the nice words of support you've been offering up. I'm very clear that I wouldn't be able to do what I love to do if it weren't for my fans. So thank you.

Oh, have you ever checked out this site, www.threadless.com? They have the coolest t-shirts ever. I just bought one that says, "Fractions speak louder than nerds." And another one that had two unicorns banging each other. Anyhoo, we're gonna do a contest with them. I'll have more details soon, but basically it will be to design a shirt inspired by the "Last Kiss" trailer and the tagline, "We all make choices. What's yours?"  The design doesn't neccessarily need to have anything to do with the movie, it just has to be something that you were inspired to create by watching the trailer and thinking about that line. The winner will get their shirt made and it'll be available for sale on their site. Also, they'll get an ipod mini and a pair of ipod speakers and probably some other cool swag too. Again this is something in the planning stage, but if you're interested go check out that site, it's really cool either way.

So as you can see, my life has been consumed with spreading the word about all things "Last Kiss". We had the press junket this weekend, which basically means dozens of reporters come to one hotel and interview the cast about the movie so they can go write stories that will come out in their local newspapers or news shows the week the movie comes out. If you don't like the movie, it can be a real pain in the ass. But I'm really proud of this movie and the press could not have been more into it as well- so that made the time fly by.

Onto to the second week of Scrubs tomorrow morning. Those of you who like the super-trippy surreal stoner humor bizarre episodes (as i do) are gonna be VERY happy this season. Things are crazier than ever. 

Also, for those of you who don't know, my brother Joshua Braff wrote an amazing novel called "The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green". It is an AMAZING novel- for those of you that can read- and i guess if you're reading this you can- then check it out. He just got his own myspace page. So click HERE to check it out.

I'll post more when i know more. But now I am very tired and must crash so i can get up super early for work tomorrow.

thank again for being so incredibly supportive,
peace and love,

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An August 14th I'll Remember ALL Day.

2006-08-14 13:20:23

Dearest Friends of Last Kiss, (or as I like to call you: FOLK's)

Dearest FOLK's,

Hi, how r u? I am fine thanks for asking. I do have that ruptured disc I mentioned- but other than that, I can't complain.  Today was the first day back at Scrubs. It was cool to see everyone- but also very surreal. It always takes about a week before we all settle back into our roles. I feel a little rusty. Also a ruptured disc is not the best thing for the amount of stunts I do in a given week. I may need to bail out more than I usually do while my back heals. It turns out one of my legs is 1/8th of an inch longer than the other. You can't really notice it, but apparently that's the reason for my injury. Anyhoo, I'm being very boring!

This MySpace thing is CRAZY!!!! I'm gaining like a thousand friends a day. I can't thank you FOLK's enough for all of the kind and supportive things you say. (both on MySpace and Zachbraff.com) Every other comment starts with, "I know you'll never read this, but..." Which judging from my last post now you'll all start off with that! But I do really read them. I can't promise I'll get to all of them as it continues to grow, but for now, I'm just enough of a loser to sit there and read them all.

CLICK HERE to go to my MySpace page and become my friend. You can also click on that fancy button the robots installed to the left. We now have a banner you can put on your page or site if you want.

Also, I've been doing these Podcasts on Apple itunes that you gotta check out. They are very random, but kinda funny if you're in a silly, "I wanna see something random", kinda mood.

The soundtrack for the Last Kiss is selling like crazy. I just checked before and it was #13 on all of itunes! That's pretty ridonculous for a movie that doesn't come out for a month!  I hope you FOLK's like it. We just recorded the DVD commentary and it was pretty crazy. We all got together after not seeing each other for so long and everybody was so hyper and funny. We did one track with just me and Tony (the director). And one track with me, Rachel, Jacinda, Tony, Eric and Mikey Weston. By the end they started serving us margaritas and things got totally out of hand. It'll be the first DVD commentary where for large chunks of time nobody's talking about the movie at all. We went off on crazy long tangents.

I'm doing David Letterman on the 29th, so set your TiVo's. Or your VHS. or your Betamax's or your mind's eye. I am psyched, he has always been a legend in my eyes. I'm also starting to tour for the movie. I'm going to Dallas, Philly and Chicago the first week of September. So look for me chatting it up with your local weather man, "Dallas Reigns" or "Storm Hailsmith" or "Thunder Lightshowersberg".

oooh also, some of you have asked to see some of my short films from film school. I'm working on getting the first one up this week. You have to promise not to laugh; it is very pretentious, but aren't all good film school shorts? I cringe when I watch it now, but for a 20 year old, it's not horrible. I learned a lot making it, which is the most important thing. It takes place in the future, when the world is so overpopulated, that the government has built underground tenemant housing for the poor. They only allow the occupants up to the surface for one day a year to get some sun. The film follows this one guy, Lionel, as he climbs the many dozens of stairs from the basement level up to the surface for his  "Sun Day". It's called, "Lionel on a Sun Day".  Although
I kind of just ruined it a bit because some of that's a reveal at the end, but fuck it, you're FOLK's for God's sake!

That is all for now. Thanks for being so nice to me.  Sign up to be my friend if you're on MySpace.

Oh, before I forget. have any of you found any of the cool Easter eggs on this site? (ZachBraff.com) There are at least 3, but no one's ever mentioned them...

peace and peaceful love,


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August 7th: the best today I had.

2006-08-07 22:04:22

Hello out there...

By the looks of the number of hits this site has been getting, I appear to be talking to quite a few people. It's probably time I started typing about something interesting. Then again, most of the time when people say, "That's interesting." it means that they zoned out while you were talking and have no idea what you just said. They were either thinking about something completely different, or planning what they were gonna say when you finished. I guess we all do that. Try looking people in the eye and really listening to them; it's challenging. Someone once told me that if you want to be interesting, be interested. (That is to say; genuinely interested in what other people have to say.)

I saw Taladega Nights. It was pretty damn funny; especially the scene at the dinner table in the beginning. But the hardest I laughed was actually for the trailer for Borat before the movie. I think that is going to be the funniest string of pictures I have ever seen. It's already in my top ten from the trailer. That guy is a genius.

I was warned- but it still happened: I am addicted to myspace. It's just too much fun. You actually get to put faces with peoples feedback, so in a really trippy post-modern internet generation way, you feel like you know these people. I am quickly establishing quite a posse. Currently I'm rolling 7000 deep. If you wanna be my myspace pal, just click on the button we installed to the left of this post. (Yes, it's gotten that bad; we've added a button.)  I posted some pictures up there too; I'm still figuring out how to do the gallery thing on this site.

Remember how I told you I was doing these mini profiles of the cast members from "The Last Kiss?" Well we're releasing them as a video pod cast on Apple itunes. You can check out the first one starring Rachel Bilson and her new puppy by clickingHERE.  It's free and you can actually subscribe too it. We're gonna put one or two out a week until opening day. They're really random and stupid, but very good for killing 90 seconds.

We had the listening party for "The Last Kiss" soundtrack last night. It was really cool. Live music from the soundtrack and we premiered the Cary Brothers video for "Ride."  I'll have it up here soon enough, but I have to wait until it hopefully shows on MTV. The soundtrack "drops" (you can't not laugh at yourself as a white dude writing the word "drops" to describe an album release.) tomorrow- or today: depending on when you're reading this.

Speaking of you, how are you? I'm sorry I've been ranting about myself. How was your day?  If good, go to A. If bad, go to B.

A)  Cool.
B)  That's interesting.

My dog has a cone on his head. He had a benign tumor removed from his paw. A mowhawk and a cone are a very hillarious combo. I found out today I have a ruptured disc, but I do not need surgery. I had pasta for dinner, I need to buy light bulbs, I have to finish watching "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang" and I think Jon Stewart should be president. I even bought a shirt online that says "Jon Stewart for President 2008"  I guess other people think so too, since I saw a trailer for a Robin Williams movie where he's essentially Jon Stewart and he runs for president.

Oh- Malkovich. it turns out it's not a prank; he wants to meet me, but he had to cancel tonight. I'll let you know what happens; he is one of my acting heroes.

What else? Hmmmmm.  I'm tired. I must go remove food from someone's cone and go to sleep.

Peace and also love,


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Challa at your boy.

2006-08-04 14:31:37

Last night was so much fun. They offered me the chance to do a regular show on indie 103.1.  I don't have time to do anything now, but I talked to them about maybe doing a show once a month. I could have musicians I like come in and play live and interview people I'm a fan of. I could end sentences with prepositions. It would be awesome.

A lot of you have been reminding me that "Jump" has broken up and played their last show. We will have to find a way to get them back together- they're too good. I also have daydreams about finding a way to get "Remy Zero" back together. Maybe I could be like the Sally Jesse Raphael of broken up bands and get them to reconcile and talk about their feelings...

Sunday night is the big listening party for the soundtrack. It really kicks off the promotion traveling circus for "The Last Kiss". I'll be traveling around the country and going to Australia, Germany, England, France and many more. The movie's premiering at the Toronto Film Festival in September. I'll post the dates it's opening in foreign cities once I have them.

I've been taking flying lessons, because it's a life goal of mine to get my private pilot's license. I think when I hit 31 I started being a little better about actually following through with the things on my life "to do " list. I'm hoping to go up this weekend. It's an awesome adrenaline rush. Also hoping to check out, "Little Miss Sunshine," it looks so good.

I just got a call that John Malkovich wants to meet me and have dinner on Monday night!! That sounds too good to be true. It's probably a practical joke; I'll show up and they'll be 12 year olds spray painting my car again...

I hope it's real. He is one of the greats...

I don't care what Mel Gibson says, Purim is an awesome holiday!

peace and love,


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2006-08-03 15:48:55

Hey all,

If you live in Los Angeles, tune into Indie 103.1 tonight at 7:00.
I'm taking over the airwaves for an hour to play music and talk about all things "Last Kiss".

And thanks to you guys, "Jump, Little Children" is my new favorite band. I've been listening to the song "Mexico" on repeat all day long!

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2006-08-01 14:56:51

Hey all,

Longer post to come, but I wanted to let you know I officially have my own space at myspace. Click HERE if you wanna be my friend.

Also there's a cool contest we're doing for the soundtrack where you can win tickets to the listening party this sunday night in Los Angeles. So click HERE to go to the Soundtrack's myspace page.

I'll post more soon, we have lot's to talk about: Mel Gibson hates Jews, who coulda guessed it. I want my money back for "Bird on a Wire"...

               "I HATE MATZAH !!!!"

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Ask and Ye shall Receive

2006-07-27 23:05:24

I don't wanna be one of those parents that whore their children out, but his mowhawk is so dope - I had to show you.

So many of you have reccomended I check out the band, "Jump, Little Children" so I finally did. They're really cool. I spent all day listening to the album "Magazine". My favorite tracks were:

Close Your Eyes
All those Days are Gone

Great band. Thank you.

I'm working on starting my own page there, but for now that's all we have. (FYI: none of those Zach Braff's are me.)

The video I directed for Joshua Radin's song "Closer" is now up under the Videos to the right. It's not the best resolution, but you'll get the idea. This week I'm cutting the video for Cary Brother's song, "Ride". I should have that one up here by next week. Also coming soon is a behind the scenes video of Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk recording, "Paperweight" for the soundtrack.

And speaking of Schuyler, go check out her music on her myspace page HERE.  She is the real deal!!!

Also, Joshua Radin's album got 4 Stars in "Rolling Stone"!!!!!
Check out the review HERE.

Enjoy. Sleep well. (Unless you're in the Eastern Hemisphere. If you are, then wake the fuck up!)

Peace and love,

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A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words

2006-07-26 01:47:03

As you can see, my Sim Arnold has his mind on one thing and one thing only: a paramedic named Randy. Randy ended up crashing the party I chose not to invite him to. Made everyone stop dancing and then started a chess tournament. This guy Randy is the WORST!

It's been so hot I shaved my dog down. The only thing I left was a mowhawk. He looks like a Gremlin. I will not be feeding him after dark anytime soon.  Thank you guys for all your music ideas. I've made a list and am slowly but surely checking them out.

There's gonna be an exciting news break tomorrow, so I'll go ahead and spoil it for anyone who's awake at 1:34am pacific standard time.  Bill Lawrence (the creator of Scrubs) has been hired by Harvey Weinstein to write and direct "Fletch Won" aka "Young Fletch".  For those of you that don't know, the original Fletch was based on a series of books by Gregory McDonald.  The book, "Fletch Won" goes back to the beginning a la "Batman Begins" and tells the story of how Fletch became Fletch. For those of you who've never seen it, go check out Chevy Chase in "Fletch". It is a classic; you will laugh till your nipples chafe against your shirt.

I know the obvious question that follows, and the answer is: I don't know yet. There are many things up in the air. Most important to me is directing my adaptation of "Open Hearts," which I had planned to shoot next summer. Plus what would my Sims do if I left them for too long. I know what they'd do, they'd all bang Randy.

We'll see what happens. But for now, I am very happy for Bill, cause he is the perfect man for the job. Not only is he one of the funniest people I've ever met, but he is a die-hard Fletch fan.

That's it for now. I'm off to finish"Munich".

Peace, love and Pudding Pops,


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Hot as an untrained Doberman's Balls

2006-07-22 22:31:00

My car's thermometer read 112 degrees today. I have no a/c. I feel like I'm in "Do the Right Thing". I can't move. I just sit in front of the fan and eat Pudding Pops. I threw my dog in the pool today to cool him off. He did not like it at all. He gave me the evil eye and then went and hid underneath a chaise. I tried to explain to him that it was 112 and that it was for his own good. The evil eye continued. Tomorrow I am directing the video for Cary Brother's song "Ride". We are shooting in the desert. I am concerned some crew members may die. Poor Cary has to be under lights!!! I think it will look really cool, though; we're shooting in an old RV lot. Dozens of busted up Airstreams and other motorhome relics from the 50's. In "The Last Kiss", Michael Weston's character goes shopping for an old RV. The "Ride" video will feature Cary singing intercut with scenes from the movie.


I think one of my Sims, Arnold, is gay. I will totally support him to be whomever he truly is, but it does come as a bit of a surprise. All he wants to do is hang out with a paramedic named, Randy. I bought him a chessboard. I bought him an easel. He couldn't give a shit. All he wants to do is hang out with Randy. When Randy comes over they tickle each other and play fight. Sometimes they watch TV and dance. I tried to get him to invite over Delores, a very attractive African American Sim who lives nearby. The last time she came over, Randy c-blocked Arnold, and spent the whole night playing chess with Delores. Don't get me wrong, I'm super siked someone's getting some use out of the board, it cost me a pretty penny, I just wish Randy wasn't so possessive. (Plus I think he dips his toes in both ponds if you know what I mean.) I'll keep you guys posted. He's throwing a big party when he gets home from work tonight- we'll see how the drama unfolds. He doesn't know this yet, but we're not inviting Randy.

Just saw the CRAZIEST thing on Dateline: This woman convinced her entire community, including her 5 kids and best friends, that she had cancer. She spent 18 months collecting donations and having her friends pay for her to take trips... turns out she was faking. She convinced her kids she was dying!!!! Meanwhile, they had video of her going to tanning salons and Walmart while she was supposed to be getting chemo?!!!

Evil wears many different Halloween costumes!

Why do I feel bad killing moths and not ants?

Peace and love,


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2006-07-13 11:49:22

Its official! "The Last Kiss" Soundtrack is now officially available for preorder on Amazon.com

What that means more than anything, is that the track listing has been published for the first time. So here it is:

1. Chocolate - Snow Patrol

2. Star Mile - Joshua Radin

3. Pain Killer - Turin Brakes

4. Warning Sign - Coldplay

5. Ride - Cary Brothers

6. El Salvador - Athlete

7. Hide And Seek - Imogen Heap

8. Reason Why - Rachael Yamagata

9. Hold You In My Arms - Ray LaMontagne

10. Prophecy - Remy Zero

11. Paper Bag - Fiona Apple

12. Todays The Day - Aimee Mann

13. Arms of a Woman - Amos Lee

14. Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk (Reprise) - Rufus Wainwright

15. Paperweight - Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk

Coming soon to itunes, but not up there yet.

Enjoy. Peace,


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2006-07-12 18:23:08

Dear Friends,

Hi. Thanks for being patient while we work out the bugs on the new site. The robots went a little crazy with “Flash” and I think that made it hard for some of your computers to view the pages. We are currently simplifying.

I just got back from interviewing Kevin Smith for this MySpace video feature on "Clerks 2". He is such a cool guy. They were out of tape and we just kept on talking. We have a lot in common, most importantly loving movies, being grateful for the opportunity to make them and truly, genuinely appreciating our fans. Kevin told me he spends 1/3 of his life online. I don't think I can come close to competing with that, but I really do enjoy exploring the net. I like watching strange videos on youtube.com and I'm gonna start getting into myspace. There are many fake profiles of me on there, so I figure it's about time to assemble a real one. I met a nice guy from myspace today who told me he's gonna help me erase all of my impostors. Talk about someone with too much time on their hands. Kevin is cool cause he's had tons of success, but he's still a really down to Earth regular dude. No entourage or handlers, just rolls up in his car alone. It is hard in this business to... sorry: "Keep it real." And he definitely does.

more soon,


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The Official Trailer

2006-06-23 14:34:06

Dearest Friends,

The Official "Last Kiss" trailer is now available for your viewing to your right under VIDEO POSTS. It explains a little more about the movie's story. I hope you guys and gals like it. The response to this new site has been insane! Thank you so much for spreading the word. It inspires me to do more and more. I've been working hard on these really funny interviews of "The Last Kiss" cast members. Stay tuned for Michael Weston explaining why he still uses dial-up, and Rachel Bilson washing her dog "Thurmen Murmen".

Have a great weekend.


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It Begins

2006-06-07 10:17:55

Welcome friends to ZachBraff.com


it's kind of like the inflight safety video on an airplane. (someone recently told me that there's never been a successful water landing-don't know if that's true or not, so please continue to listen to instructions about how to self inflate your life preserver if it doesn't inflate. Can you imagine the day you're having if you're plane crashes into the water and your life preserver doesn't inflate when you pull the string?! I mean at some point you have to start wondering if you're supposed to be dead.)

Anyhoo, please make yourself at home. My homepage is your homepage.

Please check out the exclusive first look at "The Last Kiss" which comes out on September 15th. This is the only place on the internet where anyone can see it.

This site is for you, my fans who have been incredibly nice to me since my career began. You won't find any galleries or wallpapers, it's not really that kind of site. It's gonna be about music and photography and film and most importantly: laughing.

Stay positive, check back often, this is just the beginning.

Peace and hot, sweaty, sun tan lotion scented love,


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Me and my hero, Borat

2006-06-07 10:17:18

Kevin Mazur/WireImage.com

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Video Posts

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Cary Brothers
Video For Scrubs Theme Song
Josh Radin - Closer
Last Kiss Trailer
Joshua Radin - Closer
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The Most Awesomest Blog Ever Written:
New Date For "Fast Track"
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Boston, MA
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Challa at your boy.
Ask and Ye shall Receive
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Hot as an untrained Doberman's Balls
The Official Trailer
It Begins
Me and my hero, Borat

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