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DMA Version Final
+ Digimon Info / Digi-Dex / RizeGreymon
RizeGreymon : The Great Rizing Monster


Toei Picture General Information

Level Attribute Type
Ultimate Vaccine Cyborg

First Appearance

In Anything Cards Anime
Digivice iC 10x Da-92 S5 : Episode 13


Family (Families)


More Information Bandai Picture
US Attacks
Trident Revolver
Rising Destroyer

Solid Strike
Barrel Smash
Barrel Blow
Heavy Barrel
Japanese Attacks
Trident Revolver
Rising Destroyer
Solid Strike
Crack Bullet
Evolution According to the Anime

Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to



Profile / Additional Information

A Cyborg type Digimon who has mechanized more than half of his body. He flies across the sky and defeats the enemy despite his lumbering big body. It is said that the offensive abilities produced when he fires the huge revolver on his left arm is akin to a nuclear warhead, and is impossible to defeat due to its terrible power and blazing reaction. In addition, the barrel is made from Chrome Digizoid so that it can produce powers itself. His special attack is "Trident Revolver", which gets its name from the three beam guns that fire a high-speed blaze, which is fired along with the oral-shaped chest plate and the barrel made from Chrome Digizoid. In addition, he can rush into the enemy and destroy it with his huge revolver in his attack of "Solid Strike", giving him preeminent powers akin to a solid blow.


"My Evolution" and Evolution in the Cards / Games


Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to



Gaogamon, Greymon, Sunflowmon, Aquilamon, Numemon, ExVeemon, Pegasusmon, BlackGrowlmon, KnightChessmon (White), Starmon, Vegiemon, Gwappamon, KaratsukiNumemon, Peckmon, Leppamon, Growlmon, Airdramon

Warp Evolution



Gaiomon, Owryumon, BanchoLeomon, PlatinumNumemon, Daemon, Seraphimon, MirageGaogamon, Rosemon, WarGreymon, WarGreymon (X), Gallantmon, VictoryGreymon, Sleipmon, JumboGamemon, Ravemon, KingChessmon, Burpmon


USA Name / RizeGreymon

Japanese Name / RizeGreymon

Origin / English. Rize means to burn something down to te ground. Grey is a misspelling of great*

Origin / English. Rize means to burn something down to te ground. Grey is a misspelling of great*

* Name meaning taken from Megchan's site


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