Tuesday, 29th April 2008 - A Few Tidbits

Never thought i'd be posting any more news, but there are a few things regarding TCOAH that need to be reported.

Firstly, I have my own website up which contains much of the music from TCOAH (including previously unreleased tracks). http://www.clarkycat.com/

Secondly, i've found time during my lunch to work on the TCOAH Cookery System. I'll be making the system easier to use and remove the need for anyone needing to script at all for it. Plus, it's going to use a proper database system (for now it's using the Bioware database but I will be doing a conversion to NWNX as well).

That's all for now - feel free to email me if you have any questions on either items (I won't be updating news here so regularly!).

Thursday, 7th June 2007 - Some Important News

It's been a while since I posted anything here. I know I really should have released some updates for the Cookery System by now. Perhaps some CEP / PRC specific downloads, maybe even a modular update? But all has fallen silent here.

I plan at some point to update these things, but i've slowed right down for good reason.

I started TCOAH because I wanted to make a game, and because I wanted to make it the best possible showcase of what I can do. I wanted to get into the industry and make games professionally....and that's exactly whats happened.

I've recently started at a very large and well known games studio, working on one of the biggest RPG titles in production. Its exactly what I wanted to do, but now I feel as if i've neglected my project.

Hopefully very soon, when the dust has settled and I get more comfortable in my new dream job, I can come back to TCOAH and fix up all the things I wanted to do.

I very much doubt now that the module itself will reach completion. However, I will be fixing up every asset i've created and releasing them independently. You'll be able to play with all the phenotypes, heads, creatures, armors along with the scripts.

Monday, 7th May 2007 - Cookery Skill Public Beta Released!

Some great news! The Cooking System V.1.0 Public Beta is finished! Seriously, its done, it works and i'm really happy how it turned out.

You can check it out on NWVault here.

Please, if you have any comments / suggestions about the system (positive or negative) email me. Everything gets taken on board and the system is open to balancing and changes. :)

Wednesday, 11th April 2007 - Cookery Skill in Beta Testing...

Just a quick update to say that the Cookery Skill has just entered final testing. It's initial public release, 1.0, shouldn't be too far away now. Whats more, there's so many things planned already for 2.0 that i'm feeling really confident about how this system is going to fare.

More news coming when it happens!

Tuesday, 20th March 2007 - Cookery Skill approaching release!..

So, what's been happening lately?

Well, i've left my job and am now pursuing my dreams as best I can. There's some work lined up in a few weeks time at a lage game development house, and until (and after) then i'm going to be working on TCOAH.

I've modified the website a bit now, so that those of you running at lower resolutions should be able to use the Map section properly.

Also, TCOAH's Cookery Skill and subsystem is going to be released as part of my effort to share the work i've been doing over the past year (or two?!). A call for testers (PW testers) has gone up at NWVault and i'm now waiting for people to get back to me.

If you're interested, just click the "Contact Me" button at the top and send me a message.

Keep an eye out for new updates. I'll be posting screenies soon enough, and i'll be keeping the forum updated with the latest as it happens.

Wednesday, 28th February 2007 - I'm not dead!!...

I live! And, though its been very quiet around here, I am still working on the mod.

So, let me catch you up with whats been going on -

As you might know by now, my work near enough consumes all my time, and its making doing anything near enough impossible. I'm also looking for another job and trying to get my Hub website uploaded. Add to this the time needed to work on TCOAH and its a difficult mix. I haven't found much time to do anything, and when there is time I usually have to use it trying to find work.

However, it looks as though i'll be able to work some more on this soon. I'm planning on getting this all sorted and getting back to regular updates. I dunno, if it comes to me leaving my job for this then so be it. I'm determined to finish this project...at any cost.

Hopefully next time I post it'll be with a great update and the promise of many more to come!

Wednesday, 31st January 2007 - Take a look...

Another day off, this time without the other half (she's at Uni today), so i've got some more time to get stuck into work.

No screenies just yet, though there may be some later on today.

I'm going to make more of an effort to post the daily workings up on the Forum. Just check the General News section for quick updates.

Wednesday, 10th January 2007 - Quick Update!

I had a day off from work today so I got stuck in to working on the module once more. I've been doing some texture work today, and thought i'd upload a little screenie of some of the clothes i've been doing.

Anyway, there'll be more later in the week.

Saturday, 6th January 2007 - Hello Again!!

The move was an absolute nightmare, but i'm glad to say that finally we're settled in and the internet is up and running.

We're still having to clean up the old place in our time off, but that doesn't mean that i've stopped work on this. I'm hoping that soon i'll be able to find the time to get this done.

Anyway, keep checking back for updates!

Thursday, 28th December 2006 - Merry Christmas!

Ok, so its a little late, but with the family being over and work (ack, that dreaded word) stealing most of my time i've had few hours to actually post something up on here.

Things should pick up again soon though. That is, once i'm settled into my new place (perhaps I forgot to mention? I'm moving! (I know, fantastic timing!)).

Tuesday, 5th December 2006 - Site Updated!!

It is with great pleasure that I tell you...the site has been updated! *phew*

It was quite the struggle, trying to get all the code to work nicely together, but it seems to work so far. Its only been tested on IE but it should work with other browsers. However, you will need to have Javascript enabled.

The Map section is now completely replaced. There are 2 Map systems - A detailed map, which allows you to view some key areas in the world and zoom in at great detail, and a regional map that gives you information on every region in the world.

Suffice to say, it took long enough to code but I think its been worth it. I'm very happy how its turned out, and I hope you will be too! Just remember to check back from time to time. I'm planning on updating it as the modules progress.