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Button up with your favorite series

Do you like free stuff? Of course you do. Here's a cool tip from Pop reader Lindsay L.:

"NBC is giving away buttons for fans to show their Emmy support," she writes. "I'm sure fellow Pop Candy readers will appreciate the 'Baldwin/Fey All The Way' and 'Believe in Steve' buttons as much as I do."

Other free buttons support Friday Night Lights, Heroes, Saturday Night Live and Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Get them while supplies last!

The week in Pop: My favorite things

Despite all of the Lost hysteria, I did manage to hear a few tunes and read a few books this week. Check out my picks, then share your own in the comments:

Best TV show I watched: Lost. The finale delivered on all counts: It was suspenseful, heartbreaking, humorous and satisfying, with a dash of romance and sweaty Sawyer thrown in for good measure. You won't find me complaining ... until around September, when I'll start getting antsy for Season 5.
I also enjoyed: Top Chef, This American Life's touching story of Memphis fighters ... and HBO's Recount movie wasn't so bad, either, partly thanks to Laura Dern's scary clown makeup.

HeavymetalBest movie I saw: Heavy Metal in Baghdad. I wrote about the documentary the other day -- it's definitely worth checking out, even if you're not a news junkie or a heavy metal fan. (I wouldn't say I'm either.) The film showcases the power of music worldwide, especially for those who truly need that release rock 'n' roll can offer. If this band ever makes it to the States, they can scream in my living room anytime.
I also watched: Knocked Up again, and on tap this weekend are Son of Rambow and (maybe) Sex and the City, if I feel like braving the fashion-forward crowds.

Best book I read: Right now I'm loving Issue 27 of McSweeney's. It's the coolest thing these guys have put together in awhile, which is saying a lot, since all of their issues offer a special experience. This one comes in a box, and you get three small books: One is a short-story collection with work by Stephen King (!), Larry Smith, Jim Shepard and others. Another is a catalog from the recent art exhibition that featured work from David Shrigley, Andy Warhol, Raymond Pettibon, David Mamet and more artists. And then, best of all, the issue includes an Art Spiegelman sketchbook! The whole thing costs $24, but that's only $8 a book when you think about it.
I'm also reading: The other night I cracked open Tank Girl: Armadillo! by Alan C. Martin (Titan, $9.95). It's a book of Tank Girl stories, which is a little weird, because it's the first time anything about Tank Girl has been published in anything other than comics form. However, once you get rolling, the voice eases back into your brain, and she hasn't lost any of her edge with age. Also, I enjoyed the first issue of Vertigo's House of Mystery (by Fables' Bill Willingham and Matthew Sturges). It's sort of Lost-esque, in that several folks are trapped in a purgatory-like setting for mysterious reasons.

Best album I heard: I got an early copy of that Baseball Project disc with Peter Buck, Scott McCaughey and friends, and I really loved it ... even though I don't know much about baseball. The songs are super-catchy and jangly and the concept reminds me of the Billy Bragg/Wilco collaborations. It comes out July 8, and it's bound to educate and entertain listeners of all ages.
I'm also listening to: I still like that We Are Scientists record, though my spouse is going through a random jam-band phase, which I've been battling. (I can take those dudes in small doses, but five hours of Phish is way too much for me.)

What pop culture turned you on this week? Share your picks in the comments.

I'm looking for some new shows ...

Just like Dwight Schrute only cares about bears, beets and Battlestar Galactica, I've been criticized for rarely straying from certain TV shows: namely, Lost, The Office and, well, Battlestar Galactica.

TvscreenNow that the regular TV season has ended, though, it's time for me to break out of my comfort zone. Starting tomorrow, I've resolved to try at least one new series every night for a week. Who knows? Maybe I'll even like some of them.

If there's a show you'd like me to check out -- even if it's in summer reruns -- drop me a line via e-mail or the comments. Feel free to tell me why it's awesome, or even why it's so horribly ridiculous that I must see it. Currently, the only shows I'm regularly watching are Top Chef, Doctor Who, This American Life and (duh) Battlestar Galactica.

Look for daily recaps of my viewing habits next week.

Who could've been in the coffin?

OK, I'll bite: Let's do one more Lost post before the weekend. Last night's episode was just too good to ignore.

And the "alternate endings" shown on Good Morning America are too fun to overlook. This morning the show aired a couple other takes on who could've been in that coffin. It appears Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were concerned that footage might leak online ahead of time, so they wanted to be prepared.

You can see the creepy takes right now on GMA's website (click on the far right) or in this post. I think I would've been pleased with any outcome, but the one we saw was definitely the best.

More Lost: Here's an interview with Harold Perrineau about last night's episode. It's full of spoilers, so don't look if you haven't caught up! It's also full of comments that might surprise you.

Also, Pop reader Larry Fire has posted Kate's creepy phone call and a few other tidbits on his blog. On Monday I'll post your party pics and the best of the comments.

Be back shortly ...

I have to leave my desk for a little while, but I'll be back later this afternoon. Thanks for your patience!

Coens' 'Reading' is fundamental

I have high hopes for the new Coen brothers movie, Burn After Reading, after seeing the trailer. (Note: This "red-band" preview contains some spicy language.)

The film stars Frances McDormand and Brad Pitt, who I'm now convinced is aging backwards. They play bumbling gym employees who stumble upon a CIA agent's memoirs. George Clooney, Tilda Swinton and John Malkovich also star in the caper comedy. After serious epics like Babel and The Assassination of Jesse James ..., it's refreshing to see Pitt cracking jokes and doing stupid dances on the big screen.

You can also view the high-definition trailer on iTunes. The movie opens Sept. 12.

How 'Lost' fans spend their summer vacations

Did everyone catch the Dharma-themed commercial during last night's Lost? A spot for something called Octagon Global Recruiting aired during the finale; if you missed it, you can watch it on YouTube.

The short ad says the mysterious organization, acting on behalf of the Dharma Initiative, will be holding a "national recruitment drive" July 24-27 in San Diego. This happens to coincide with Comic-Con, where Lost fans gather for a popular panel each year. (I'll be reporting from there live again this year, so no worries if you can't make it.)

Head to the Octagon website to register for updates. Cheers to the producers for giving us something to do during the long hiatus ...

Pop forum: Talk amongst yourselves

Today's featured reader is also probably tired from watching Lost last night, though he sent a memorable photo. Say hello to him in the comments, and feel free to submit yourself as a reader of the day via e-mail. All it takes is a low-res photo and your screen name!

Reader of the day: Mad Ferrett

Candysam_2Real name: Sam Moody
Why I chose my screen name: Homage to Oasis -- Are you Mad Ferret? (Manchester slang for are you Mad For It?)
Where I live: Atlanta
Occupation: Insurance

One famous person I've actually met: Robert Guillaume (Benson) was in a elevator in Birmingham, Ala. I said, "Benson?" He reached out his hand, said, "Robert." Guess he did not like that; it was a long elevator ride the rest of the way in total silence.

People say I resemble: Ducky from Pretty in Pink. I think it was due to the year I only wore white leather shoes.

Read more

Early buzz: Guitar songs, Joan Jett, Coreys and more

Happy Friday! I'm still a little groggy because I was up so late reading Lost comments ... I think last night's finale really delivered, and it's a shame we'll have to wait until 2009 to find out what happens next. Keep adding to the thread, and don't forget to send me any pics of your parties.

Onward with some headlines:

- The wonderful Harvey Korman has died. He was 81.

- A bunch of Cosby sweaters are being auctioned for charity.

- Can you imagine what an Emily the Strange movie is going to be like?

- Bill Murray is back on the market.

- AMC's Mad Men returns July 27.

- Rolling Stone counts down the "100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time" in its new issue.

- David Byrne and Tim & Eric are among those who will receive special Webby Awards this year.

- Joan Jett will appear on an upcoming episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

- Here's an update on the Wire cast, since we've been spotting them everywhere lately.

- Another season of The Two Coreys starts June 22, even though Haim and Feldman aren't as close anymore.

- Pop reader terrastrana points out that young Locke's comic book from Lost is being posted online.

- is playing 10-minute previews of tonight's episode of Battlestar Galactica every hour.

- Here's a preview of the Venture Bros.' third season premiere and an interview with series creator Jackson Publick.

- Neil Gaiman is reportedly penning an episode of Doctor Who. (Thanks, Eric D.)

- Bonnaroo has released its schedule for the weekend.

- How awesome is the stage version of Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas going to be? Thanks to apronk for the tip.

- Here's a list of extras on the upcoming Office Season 4 DVDs.

- And finally, Elizabeth Berkley has been cast in the Donnie Darko sequel? OK, this is officially gonna suck.

Let's talk 'Lost': The season finale

Blood, sweat and tears! Shirtless Sawyer! Time-traveling bunnies!

LostfoxI'm excited and a little sad to post the final Lost discussion thread of the season. Before you share your thoughts about the episode, don't forget these guidelines:

- Try not to repeat previous observations.

- Respect other commenters.

- Stay on topic.

- Warn us before posting spoilers (though I'm not sure how many of us have info on next season!).

Pass the Dharma rum, and let's begin ...