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If you like what you've read on our site and would like to share the story with a wider online audience, you can use our "Share This" feature. At the foot of every article we have included "quick-link" buttons. Each of these buttons will automatically take the URL of the story and add it into some of the most popular social content network sites (sites where the importance of the content is rated by the users) on the Internet.

Each of these sites is a virtual community of users so to use the "Share This" feature you will be asked to register an account with each of them if you are visiting for the first time. Once that's done you can add as many of our stories as you want, and start meeting other users who have similar interests to yours. – Originally a technology site, Digg has now branched out into a wider range of topics, including entertainment and business. Click the Digg button at the foot of an article to add the story and other community users will then "digg", or rate, your selection. The more people like your story, the higher up the digg home page it will go. Learn more about – One of the most popular social bookmark websites. is a way of storing all your favourite web-pages and then sharing then with the other users of the service. Once you have added your page you can also add your own keywords, or tags, making the content of the page easier to find for all the other users. Learn more about

Fark – Fark is a news aggregator and an edited social networking news site that allows users to comment on a daily batch of news articles and other items from various websites. Learn more about Fark

NewsVine – NewsVine is one of the leading online news communities, letting you decide which stories are important. NewsVines users can write their own articles, seed articles (which is what you’ll be doing by adding in links to our stories) or comment on existing articles on the site. With NewsVine you get to be editor of your own news by deciding which stories really matter, and your opinions will alter the overall ranking of the stories on the site. Read more about NewsVine

Facebook - A rapidly growing social networking site that connects you with people you know, allowing you to share photos and your latest news, as well as enabling a host of other activity including games and book reviewing. maintains a group on Facebook that allows you to connect with other readers and meet the staff – search for the group “ readers and people”.

Kwoff  - A new Australian social media site that allows you to share links and have your content voted onto the front page. It's like Digg, but much less tech-focused.Read more about Kwoff.

MySpace - Create a community on MySpace and you can share photos, news, journals and interests with your growing network of mutual friends! Read more about MySpace.