What is RSS?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, a format for distributing Web content.  Content syndicated as RSS may vary, but the format is most often used to distribute materials that are either dynamic or frequently updated, such as news stories, blog entries, or discussion forum comments. Many Web sites offer RSS feeds; examples include portals such as Yahoo and Google, as well as many personal blogs.  By providing RSS on a Blog, users can receive current information without having to visit the original site. All that’s required is a Web based newsreader platform or installed newsreader software. Many recent browsers such as Mozilla and Safari will display a feed icon allowing a user to directly add a feed to a newsreader.

What will my feed contain?

An RSS feed will display the most recent entries from the original site. The feed will change as new content is generated. 


What NewsReaders are recommended?
The following list includes the most common newsreaders for Windows and Mac Os.



Mac Os


How can I subscribe to this site’s RSS Feed?
If you subscribe to any of the following services, click on the appropriate icon on the blog’s home page. Enter any relevant account information, and the feed should be provided automatically.


How can I add this site’s RSS to a News Reader?

Please follow the instructions below:

  1. "COPY" this entire URL, substituting the site’s primary domain name in the location indicated: http://www.[site domain].com/index.xml
  2. Click "Subscribe" button in your newsreader software.
  3. "PASTE" the url address into the "URL" column of the newsreader "Subscribe" dialog.