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«Αριθμός, το πάν»


Online Presentations

Function/data graphs were done with Maple and THINK Pascal and geometrical schematics with EucliDraw.

Refereed Journal Papers (in order of publication)

  1. "On An Application Of Lambert's W Function to Infinite Exponentials", Complex Variables, 49(11) (Sep. 2004), 759-780. pdf.gif
  2. "On Solving the p-th Complex Auxiliary Equation f(p)(z)=z", Complex Variables, 50(13) (Oct. 2005), 977-997. pdf.gif
  3. "Lambert's W Function and Convergence of Infinite Exponentials in the Space of Quaternions", Complex Variables, 51(12) (Dec. 2006), 1129-1152. pdf.gif
  4. "Corrigendum for 3", Complex Variables, 52(4), (Apr. 2007), 351. pdf.gif
  5. "Explicit Solution of the Kepler Equation" (jointly with Alexandr Dubinov), Physics of Particles and Nuclei, Letters, 4(3) (May 2007), 213-216. pdf.gif
  6. "On Some Applications of the Generalized Hyper-Lambert Functions", Complex Variables, 52(12) (Dec. 2007), 1101-1119. pdf.gif
  1. "On The Convergence of Series With Infinite Exponentials and Iterated Factorials". pdf.gif
  2. "On Extending hyper4 and Knuth's Up-arrow Notation to the Reals". pdf.gif
  3. "On a Conjecture Between the Asymptotic Densities of φ and the Timing of the GCD Algorithm and a Tetration Function". pdf.gif
  4. "An Almost Everywhere Analytic Extension of Tetration" (work in progress). pdf.gif
Acknowledgments Citations
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